Page 8 - MIN VOS 18 JULY 2015
P. 8


SPORTSSaturday 18 July 2015

     Monaco                   U.S. Justin Gatlin wins the 100m men’s race at the Herculis                           Kenyan Bernard Lagat           Pole vaulter Renaud Lavil-
                              International Athletics Meeting, at the Louis II Stadium in                           (3:26.34) and Moroccon         lenie, world leader with
  Continued from page 17      Monaco, Friday, July 17, 2015.                                                        Hicham El Guerrouj (3:26)      6.05 meters, won with an
                                                                                                                    have run faster.               effort of 5.92 but clipped
But the performance of                                                                            Associated Press  “At the bell I saw 2:31-2:32   the bar going for 6.02.
the night went to Ethiopian                                                                                         so I knew it could be a very   Americans sealed a 1-2-3
Genzebe Dibaba, who set       have been better.              strongly to finish ahead of                            fast time,” Kiprop said. “I’m  in shot put, with Joe Kovacs
a world record time of 3                                     Poland’s Patryk Dobek,                                 very satisfied but I wanted    winning with a personal
minutes, 50.07 seconds in     “We had some obstacles,        who set a personal best of                             a bit faster time.”            best, Diamond League and
the women’s 1,500 meters                                     48.62, and American coun-                              Farah was overtaken by         Herculis meet record and
— eclipsing the long-stand-   first handover from my         tryman Johnny Dutch, who                               Algerian Taoufik Makhloufi     world leading throw this
ing mark of 3:50.46 set by                                   clocked 48.67.                                         and Moroccan Abdelaati         year of 22.56 meters, put-
China’s Qu Yunxia in 1993.    young teammate (Bromell)       Mo Farah, the Olympic                                  Iguider two turns from the     ting him ahead of Christian
Several others, including                                    champion in 5,000 and                                  end and finished in 3:28.93,   Cantwell’s 21.24 and Reese
Kenya’s Asbel Kiprop in       was not that good,” Gat-       10,000, finished fourth in                             shy of his personal best of    Hoffa’s mark of 21.08.
the men’s 1,500, Bosnian                                     the 1,500, gradually drop-                             3:28.81.                       “Everything was clicking to-
Amel Tuka in the men’s        lin said. “I’m not sure but    ping off the pace as Kip-                              Shortly after Kiprop’s out-    day,” Kovacs said. “I know I
800, American Bershawn                                       rop posted the third fastest                           standing performance,          have it in me.”
Jackson in the men’s 400      this might be the order in     time ever in 3:26.69. Only                             Tuka thrilled the Stade Louis  In a shortened field of three
hurdles, American Fran-                                                                                             II crowd with another lead-    teams, the American wom-
cena McCorory and the         which we will run in Beijing.                                                         ing time, winning the 800      en took 1-2 in the 4x100 re-
women’s 4x100 relay team                                                                                            in 1:42.51 in a close-fought   lay, with USA A beating USA
set leading performances      I would accept the second                                                             finish with Nijel Amos of Bo-  B.
in the world this year.                                                                                             tswana — the Diamond           USA A, comprising of Eng-
The star-studded American     leg.”                                                                                 League leader — who set        lish Gardner, Allyson Felix,
men’s relay team, also fea-                                                                                         a season’s best 1:42.66.       Jenna Prandini and Kay-
turing Trayvon Bromell, eas-  Jackson,  meanwhile,                                                                  Caleb Mwangangi Ndi-           lin Whitney, clocked 41.96
ily won in 37.87, with Mike                                                                                         ku did likewise, getting       seconds.
Rodgers well clear of Yazal-  clocked 48.23 in the 400                                                              the best time this year of     “It’s always fun to run with
des Nascimento as Portu-                                                                                            7:35.13 in the men’s 3,000.    the girls,” Felix said, looking
gal clocked 39.05 to finish   hurdles, pulling away                                                                 Ethiopian Yenew Alamirew       ahead to Beijing. “I would
second. The French team                                                                                             was second in a season’s       accept (the) second leg in
was third in 39.64.                                                                                                 best 7:36.39.                  Beijing.”q
Gatlin felt the time could
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