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WORLD NEWSThursday 11 February 2016

In Central America, gangs an obstacle in battle against Zika 

C. SHERMAN                    companying a fumigation         have advised women to                                               To get into Cuscatancingo,     being intimidated by gang-
Associated Press              team in greater San Salva-      put off pregnancies for two                                         on San Salvador’s outskirts,   sters.
CUSCATANCINGO, El Sal-        dor was shot dead by mara       years due to severe birth                                           a reporter met a local resi-   “When this clinic reopened,
vador (AP) — For health       members after they lifted       defects tentatively linked                                          dent outside town and trav-    it reopened with fear,” Me-
workers battling Zika across  his shirt and, according to     to the virus. The country has                                       eled there in his car, which   jia said.
much of Central America,      local media reports, found      also launched a campaign                                            would not raise the gangs’     Whenever a suspected
the immediate menace          he had a tattoo from a ri-      against the Aedes aegypti                                           suspicions.                    case of Zika is identified,
is not the mosquitoes that    val gang. Similar incidents     mosquito, relying on ag-                                            Approaching the Villa Mari-    the Villa Mariona clinic tries
transmit the virus. It’s the  have played out in neigh-       gressive fumigation and                                             ona government health          to send teams into the area
                                                                                                                                  clinic, the driver rolled      to look for others with fever
Soldiers show a mosquito larva found during a fumigation campaign against the Aedes aegypti                                       down the vehicle’s win-        and to destroy mosquito
mosquito in the La Comuna 2 neighborhood of Guatemala City. Soldiers worked to protect health                                     dows so a group of young       breeding areas. Mejia said
workers from armed and well-organized street gangs known as maras that exert near-total con-                                      Mara Salvatrucha gang-         workers from another clinic
trol over entire neighborhoods. In some cases, gangs deny access to health crews they suspect                                     sters in low-hanging jeans,    in Cuscatancingo have
of working with police or a rival gang.                                                                                           gelled hair and plaid shirts   been denied entry at times.
                                                                                                                                  could see who was inside.      Eduardo Espinoza, vice
                                                                                                      (AP Photo/Moises Castillo)  One asked what was go-         minister of health, said such
                                                                                                                                  ing on, and whether the re-    incidents are sporadic.
gangsters who control the     boring Honduras and in          the removal of standing                                             porter had cameras. When       “We haven’t had any sig-
streets, and sometimes        Guatemala, where fumiga-        water and refuse where its                                          a police foot patrol came      nificant trouble except in
threaten their lives.         tors are chased by thugs,       larvae can breed.                                                   up the street, a teen shout-   some areas, specifically in
Armed and well-orga-          assaulted or charged a          But El Salvador, a coun-                                            ed “Policia!” into his radio   the metropolitan area,” Es-
nized street gangs known      small tax for access.           try of just 6 million people,                                       and the youths ran.            pinoza said.
as maras exert near-total     “The state is absent” in        recorded more than 700                                              Several years ago, the clin-   In Guatemala, fumigators
control over entire neigh-    such areas, said Carlos         murders in January and                                              ic was forced to shut down     planned to go into one
borhoods, using sentries to   Carcach, a criminologist        had a homicide rate of 103                                          for several months because     Guatemala City neighbor-
track everyone who comes      with the Superior School of     per 100,000 inhabitants last                                        staff members were being       hood last week but locals
and goes. In some cases,      Economics and Business in       year, believed to be the                                            extorted, according to Nel-    warned it was too danger-
they deny access to health    El Salvador. “The state is be-  highest of any country not                                          son Mejia, Villa Mariona’s     ous, said Sergio Mendez,
crews they suspect of work-   ing replaced by the gang.”      in open war.                                                        sanitation coordinator. He     fumigation coordinator for
ing with police or a rival    More than 7,000 suspected       That’s the environment in                                           and the then-director met      the health ministry.
gang.                         cases of Zika have been         which government health                                             with gang members to ex-       “We don’t ask for help from
In 2014, an emergency         identified in El Salvador,      workers struggle to contain                                         plain why it was important     the police or the army to
medical technician ac-        where government officials      Zika.                                                               that they work there. Gang     enter an area, because
                                                                                                                                  members asked that their       later they go and carry out
                                                                                                                                  people get prompt treat-       raids,” Mendez said. “And
                                                                                                                                  ment at the facility then      we have to go back. The
                                                                                                                                  agreed to allow operations     people think we reported
                                                                                                                                  to resume under a wary         them.”
                                                                                                                                  truce. But there have been     Gangs can also hamper
                                                                                                                                  more incidents.                the fight against Zika and
                                                                                                                                  Gang members beat up           other public health efforts
                                                                                                                                  and took away a man            in less-direct ways.
                                                                                                                                  working on a local water       Fear of the maras leads
                                                                                                                                  project for the health min-    many residents to refuse
                                                                                                                                  istry. Once, when a clinic     to answer the door or let
                                                                                                                                  employee was going door-       health workers inside. Of
                                                                                                                                  to-door for a health project,  the nine suspected Zika
                                                                                                                                  a gang member called to        cases in the area served
                                                                                                                                  warn that he should leave      by the Villa Mariona clinic,
                                                                                                                                  immediately because he         only five have been identi-
                                                                                                                                  was suspected of being a       fied because people refuse
                                                                                                                                  cop. Another worker on a       to share relatives’ phone
                                                                                                                                  fumigation mission left after  numbers or addresses.q

Venezuela malls scale back hours as government cuts energy 

FABIOLA SANCHEZ               p.m. to 9 p.m.                  let myself become unem-                                             of the most violent in the     Electricity here is virtually
Associated Press              Dozens of mall workers and      ployed at this point, with                                          world. In many areas, they     free, giving Venezuelans
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)       would-be shoppers waited        everything getting so ex-                                           are also the only places to    little incentive to conserve.
— Shops in malls across       out the closure at a shop-      pensive.”                                                           see movies.                    The government tried a
Venezuela closed their        ping center in upscale Ca-      Officials say the measure                                           Venezuela has grappled         similar policy in 2010, but
doors Wednesday after-        racas Wednesday. They           will help the economically                                          with blackouts for years,      rolled it back after patrons
noon to comply with a gov-    complained about the            embattled country cope                                              including one that took        put up stiff resistance. This
ernment electricity ration-   new policy, which comes         with problems at hydro-                                             President Nicolas Maduro       time, many shoppers seem
ing order.                    amid a general economic         electric plants due to a                                            by surprise as he delivered    resigned.
Venezuela’s socialist gov-    breakdown that has led          severe drought caused by                                            a national address on live
ernment is asking more        to chronic shortages and        the El Nino weather phe-                                            television. Caracas oc-        “Nothing about this sur-
than 100 malls to close or    triple-digit inflation.         nomenon                                                             casionally shuts down be-      prises me,” teacher Rosa
generate their own power      “I need my salary,” fast        Malls have become a ha-                                             cause of citywide loss of      Velasquez said. “Every day
four hours each day, from 1   food restaurant manager         ven for Venezuelans as the                                          power and rural areas see      now something happens to
p.m. to 3 p.m. and from 7     Yorgenis Tovar said. “I can’t   country has become one                                              regular rolling blackouts.     make life here worse.”q
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