Page 13 - AHATA
P. 13

Fofoti Tree

                                                                                      January 18, 2021
                                                                                      T: 582-7800
                                                                                                                                                 Page  9
                 A r u b a ’ s   O N L Y   E n g l i s h   n e w s p a p e r
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            Small numbers

            of protesters                    ALL CAPS
            gather at

            fortified U.S.


            By  DAVID  A.  LIEB  and
            ADAM GELLER
            Associated Press
            Small  groups  of  right-wing
            protesters — some of them
            carrying  rifles  —  gathered
            outside  heavily  fortified
            statehouses  around  the
            country  Sunday,  outnum-
            bered  by  National  Guard
            troops and police brought
            in  to  prevent  a  repeat  of
            the  violence  that  erupted
            at the U.S. Capitol.
            As  darkness  began  to  fall,
            there  were  no  reports  of
            any clashes.
                                         Members of the Washington National Guard stand at a sundial near the Legislative Building, Sunday, Jan. 10, 2021, at the Capitol
                                         in Olympia, Wash.
                    Continued on Page 2                                                                                                     Associated Press
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