Page 11 - ATA
P. 11


  LOCALFriday 18 December 2015

Loyal Visitors
 Honored by
  ATA at the
Beach Resort

PALM BEACH - Recently
the Aruba Tourism Author-
ity had the great plea-
sure of honoring a group
of loyal and friendly visi-
tors of Aruba at the Man-
chebo Beach Resort as
Distinguished Visitors. The
symbolic honorary title is
presented in the name of
the Minister of Tourism as
a token of appreciation
to guests who visit Aruba
for 10-to-19 consecutive
The honorees were Mr. Da-
vid and Mrs. Sandra Hu-
band of Virginia. 
David and Sandra are loy-

                                al guests of the Manchebo    to them, and the Manche-
                                Beach Resort and they love   bo Beach Resort is truly their
                                Aruba very much because      ‘home-away-from-home.’
                                of the friendly people, the  The certificates were pre-
                                weather, the beaches, the    sented by Ms. Marouska
                                restaurants, the Casinos,    Heyliger representing the
                                and just about everything    Aruba Tourism Authority
                                else! They say Aruba feels   together with Carla and
                                like a second home where     GM Edgar Roeloff from the
                                the people are like family   Manchebo Beach Resortq
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