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LOCALThursday 22 January 2015
Loyal Visitor Mrs. Lillian Lukacs honored by ATA
EAGLE BEACH - Recently Resort. The symbolic hon- Lukacs from Coatesville, Island’ and La Cabana is a thority together with family
the Aruba Tourism Author- orary title is presented in Pennsylvania. Lillian is a loy- wonderful Resort. The cer- member from Lillian and
ity had the great pleasure the name of the Minister of al member of the La Ca- tificate was presented by Mrs. Charine Charles rep-
of honoring a very nice Tourism as a token of ap- bana, and she loves Aruba Mr. Ernest Giel represent- resenting the La cabana
lady who is a loyal and preciation to guests who very much for the weather, ing the Aruba Tourism Au- Beach Resort. q
friendly visitor of Aruba, as visit Aruba for 20-or-more beaches, and restaurants,
Ambassadors of Goodwill, consecutive years. The and she always says that
at the La Cabana Beach honoree was Mrs. Lillian Aruba is truly ‘One Happy
Grouper at Fishes & More for Donna, Deborah and Pat
PALM BEACH - Donna Es- ton from the Baltimore, at Fishes & More Restau- music and lots of happy Deborah works in clean-
serwein, Deborah San- Maryland ordered the rant in the Arawak Gar- people around. The three ing services and Pat is a
taveneren and Pat Knigh- grouper when they were den last week. They loved ladies happened to pass Registered Nurse at home;
the taste, the quality of by and decided to try on Aruba they throw off
the food and the atmo- Fishes & More and they their professional cloaks
sphere at the restaurant enjoyed the great atmo- and they are just three ter-
in the Arawak Garden, sphere there a lot. rific, cheerful girls.
where there is always live Donna is a pharmacist, Please come back soon!q
LOCALThursday 22 January 2015
Loyal Visitor Mrs. Lillian Lukacs honored by ATA
EAGLE BEACH - Recently Resort. The symbolic hon- Lukacs from Coatesville, Island’ and La Cabana is a thority together with family
the Aruba Tourism Author- orary title is presented in Pennsylvania. Lillian is a loy- wonderful Resort. The cer- member from Lillian and
ity had the great pleasure the name of the Minister of al member of the La Ca- tificate was presented by Mrs. Charine Charles rep-
of honoring a very nice Tourism as a token of ap- bana, and she loves Aruba Mr. Ernest Giel represent- resenting the La cabana
lady who is a loyal and preciation to guests who very much for the weather, ing the Aruba Tourism Au- Beach Resort. q
friendly visitor of Aruba, as visit Aruba for 20-or-more beaches, and restaurants,
Ambassadors of Goodwill, consecutive years. The and she always says that
at the La Cabana Beach honoree was Mrs. Lillian Aruba is truly ‘One Happy
Grouper at Fishes & More for Donna, Deborah and Pat
PALM BEACH - Donna Es- ton from the Baltimore, at Fishes & More Restau- music and lots of happy Deborah works in clean-
serwein, Deborah San- Maryland ordered the rant in the Arawak Gar- people around. The three ing services and Pat is a
taveneren and Pat Knigh- grouper when they were den last week. They loved ladies happened to pass Registered Nurse at home;
the taste, the quality of by and decided to try on Aruba they throw off
the food and the atmo- Fishes & More and they their professional cloaks
sphere at the restaurant enjoyed the great atmo- and they are just three ter-
in the Arawak Garden, sphere there a lot. rific, cheerful girls.
where there is always live Donna is a pharmacist, Please come back soon!q