Page 9 - Newspaper Clippings Min TTC Jan 15, 2015
P. 9
TAD - On January 5, 2015,
LOCALThursday 15 January 2015 the U.S. Forward Operat-
USFOL Staff and Dutch Parliamentarians ing Location (USFOL) and
U.S. Consulate General
Visit SEDA hosted a delegation of
11 members of the Dutch
parliament for an introduc-
tion to the USFOL Com-
munity Relations program.
The visit focused on the 14
year history of community
projects completed by the
USFOL, highlighting the di-
versity of projects ranging
from painting to donating
school supplies.
The parliament members
were also able to visit the
site of a longtime USFOL
partner organization, Fun-
dashon Sentro di Dama
(SEDA), which is a non-
profit organization focused
on supporting women,
children, and teens in crisis.
The parliamentary delega-
tion asked many engaging
questions throughout the
event and applauded the
tremendous efforts of or-
ganizations such as SEDA
and the continued com-
munity involvement of the
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