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U.S. NEWSFriday 25 September 2015

Tour vehicle, charter bus collide on Seattle bridge; 4 dead 

PHUONG LE                        jumbled metal and glass.       peared to be a few dozen       lead tourists around the            an Melissa Mixon said the
Associated Press                 Some victims were lying        people on the ground. “I       city.                               uninjured students and
SEATTLE (AP) — A “duck           on the road. Others milled     wanted to try to help. I felt  Company President Brian             staff were taken back to
boat” tour vehicle and a         about, seemingly in shock      helpless.”                     Tracey said he did not              campus, where counselors
charter bus carrying for-        and falling down.              When emergency crews           know what happened.                 were on hand.
eign college students col-       Dyer jumped a railing sep-     arrived, “a lot of people      “Our main concern right             Kuen Shouh Wu says his
lided on a busy Seattle          arating the sidewalk from      were running at them,”         now is with the families of         18-year-old daughter was
bridge Thursday, killing four                                                                                                      on the charter bus from
people and sending doz-          Emergency personnel work at the scene of a fatal collision involving a charter bus, center left,  North Seattle College, but
ens to hospitals.                                                                                                                  was not hurt. He and his
The collision happened on        and a “Ride the Ducks” amphibious tour bus on the Aurora Bridge in Seattle on Thursday, Sept.     daughter, Ming Chao Wu,
the Aurora Bridge, which                                                                                                           are from Taiwan, and he is
carries one of the city’s        24, 2015. 					                (Ken Lambert/The Seattle Times via AP)                             a visiting scholar at the Uni-
main north-south highways                                                                                                          versity of Washington. Wu
over a lake. At least eight      the roadway and helped         pleading for help, Seattle     those hurt and killed,” he          said when he learned of
people were in critical          stabilize an injured man’s     Fire Lt. Sue Stangl said.      said.                               the accident, he came to
condition, and many oth-         neck. She said she also        Bloodworks Northwest, a        The National Transporta-            the school.
ers suffered lesser injuries.    helped a woman who had         blood-donation organiza-       tion Safety Board sent a            “I was scared,” he said.
There was no immediate           a cut lip and glass in her     tion, issued an urgent ap-     team to Seattle to investi-         “I don’t know why it hap-
word about the cause of          eye.                           peal for donors, saying the    gate.                               pened.”
the crash, which involved        “She was holding my hand       need for transfusions for      Because foreign students            The bridge was expected
a military-style tour bus that   and saying thank you,” she     crash victims was straining    were on the charter bus,            to be closed for hours. It
can also be operated on          said.                          their supply.                  efforts were being made to          has three lanes in each
water. Initial reports de-       John Mundell said he was       The amphibious vehicle is      contact consulates, Mayor           direction and no barrier
scribed the accident as a        at the south end of the        operated by a tour com-        Ed Murray said. He had no           separating the north and
head-on collision.               bridge when the crash oc-      pany called Ride the           other details.                      southbound lanes.
A driver who was behind          curred.                        Ducks, which offers tours      Students and staff from             The crash occurred near
the duck boat said the           “We could hear the             that are known for exuber-     North Seattle College’s In-         Canlis, one of the city’s
tour bus and duck boat           screech and twisted met-       ant drivers and guides who     ternational Program were            fanciest restaurants. The
were headed in opposite          al. It was surreal,” he said,  play loud music and quack      among those who were                restaurant announced it
directions. Brad Volm of         adding he saw what ap-         through speakers as they       hurt. School spokeswom-             would close for the night in
Philadelphia said the am-                                                                                                          response. Instead, its em-
phibious vehicle swerved                                                                                                           ployees carried food over
in front of him. The left front                                                                                                    to first responders.
tire of the duck boat ap-                                                                                                          The safety of the amphibi-
peared to lock up, and the                                                                                                         ous boats has been ques-
vehicle swerved into the                                                                                                           tioned before. Lawyer
oncoming charter bus, he                                                                                                           Steve Bulzomi represented
said.                                                                                                                              a motorcyclist who was run
Witnesses described hear-                                                                                                          over and dragged by a
ing a loud screech and                                                                                                             Ride the Ducks boat that
then seeing injured people                                                                                                         came up behind him at a
lying on the pavement or                                                                                                           stoplight in downtown Se-
wandering around in a                                                                                                              attle in 2011.
daze.                                                                                                                              “These are military craft
Nurse Jahna Dyer said she                                                                                                          that were never designed
was walking across the                                                                                                             to navigate narrow city
bridge when she came                                                                                                               streets,” Bulzomi said
upon the scene, a mess of                                                                                                          Thursday.q
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