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                                                                      obituario/u.S. NewS Diaranson 17 november 2021

                                                                                                                     Nearly 50K still

                                                                                                                 have no power after

                                                                                                                   Washington state

             Na  een  periode  van  afnemende  gezondheid  is   “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada
             rustig ingeslapen                               Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.
             op  84  jarige  leefijd  onze  dierbare  man/vader/  E ta hibami na awa trankil,
             grootvader                                      Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
                                                             Salmo: 23

                                                             Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:

                   JOHN FRANCIS ODUBER
                      echtgenoot van Suze Boesjes
             Kinderen: Suzanne en Tommy
             Kleinkinderen: Kristian
             Zuster: †Ann en +Boy Eman-Oduber en familie
             Broer:  †  Harmen(Bupi)  en  †Bettie  Oduber-
             Giraldo en familie                                            Petra B. Giel
             Schoonbroer:  Ger  van  Mourik  en  †Hettie  van          Mihor conoci como “Deta”              (AP)  —  Nearly  50,000  Washington  state
             Mourik-Boesjes en familie                                 *28-11-1938 - †14-11-2021             electrical  customers  still  had  no  power
                                                                                                             Tuesday  after  days  of  heavy  rain  triggered
             Veel  dankbaarheid  en  waardering  gaat  uit  naar   Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues  mudslides and floods and forced the closure
             alle medewerkers en personeel                                                                   of the West Coast’s main north-south highway
             van  Ouderenzorg  Amada60+  te  Dakota.  Hij                                                    near the Canadian border, officials said.
             heeft daar zijn laatste levensfase mogen
             doorbrengen en hij werd omringd met alle zorg                                                   The rains caused by an atmospheric river — a huge
             en trederheid.                                                                                  plume of moisture extending over the Pacific and
                                                                                                             into Washington and Oregon — was easing and
             Mogelijkheid  tot  afscheid  is  op  18  November,                                              road crews managed to reopen southbound lanes
             2021 van 2uur tot 3.30 s’middags te                                                             of Interstate 5 near Bellingham, Washington. But
             Aurora Funeral Home, Dakota.                                                                    the highway’s northbound lanes were still closed
             De  crematie  zal  hierna  in  familiekring  plaats                                             in the area.
             vinden naar wens van de overledene.
                                                                                                             At the height of the storm, about 158,000 electrical
                                                                                                             customers on Monday had no power and schools
                                                                                                             in the city of Bellingham were closed on Tuesday
                                                                Love knows, No yesterday or tomorrow.        for the second day in a row.
                                                               No flood or ebb, no beginning or end for
                                                                         love never changes.                 North of Bellingham, authorities said one person
                                                               Cu inmenso tristesa pero conforme cu          was  still  missing  Tuesday  after  being  seen  in
                                                                  boluntad di Dios nos ta participa          floodwaters clinging to a tree.
                                                                fayecimento di nos kerido Tata, Welo,
                                                                    Bisawelo, Ruman, Omo stima:              And  a  motorist  in  Bellingham  was  injured
                                                                                                             when  a  tree  fell  on  a  vehicle.  Evacuations  were
             “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada                                                   ordered in multiple areas as floodwaters swamped
             Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.                                                   business districts and partially submerged cars in
             E ta hibami na awa trankil,                                                                     communities north of Seattle and winds gusted at
             Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                                                                        speeds of 60 mph (96 kph), including one gust of
             Salmo: 23                                                                                       58 mph (93 kph) at Seattle-Tacoma International
             Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:
                                                                                                             Forecasters predicted drier conditions on Tuesday
                                                                                                             but  the  National  Weather  Service  issued  flood
                                                                                                             warnings  for  several  rivers  around  western
                                                                                                             Washington. Early Tuesday the National Weather
                                                                                                             Service said there was good news in that the Skagit
                                                                                                             River at Mount Vernon would crest at near 36 feet
                                                                                                             (11 meters) - more than a foot below the previous
                                                                     Sr. Adolf Julio Kock

                         Luisito Figaroa                       Cariñosamente yama “Dolf of Dolfi”            Gov.  Jay  Inslee  declared  a  severe  weather  state
                                                                                                             of  emergency  in  14  counties  and  said  the  state
                                                                    *10-12-1940 - †13-11-2021
                      *21-06-1947  -  †15-11-2021                                                            Emergency Management Division, with support
                                                                                                             from  the  Washington  National  Guard,  would
             Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.         Acto di despedida lo wordo anuncia despues    coordinate the response.
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