Page 14 - MIN.TTC MARCH 9,2015
P. 14

                                                                                                                 Monday 9 March 2015

Daisy Gomez Celebrates 20 Years With Aruba’s Tourism Industry

PALM BEACH - Recently, a     in Aruba’s tourism industry.  work as my hobby, which      line and enjoy Island life.  uted greatly to her de-
happy occasion was cel-      Daisy thanked her creator     makes it fun, and reward-    Daisy, says Astrid Muller,   partment’s success, Front
ebrated by Daisy Gomez       for health and strength       ing. In her free time, when  earned different nomina-     Office & Reservations,
when this key-executive      over the years, and praised   not at the helm of her de-   tions  over the years, as    as it was voted depart-
of Customer Relations        her management team           partment, Daisy likes to     she was awarded the em-      ment of the year. We wish
and Yield Management,        at the resort she works at    walk, go to the movies,      ployee of the year,  and     her many more fulfilling
completed twenty most-       for the stability and tran-   cook special dishes, re-     later the manager of the     years in Aruba’s tourism
satisfying years on the job  quility they help sustain,    search different topics on   year  titles and contrib-    industry.q
                             which make the resort an
                             employer of choice and
                             a vacation destination of
                             Over lunch at the Asian
                             Bistro, on South Beach
                             Center, Daisy shared
                             many memories with inter-
                             im general manager Astrid
                             Muller, and other members
                             of the executive team,
                             expressing her heartfelt
                             gratitude to all the people
                             that have in one way or
                             another helped guide her
                             continued personal de-
                             velopment over two de-
                             cades. She also gave spe-
                             cial thanks to her family
                             members for their support,
                             patience and understand-
                             ing. Looking back, she
                             declared, I can say that
                             I’m fortunate to have my
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