Page 40 - Min Vos 15 Aug'15
P. 40

Aruban Xander Bogaerts not
concerned by power outage

RED Sox shortstop Xander Bogaerts has three home         least 350 at-bats, only seven have fewer.                    more aggressive.”
                                                         Bogaerts has not hit a home run since June 15, a stretch
runs this season. Among AL players with at least 350     of 204 at-bats. He hit 12 last seasons.                      Bogaerts is on a pace to play about 100 innings more
at-bats, only seven have fewer.                          “I’m not worried about power,” Bogaerts said. “I’m           than he did last season and is making sure to take care
Xander Bogaerts is hitting .314, good for sixth best     not really swinging for power. Maybe once a game,            of his body.
in the American League. His on-base percentage, a        depending on the situation, I’ll take a shot at it. I know   “You have to be careful not to do too much before
healthy .341, is among the top 30 in the league.         it’s there. I have not worried about that at all. It will    games and wear yourself out. You lower down the stuff
The 22-year-old Red Sox shortstop has developed a        come together.”                                              you do. I know my body and I’m tired right now but
more refined approach at the plate than he had last      At 6 feet, 1 inch and 210 pounds, Bogaerts has the size      the day off [Thursday] will help,” he said.
season, hitting the ball to all fields and cutting down  and strength to hit with more authority.                     “I want to be out there. I’m sure here or there I’ll get
on his strikeouts. His 25 doubles are second on the      “Maybe it will be next season. It’s going to happen,”        some days off.”
team as are his 54 RBIs.                                 he said.
                                                                                                                      Coming back
Both offensively and defensively, Bogaerts is unques-    Hitting coach Chili Davis is of the opinion that Bogaerts
                                                         will grow into his power and become more of a home           Catcher Ryan Hanigan has missed four straight games,
tionably one of the most improved players in the         run hitter in time. Former Yankees shortstop Derek           the result of being hit by a pitch in the left elbow in
                                                         Jeter hit 10 in each of his first two seasons in the majors  Detroit last Friday. It left a deep bruise and Hanigan
league.                                                  then 19 in his age-24 season in 1998.                        had trouble extending his arm.
                                                         “Once I started getting a lot of hits the opposite way, I    He could have played on Wednesday but was given
But Bogaerts also has a .409 slugging percentage, just   got away from it,” Bogaerts said. “I was driving in runs     an extra day.
                                                         doing that and when I came up in those situations; I
a touch above the league average, and only three home    was able to do that.                                         “I’ll be ready now,” he said. “It was bothering me for a
                                                                                                                      few days but I’m over it.”
runs. Among AL  players with at                          “I’m not worried about it, like I said. I won’t want to go   With the Red Sox out of contention, the 34-year-old
                                                         up there trying to pull everything.”                         Hanigan has had his playing time cut down as the Red
                                                         Bogaerts said one of his goals before the season ends        Sox take a closer look at rookie Blake Swihart. Hanigan
                                                         is to mix in more stolen bases. He is 7 of 8 so far and      has started only six of the last 17 games.
                                                         believes he is capable of being more of a threat on the      In all, Hanigan has played only 38 games this season.
                                                         bases.                                                       A broken finger kept him out from May 2 to July 2.
                                                         “I can do more with that,” he said. “Maybe be a little       “It hasn’t been an easy season,” said Hanigan, an
                                                                                                                      Andover native who had visions of helping the Red
                                                                                                                      Sox contend for the postseason. “I understand what
                                                                                                                      they’re doing, working with Blake. I’m ready when

                                                                                                                                  they need me.”

                                                                                                                                        Decision due

                                                                                                                                                The Red Sox start a three-game
                                                                                                                                                 series against the Seattle Mari-
                                                                                                                                                 ners on Friday. The status of left
                                                                                                                                                 fielder Hanley Ramirez should
                                                                                                                                                be clearer by then. He had missed
                                                                                                                                             four games with a bruised left
                                                                                                                                         foot and was to be further examined
                                                                                                                                          by team doctors. Ramirez has so far
                                                                                                                                         avoided the disabled list but has been
                                                                                                                                      held out of 17 games with assorted inju-
                                                                                                                      ries since the start of the season. As he closes in on 500
                                                                                                                      home runs, David Ortiz is four shy of 200 home runs
                                                                                                                      at Fenway Park. Ted Williams (248), Carl Yastrzem-
                                                                                                                      ski (237), Jim Rice (208), and Dwight Evans (199) are
                                                                                                                      the career home run leaders at Fenway.

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