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               Friday 15 September 2017

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               Loyal Guests Honored at the Aruba Beach Club

            EAGLE BEACH -                nual visits to Aruba!
            Recently  the  Aruba  Tour-  Daniel,  Carmen  and  their
            ism Authority had the great  family are loyal members of
            pleasure  of  honoring  a  the Aruba Beach Club and
            very  special  couple  who  they love Aruba very much
            are  loyal  and  friendly  visi-  because  of  the  friendly
            tor of Aruba as a Goodwill  people, fun in the sun, the
            Ambassador  at  the  Aruba  climate,  the  beaches  and
            Beach  Club.  The  symbolic  the restaurants.
            honorary  title  is  presented  They say that being on Aru-
            in the name of the Minister  ba and staying at the Aru-
            of Tourism as a token of ap-  ba Beach Club is like being
            preciation  to  guests  who  at  their  vacation  ‘home-
            visit Aruba for 20-to-34 con-  away-from-home.’
            secutive years.              The  certificate  was  pre-
            The  honorees  were  Daniel  sented  by  Ms.  Marouska
            Cruz  Hibirma  and  Carmen  Heyliger  representing  the
            Graterol  of  Caracas,  Ven-  Aruba Tourism Authority to-
            ezuela,  celebrating  more  gether with associates from
            than  20  consecutive  an-   the Aruba Beach Club.q
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