Page 13 - Minister Michelle Hooyboer Winklaar
P. 13
WORLD NEWSThursday 21 January 2016
Deadly Pakistani school attack raises security questions
RIAZ KHAN Taliban gunman in 2012 tions, as is the intelligence turned to attacking soft tar- Rana, whose institute
ZARAR KHAN outside her school in the agency, known as the ISI. It gets such as schools. tracks militant movement,
Associated Press Swat Valley because of her is especially difficult for civil- “We are determined and said the divisions in the Tal-
CHARSADDA, Pakistan (AP) vocal support for gender ian governments to pene- resolved in our commit- iban over who carried out
— Once again, Islamic mili- equality and education trate that authority and es- ment to wipe out the men- Wednesday’s attack prob-
tants stormed a school in for girls. She said she was tablish intelligence sharing ace of terrorism from our ably has more to do with a
northeastern Pakistan in a “heartbroken” by the latest with government-operated homeland,” Prime Minis- fear of retribution than a re-
deadly attack that lasted flection of a deeply divided
for hours. And once again, Pakistan army Chief Raheel Sharif arrives at a local hospital to meet victims of an attack in Taliban.
the blood of students and Charsadda town, some 35 kilometers (21 miles) outside the city of Peshawar, Pakistan, Wednesday, The backlash that followed
teachers stained class- Jan. 20, 2016. Gunmen stormed Bacha Khan University named after the founder of an anti-Taliban the Peshawar attack was
rooms and hallways, raising political party in the country’s northwest Wednesday, killing many people, officials said. so severe that it probably
questions about whether left the Taliban “reluctant
security forces are able to (AP Photo/B.K. Bangash) to take credit, he added,
protect the country’s edu- noting that Afghan security
cational institutions from ex- attack. security forces such as the ter Nawaz Sharif said in a forces joined in operations
tremists. Several schools were closed police. statement after the attack. against Pakistani Taliban
At least 20 people were last weekend after intelli- “The government is trying A breakaway Taliban fac- hideouts afterward.
killed and 23 were wound- gence suggested militants to develop a response but tion led by Khalifa Umar The four militants invad-
ed Wednesday in the as- were planning an attack, is facing capacity issues,” Mansoor said it had carried ed the campus of Bacha
sault at Bacha Khan Univer- according to Muhammed Rana said, particularly in out the attack. Khan University shortly af-
sity in Charsadda before Amir Rana, director of the the area of intelligence- But a statement emailed ter classes began for the
the four gunmen were slain private Pakistan Institute for sharing among the power- to news organizations by day in Charsadda, about
and the military declared Peace Studies. A provincial ful intelligence agencies Muhammad Khorasani, the 35 kilometers (21 miles) out-
an end to the siege. Two government spokesman and the police. spokesman for the Tehrik-e- side Peshawar, said Deputy
teachers were among the said they were closed as The army has been pound- Taliban, the largest Taliban Commissioner Tahir Zafar.
dead, including a chem- part of a security drill. ing militant hideouts in the group, said: “We disown, Both men and women at-
istry professor who was After the Peshawar attack, tribal areas on the border condemn the attack and tend the school, which has
praised as a hero for shoot- the government promised with Afghanistan since term it as un-Islamic.” about 3,000 students, said
ing back at the attackers to set up a joint Intelligence June 2014, disrupting op- After the 2014 Peshawar its vice chancellor, Fazle ur-
and allowing some stu- Directorate, but that has erations for the Pakistani school massacre, Taliban Rahim Marwat.
dents to escape. not happened yet. Taliban militants. Because militants were united in tak- The university is named for
The university attack was The military is one of Paki- of that campaign, analysts ing responsibility for the vio- one of Pakistan’s great-
grimly reminiscent of the stan’s most powerful institu- say the extremists have lence. est secular leaders, Abdul
December 2014 massacre Ghaffar Khan, known as
at an army public school Bacha Khan, who often es-
in nearby Peshawar that poused communist philoso-
killed 150, mostly children. phy. The attack coincided
A breakaway faction of with the 28th anniversary
the Taliban took responsibil- of Bacha Khan’s death on
ity for the university attack, Jan. 20, 1988.
although a spokesman for As police and soldiers
the larger Taliban organiza- rushed to the scene, the
tion, led by Mullah Fazlullah, attackers traded gunfire
denied having anything to with the troops, and several
do with it and called it “un- explosions were heard. The
Islamic.”The violence shows attackers were later con-
how vulnerable schools re- tained inside two univer-
main in Pakistan, where sity blocks where the troops
extremists have sought to killed them, the army said.
prevent Western-style edu- Among the 18 students and
cation, especially for girls. two teachers who were
Malala Yousafzai was slain was Syed Hamid Hus-
awarded the Nobel Peace sain, a chemistry professor
Prize after the teenager who witnesses said opened
was shot in the head by a fire on the gunmen. q