Page 5 - ATA Dec 6, 2014
P. 5
Saturday 6 December 2014
A Warm and Generous Masha Danki:
Loyal Visitors Honored By the Aruba Tourism Authority!
BEACH - Jonathan Boek-
houdt with Aruba Tourism
Authority had the great
pleasure this week to pres-
ent several loyal island
visitors with the honorable
titles of Distinguished Visi-
tor and Goodwill Ambas-
sador, for visiting the island
for 10-to-19 or 20-or-more
consecutive years.
First to be honored were
Bernice Paulter and David
Jacobs at the Renaissance
Suites, as Goodwill Ambas-
sadors. Bernice and David
have been calling Aruba
their ‘home-away-from-
home’ for 22 consecutive
years and have witnessed
the island grow in all as-
pects. They are from New
York and love Aruba espe- John Naruszewicz.
cially for the weather and And last but certainly not
people. least, Peter and Maryel-
Next to be honored were len Lafata were honored
a festive group of guests at the Radisson as Distin-
from the Costa Linda, in- guished Visitors! Peter and
cluding Elisabeth Sabal, Maryellen hail from New
who first visited Aruba all York and have been com-
the way back in 1968! Also ing consecutively every
honored were Walter and year since 2000. They al-
Kathryn Brooks of Kinder- ways stay at the Radisson
hook, New York, and An- and love Aruba especially
thony and Beverly Mattox for the people, weather
of Delaware. and beaches. Peter is an
Then at the Paradise avid fisherman and loves
Beach Villas, a large group to go on deep-sea fishing
of happy guests were hon- trips with the locals. The
ored for their loyalty to Aru- ceremony was held in the
ba, including William and presence of Germaine,
Eleanor Kitchin, Garland Nunette and Anastacia
and Deborah Frers, and from the Radisson.
Saturday 6 December 2014
A Warm and Generous Masha Danki:
Loyal Visitors Honored By the Aruba Tourism Authority!
BEACH - Jonathan Boek-
houdt with Aruba Tourism
Authority had the great
pleasure this week to pres-
ent several loyal island
visitors with the honorable
titles of Distinguished Visi-
tor and Goodwill Ambas-
sador, for visiting the island
for 10-to-19 or 20-or-more
consecutive years.
First to be honored were
Bernice Paulter and David
Jacobs at the Renaissance
Suites, as Goodwill Ambas-
sadors. Bernice and David
have been calling Aruba
their ‘home-away-from-
home’ for 22 consecutive
years and have witnessed
the island grow in all as-
pects. They are from New
York and love Aruba espe- John Naruszewicz.
cially for the weather and And last but certainly not
people. least, Peter and Maryel-
Next to be honored were len Lafata were honored
a festive group of guests at the Radisson as Distin-
from the Costa Linda, in- guished Visitors! Peter and
cluding Elisabeth Sabal, Maryellen hail from New
who first visited Aruba all York and have been com-
the way back in 1968! Also ing consecutively every
honored were Walter and year since 2000. They al-
Kathryn Brooks of Kinder- ways stay at the Radisson
hook, New York, and An- and love Aruba especially
thony and Beverly Mattox for the people, weather
of Delaware. and beaches. Peter is an
Then at the Paradise avid fisherman and loves
Beach Villas, a large group to go on deep-sea fishing
of happy guests were hon- trips with the locals. The
ored for their loyalty to Aru- ceremony was held in the
ba, including William and presence of Germaine,
Eleanor Kitchin, Garland Nunette and Anastacia
and Deborah Frers, and from the Radisson.