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U.S. NEWSThursday 8 October 2015
Clinton Opposes Obama’s Signature Pacific Trade Deal
LISA LERER of appearances during The united opposition from Obama and many Repub- shore drilling in the Arctic
CATHERINE LUCEY Obama’s first term in office. the Democratic presiden- lican lawmakers favor the wasn’t “worth the risk” to
Associated Press During a 2012 trip to Austra- tial field leaves Obama in accord, saying it will greatly the environment. She subtly
MOUNT VERNON, Iowa (AP) lia, she called it the “gold the uncomfortable position help the U.S. economy by resurrected her 2008 prima-
— Hillary Rodham Clinton standard in trade agree- of watching a Democratic boosting exports of Ameri- ry attack of Obama’s ap-
declared her opposition ments.” debate next week in which can products. proach to world affairs, tak-
to the Trans-Pacific Part- ing a more hawkish stance
nership trade accord on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton holds up a doll that was handed to her toward Russia, Syria and
Wednesday, her most sig- from the audience Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2015, during a campaign stop at the Westfair Amphithe- Iran. And she’s promised
nificant break with Presi- ater in Council Bluffs, Iowa. to work to repeal the “Ca-
dent Barack Obama since dillac tax,” a tax on high-
launching her campaign (AP Photo/Nati Harnik) cost employer-sponsored
for the Democratic presi- insurance that the Obama
dential nomination. In the interview, Clinton none of the major candi- Clinton’s campaign and administration says is nec-
“I think there are still a lot said the agreement does dates is willing to defend a the Obama administration essary to fund the health
of unanswered questions,” not meet her standard for deal that the White House have always said the time care law.
she said of the big trade creating jobs, raising wag- sees as a key piece of his would come when she On both immigration and
deal in an interview with es and protecting national presidential legacy. would outline her own poli- gun control, she has also
PBS’ “Newshour.” ‘’As of security. She raised specific Clinton’s chief Democratic cies and deliver criticisms, pledged to use executive
today, I am not in favor of concerns about a potential rival so far, Vermont Sen. implied and direct, of the power as president to do
what I have learned about for currency manipulation Bernie Sanders, has vo- president. more than Obama.
it.” by China and provisions cally opposed the TPP. Her Last month, she came out On immigration, she cited
Her push-back against the that she said would benefit announcement comes as against the Keystone XL Obama’s deportation poli-
chief economic proposal pharmaceutical compa- Vice President Joe Biden pipeline, which would carry cy this week and said, “I’m
of Obama’s second term nies at the expense of pa- considers entering the oil from Canada to the U.S. not going to be breaking
is a blow to the president, tients. race, and labor group Gulf Coast; the administra- up families. And I think that
undermining his arguments “I don’t believe it’s going have warned his support tion remains undecided. is one of the differences.”
to Congress as the White to meet the high bar I have of the pact would hurt his In August, she said Obama’s Still, she added, “I to-
House is in the final stretch set,” she said. standing with unions. decision to approve off- tally understand why the
of winning approval of a Obama administration felt
deal years in the making. as though they did what
Clinton joins the rest of the they did under the circum-
Democratic field in chal- stances.”
lenging a trade pact that’s Campaign veterans in the
enraged the labor unions, White House say the im-
environmentalists and oth- pact of Clinton’s depar-
er liberal constituencies tures from Obama policies
whose support will be cru- are minor and they dismiss
cial to her electoral suc- some of her proposals as
cess. routine campaign fod-
With several months to go der. Candidates use policy
before the primary process plans to declare their pri-
starts, Clinton remains the orities. Worries over practi-
front-runner for her party’s cal implementation come
nomination. later.
Her position on the agree- Many of Clinton’s top aides
ment also marks a striking joined her campaign from
reversal for the former sec- the White House and the
retary of state, who pro- two staffs remain in fre-
moted the deal in dozens quent communication.q