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                                                                                                                                      Saturday 12 September

  In this May 19, 2015 file photo, Transportation Secretary An-                      In this file photo from Friday, Sept. 19, 2014, people wait to buy the new Apple iPhone 6 and 6 Plus
thony Foxx speaks at the Transportation Department in Wash-                          devices outside an Apple store in Hong Kong. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Associated Press 
                                                                  Associated Press 
                                                                                     Out with the old...iPhones? 4
Automakers commit                                                                    ways to reuse, resell, recycle 

to put automatic                                                                     BARBARA ORTUTAY                About 60 percent of the        would rake in $220.
                                                                                     AP Technology Writer           phones it collects are re- also offers to
brakes in all cars                                                                   NEW YORK (AP) — Each           furbished and resold. The      help you resell your old
                                                                                     year, Apple dazzles its de-    money goes toward sup-         phone. A recent check
JOAN LOWY                                                                            voted fans with faster,        porting the coalition. The     showed the same iPhone,
Associated Press                                                                     sleeker, more powerful         remaining 40 percent of        with charger included, get-
WASHINGTON (AP) — Ten automakers have committed                                      iPhones with better camer-     the phones are recycled,       ting you $376.10 — provid-
to the U.S. government to include automatic emergen-                                 as and a bevy of bells and     according to the group’s       ed there is a buyer.
cy braking in all new cars, a step safety advocates say                              whistles. So, what’s to be-    website. It pays for shipping
could significantly reduce traffic deaths and injuries.                              come of last year’s model?     if you are mailing three or    — TRADE IN FOR SOME-
Making the technology widely available is part of a new                              Instead of sentencing it to    more phones. The group         THING ELSE
era in vehicle safety in which the focus is on preventing                            a lonely existence in a desk   also accepts other elec-       Apple will give you store
crashes rather than on protecting occupants from their                               drawer, there are plenty of    tronics such as laptops,       credit for old devices that
effects, Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx said Fri-                             ways to reuse, recycle or      video game systems and         you can then use for new
day in a statement announcing the commitments.                                       resell older phones. Here      digital cameras.               gadgets. You can do this
The announcement didn’t specify a timetable for imple-                               are a few:                                                    in a retail store or online,
menting the change. The automakers are Audi, BMW,                                                                   — $ELL FOR $OME CA$H           where you’ll get an esti-
Ford, General Motors, Mazda, Mercedes Benz, Tesla,                                   — DONATE TO CHARITY            You can always join the        mate before mailing in your
Toyota, Volkswagen and Volvo.                                                        Several charities accept       eBay hordes and sell your      phone. An online check for
The technology is already available in some vehicles,                                old phones for donation,       phone on the site for a        the phone above yielded
but typically as an option in higher-priced models like                              though it’s worth remem-       few hundred bucks, if you      an estimated $325 Apple
Cadillac, Infiniti and Lexus. They are also often bundled                            bering that these groups       are lucky. There will likely   Store gift card this week.
with non-safety features like heated seats or faux leather                           probably won’t physically      be a flood of the gadgets      The video game retailer
interiors, making the overall package more expensive.                                give your old phones to        soon after people start get-   GameStop, meanwhile, of-
“If technologies such as automatic emergency braking                                 people in need. Rather,        ting their new phones, so it   fers cash or store credit for
are only available as options or on the most expensive                               they work with phone recy-     might make sense to wait a     old iPhones (along with iP-
models, too few Americans will see the benefits of this                              clers and sell your donated    little.                        ods and iPads).
new era,” Foxx said.                                                                 phones to them.                There are also plenty of
Automatic emergency braking includes a range of sys-                                 A nonprofit group called       other options. A company       — REUSE, REPURPOSE
tems designed to address the large number of crashes,                                Cell Phones for Soldiers will  called Gazelle will make       Even without cellular ser-
especially rear-end crashes, in which drivers do not ap-                             take your “gently used”        an offer for your old phone    vice, you old phone will be
ply the brakes or fail to apply sufficient braking power                             phone and sell it to a recy-   based on its condition, your   able to get on Wi-Fi, so you
to avoid or mitigate a crash. The systems use on-vehicle                             cling company. It will then    phone carrier and other        can use it to stream music,
sensors such as radar, cameras or lasers to detect an im-                            use the proceeds to buy        information. For example,      post on Facebook or do
minent crash, warn the driver and, if the driver does not                            international calling cards    a 64 gigabyte iPhone 6 on      pretty much anything else
take sufficient action, engage the brakes.                                           for soldiers so they can talk  AT&T in good condition (no     you want provided you
The systems could prevent or mitigate an estimated 80                                to their loved ones back       cracks, major scratches or     are in Wi-Fi range. Keep
percent of the rear-end collisions that cause about 1,700                            home.                          scuffs, turns on and makes     it for yourself, or load it up
deaths and a half million injuries annually, according to                            The National Coalition         calls), would get you $305     with kid-friendly apps and
a recent report by the National Transportation Safety                                Against Domestic Violence      this week. The same phone      games and hand it down
Board. There are about 1.7 million rear-end crashes each                             works in a similar manner.     on Sprint, meanwhile,          to your children.q
year in the U.S.q
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