Page 15 - AHATA
P. 15
Friday 1 June 2018
Aruba sees a bright future as tourist destination
By Benjamin Romero effect so far. “We sure get
ORANJESTAD – During the the benefit of this, but of
closure of Annual Tourism course there is always the
Conference Aruba (ATCA), demand also”, the CMO
the CMO of Aruba Tour- explains.
ism Authority (ATA), Sanju The goal of a growth of
Luidens-Daryanani in- 3.7 % of our destination is
formed that for more than within reach with regards
30 years the conference to the tourism coming from
was realised together with the United States. It is after
the main associates, United all our main touristic mar-
States and Canada. The ket. Another advantage
stakeholders this year are that will certainly help in
the ones that sell the desti- the growth of tourim is the
nation Aruba the most. announcement that flights
from Dallas and Chicago
The last two days of ATCA, will start flying to Aruba
Luidens-Daryanani could from the end of this year.
conclude that Aruba has a This is a significant achieve-
bright future as tourist des- ment of ATA, knowing that
tination. Moreover now the they have been negotiat-
coming months we see a ing for years to open the
growing sales of our island mid-west and west market
as touristic product. of the United States. There
One of the factors that are 37 selling locations in
plays a role is that other is- and around Dallas mean-
lands in the region may suf- ing that Aruba will expand
fer a higher risk to be trou- her market in the US.
bled by hurricanes while The impact of this will only
Aruba does not feel that be seen in the next year as
American Airlines will initi-
ate the flight only by the
end of December.
The aim with ATCA this
year was to emphasize
on the campain ‘Aruba
Authentic’ and therefore
the conference was or-
ganized just in front of the
historical buildings of the
Archeological Museum
and the Aruba Monument
Office. ATA wishes to dem-
onstrate what Aruba has
to offer besides the amaz-
ing white-sanded beaches
and blue ocean. At the
closing night of the confer-
ence the ‘taste of Aruba’
was offered by a selection
of food trucks, a welcome
surprise to many guests as
Aruba not only has a wide
variety of high-level restau-
rants but also tasty local
food from the street. q