P. 9

Dialuna, 20 November 2017                                      AWEMainta                                                                     9

                                                  Presidente di Parlamento Guillfred Besaril

         “Pa prome bes presidencia di Parlamento

              ta den man di dos funcionario policial”

                                                                                               DIABIERNA dia 17 di november 2017 ta-

                                                                                               bata un dia masha particular pa Pais Aruba.

                                                                                               No solamente a yama “Bon Bini” na Gabi-
                                                                                               nete Wever-Croes 1, pero na mes momento

                                                                                               su mainta un otro momento realmente his-
                                                                                               torico pa nos pais a tuma lugar na momento

                                                                                               cu e Presidencia di su Parlamento, cual ta e

                                                                                               organo mas  halto den  nos Constitucion,  a
                                                                                               keda den man di dos funcionario policial.

                                                                                               Manera ta conoci, desde cu Parlamento nobo
                                                                                               a keda instala despues di eleccion di 27 di

                                                                                               october ultimo, sr. Guillfred Besaril a keda

                                                                                               eligi como presidente di Parlamento.
                                                                                               Den corto tempo ya sr. Besaril a dirigi varios

                                                                                               reunion importante pa Aruba, esaki den un
                                                                                               forma respetuoso y elocuente, poniendo res-

                                                                                               pet mutuo na prome luga.

                                                                                               Ta pa prome  bes den historia di  Aruba cu

                                                                                               un persona di profesion di agente policial ta
                                                                                               keda escogi den e posicion di Presidente di

                                                                                               Aruba su parlamento.

                                                     A better

                                                     working world                        ©2017 EYGM Limited. All rights reserved.   Diabierna cu a pasa a toca turno na sr. Alan
                                                                                               Howell, kende tambe a fungi como polis den
                                                     starts with you                           Cuerpo Policial di Aruba, na marca historia

                                                                                               na momento di a keda escogi como presiden-

                                                                                               te suplente di Parlamento Arubano.
            Vacancy Tax Professionals – EY Aruba

            EY is a global leader in Assurance, Tax, Transactions   Aruba Tax Advisory Professionals
            and Advisory services. Our family of over 250,000   To strengthen our team in Aruba we are currently   “Pabien Cuerpo Policial di Aruba, masha
            professionals worldwide are united by our shared   looking for young innovative and result-oriented
            values, which inspire us and guide us to do the right   professionals who share our unwavering commitment   danki pa e formacion profesional cu tanto
            thing.  EY Aruba is part of an integrated regional   to quality with a Master’s degree in Tax Law or Fiscal
            firm, EY Caribbean (EYC), which consists of offices in   Economics and 0 - 4 years of relevant work experience.  mi persona como Honorable Miembro di
            Aruba, Curaçao, Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad,
            St. Lucia and Guyana.                  The qualities we are looking for in all our colleagues?   Parlamento, sr. A.A. Howell a ricibi for di
            Recruiting, developing and retaining top talent is at   •   Technical tax knowledge is very important, but
            the heart of our organization. We create a workplace   character is even more important
            that encourages collaboration and flexibility so the   •   Team players with an eye for detail and a high   e organisacion policial Arubano”
            great people who form our teams can truly excel.   standard of integrity
            From the moment you join us, we will give you real   •   Strong communication and analytical skills
            challenges and offer you great opportunities to   •   A proactive and self-motivated attitude with a lot
            develop your professional skills and shape your career.   of energy and enthusiasm   , sr. Besaril a declara na prensa diabierna ul-
            Our reputation is based on creating outstanding   •   A great appetite for learning, understanding and
            professionals. And as you play your part, we play ours.  growing as a professional and as a person
            At EY it’s all about being the best and building a better   Are you up for the challenge?  timo. Pa termina presidente saliente di Par-
            working world. On this mission we are looking for more   Please send an e-mail with your application letter and
            exceptional people to join our high performing teams   CV to our HR department at    lamento a desea su sucesor sr. Alan Howell
            in the Dutch Caribbean.                For questions you can also contact us at +297 521
                                                   4400.                                       tur clase di exito, tanto como parlamentario
                                                   An assessment is part of the selection process. Your application will
                                                   be treated confidentially.                  como e presidente suplente di Staten di Aru-
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