Page 10 - ANTILL DGB
P. 10
10 Antilliaans Dagblad Vrijdag 20 juli 2018
hadden geen geldige belasting-
Van een onzer verslaggevers Controles kaart. Twee bestuurders hadden Huis gaat in vlammen op
Willemstad - De politie heeft bij
een controle van 56 wagens in een wagen met getinte glazen,
totaal 16 bekeuringen uitge- bij Hato terwijl twee andere geen keu- Van een onzer verslaggevers men met de brandweer de brand
deeld. De controle vond afge- ringskaart voor hun auto had- Willemstad - Bij een brand is af- geblust maar kon niet voorko-
lopen dinsdag tussen 12.30 en geen geldige verzekeringspapie- den. Een persoon had geen gelopen zaterdag een woning men dat het huis volledig af-
14.15 uur plaats bij Plaza Marga- ren hadden. Drie mensen reden nummerplaat op de auto en een volledig in vlammen opgegaan. brandde. Hoe de brand is ont-
ret Abrahams op Hato. Vier zonder een geldig rijbewijs andere had de veiligheidsgordel De brand brak uit aan de Cabo staan, is niet bekend. De zaak is
mensen zijn beboet omdat zij rond, en drie andere chauffeurs niet om. Verdeweg. De politie heeft sa- nog in onderzoek.
Het Antilliaans Dagblad had In gesprek met partner One Laser nera exitosa había explotado
gisteren een elektronisch Insel Air en su pasado reciente
vraaggesprek met Luis Kan- y una vez estabilizada la empre-
nee, een van de partners van Can you mention two or three Why is One Laser interested in will your group bring that with sa generaremos nuevos desti-
names (and their related busin- Insel Air? you? nos, que aporten crecimiento al
One Laser Group. Deze partij esses)? Are you one of them? ,,La ubicación y las rutas explo- ,,La Inversión será cuantiosa, mercado turístico de Curazao,
uit Miami is de kandidaat-stra- ,,Entre los socios de OLG, esta- tadas en el pasado por Insel Air, inicialmente estaremos aportan- fuente natural de este negocio.”
tegische partner van Insel Air. mos los siguientes: Sr. Francis- son elementos motivadores do más de 20 MM de ANG.” Will you maintain the name of
Hieronder integraal de vra- co Hurtado, Empresario de para esta adquisición.” How soon do you expect to Insel?
gen van het Antilliaans Dagblad logísticas y compras de materias Will you be working with the finalize the negotiations and ,,Vemos una fortaleza impor-
in het Engels en de antwoorden primas químicas e industriales. existing business plan of the start the operation/manage- tante en el nombre de una em-
van Kannee in het Spaans. Sr. Guillermo Salomon, Empre- interim management (or a new ment? presa que logró posicionarse
sario de la industria de alimen- plan)? ,,Las negociaciones están avan- muy fuertemente en los merca-
We have some questions: what tos y farmacéutica, para las ,,En aviación el mercado natural zando a buen ritmo y los involu- dos que sirvió, venimos a apoy-
can you tell us about the in- ramas humanas y de animales. se respeta, tenemos muchas crados están aportando sus ar a Curazao, su gentilicio y sus
vestors of One Laser Group? Sr.Luis Kannee Empresario de coincidencias con el plan actual mejores esfuerzos para concluir oportunidades, entendemos que
,,Somos un grupo de inversioni- logística, con experiencia en de la empresa y lógicamente en corto tiempo.” Insel Air es un activo de una
stas, que ha detectado una op- Gerencia Operacional y Funda- agregaremos algunos cambios y With what fleet/type of aircrafts isla que confía en su línea aé-
ortunidad interesante en Insel dor de línea aérea en Venezue- novedades al operativas.” does One Laser want to operate rea.”
Air.” la.” How much capital is needed; Insel? Thank you
,,Basados en el mercado natural ,,Gracias a Usted por sus pre-
de Insel, estaremos ensamblan- guntas, estamos a la orden,
do un modelo con equipos saludos.”
Q400 de Bombardier y los
For the Sint Maarten Medical Center, FWG is looking for a
B737-400, para con una flota De krant stelde nog enkele aanvul-
estable, cubrir las rutas regiona- lende vragen, zoals van welke
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) / Financial Director les y de medio alcance de mane- Venezolaanse luchtvaartmaat-
ra eficiente.” schappij Luis Kannee medeoprich-
Strategic, visionary and decisive
Will you add some new destina- ter was en of die 20 miljoen gulden
Company profile tions? eigen vermogen betreft. Maar de
The St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) is a non-profit organization which manages and carries out the hospital ,,Nuestro enfoque inicial será redactie is nog in afwachting van
functions serving the health needs of St. Maarten and the Dutch Windward Islands in the Caribbean. Main goals are recuperar las rutas que de ma- de antwoorden daarop.
raising the bar in regional healthcare, becoming a leading medical institution in the Eastern Caribbean Region and, on
the long term, becoming a teaching or (part of) an academic medical institute. The motto of St. Maarten Medical Center Advertentie
µ&ORVH WR KRPH¶ $ FULWLFDO SURMHFW as the only hospital on the Dutch side of St. Maarten and offer care close to home is
the building a new hospital facility.
Position and purpose of the role
The CFO/Financial Director is responsible for the strategic, tactical and operational management of the organization
from a financial perspective, in order to ensure the organizations¶ position. The CFO/Financial Director, together with the
Medical Director and the General Director, forms the Board of Directors. The CFO/Financial Director makes decisions in
the financial field and, as a member of the Board of Directors, also determines the strategic policy of the organization.
The CFO/Financial Director leads the financial department. The CFO/Financial Director reports to the General Director.
Personal profile and qualifications
and experience in developing and establishing financial strategic policy.
x Wide experience in a financial managerial position, preferably in a complex health care institution.
x Knowledge and understanding of the Caribbean ±and Sint Maarten in particular- cultural and political context.
Strong financial and analytical skills; is able to signal and analyze a broad range of developments, opportunities
Centrum Mahaai Centrum Piscadera
and threats that could affect or benefit the organization or departments.
x Political and organizational sensitivity; is able to identify and consider internal and external relations and Week 12-07-2018 t/m 19-07-2018
x Excellent communication skills; knows how to adjust style of communication to accommodate a situation or an
L. M. B. Leito R. Gomez – Cova
audience. Is able to persuade, cope with conflicting interests and resistance and operate in internal and
external networks at a high level regarding negotiations and complex deliberation in a tactful manner. Giovani Lourens B. Lester
x Knowledge of the Dutch and English language is a requirement. Comprehension of one or more other
languages (e.g. French, for communication with providers on the French Side) is an asset. M. Inés F. Vidal
R. Archangel R. F. Doran
Conditions of employment
A fulltime ambitious leading position in a professional, expanding, and continuously developing organization and an Jose Barrios Eric Servania
opportunity to contribute to the advancement of the Sint Maarten Medical Center into a stable and leading medical
institution. The CFO/Financial Director has to operate in a turbulent environment and aim at stabilizing, professionalizing Lillian Privania S. Albertus
and expanding the organization and its position. In 2019, the building of a new hospital facility will start. Employment will
start off with a contract with a maximum of 5 years. Astrid de Mezee Aparicia Francisca
Komal Vasandu Kristensen
For an extensive recruitment profile visit: . Recruitment and selection procedures for this position
are executed by FWG, where further information can be obtained. Should you be interested and provable qualified, we
request you to react before July 31 by sending your resumé and motivational letter to stating SMMC
CFO/Financial Director. Questions and remarks can be mentioned in your reaction, whereupon FWG will contact you. A
personality assessment and the preparation of a business case can be part of the selection procedure.