Page 11 - MIN VOS DEC 13, 2014
P. 11
LOCALSaturday 13 December 2014
Minister Hooijboer-Winklaar receives her Aruba Bird Calendar
ORANJESTAD - Minister Michelle the fact that Aruba still has no ma- and fauna species have yet to be such was anchored in Aruba’s
Hooijboer-Winklaar, responsible rine park. Aruba Birdlife Conserva- added to our nature law to start legislation. Aruba is grateful and
for education, received her Aruba tion is entreating the government the process of their protection. In we congratulate the government
bird calendar 2015 from Greg Pe- to instate a national marine park 2015 these lists should to finalized with this important milestone.
terson, chairman of Aruba Birdlife Aruba’s bird wildlife has two en-
Conservation. and to place it under Parke Nacio- and put in place. demic subspecies: the Shoco and
The theme of the calendar is “A nal Arikok as well. In 2012 Aruba’s Burrowing Owl – the Prikichi. Since the Shoco has
call for nature conservation”. Na- To date, Aruba’s bird wildlife re- the Shoco - was declared a Na- been declared a National Symbol
ture conservation should be made mains unprotected. Lists of flora tional Symbol of Aruba and in 2014 of Aruba, the position of national
a high priority by the Government bird remains vacant. Aruba Birdlife
of Aruba in 2015. Conservation calls on our govern-
In February of 2013, Parliament of ment to nominate the Prikichi as
Aruba voted unanimously in fa- the national bird of Aruba. The
vor of giving the following areas numbers of Prikichi are dropping
of Aruba the National Park Sta- very quickly and declaring it our
tus: the California Dunes, Impor- national bird can help our beauti-
tant Bird Area Tierra del Sol, Saliña ful and precious Prikichi from going
Malmok, Saliña Palm Beach, Bub- extinct.
aliplas (IBA), Sero Teishi, Spaans Aruba Birdlife Conservation is
Lagoen (Ramsar area), Mangel grateful to AIG for sponsoring the
Halto, Rooi Bringamosa, Rooi Taki, calendars and very appreciative
Rooi Manoonchi, IBA Reef islands to Minister Hooijboer-Winklaar for
Oranjestad, Mangrove areas, Rooi helping to promote nature conser-
Lamunchi, Saliña Sabaneta, IBA vation awareness throughout Aru-
reef islands San Nicolas and a strip ba’s education system. In 2012 she
of land alongside the coast in Se- saw to it that our Shoco became
roe Colorado. one of Aruba’s national symbols.
Almost two years have passed, Aruba is the only country within the
but unfortunately these significant Kingdom of the Netherlands that
and very vulnerable nature areas has a Burrowing Owl.
remain unprotected. Aruba Bird- The bird calendars can be pur-
life Conservation is calling to the chased at Kultured in the Main-
government to act before these street of Oranjestad, Best Deal in
remaining nature areas are de- Paradera, Huchadain Santa Cruz
stroyed. Adding them to Parke andK&C Boutique (next to Spring-
Nacional Arikok now will preserve field) in San Nicolas.
them for future generations. There A bird calendar costs Awg. 12,50
is no time to lose. and all funds will go to the founda-
Another very important matter is tion Aruba Birdlife Conservation.q
Richard van der Wal 15-fold Aruban Sunfish Sailing Champion
ORANJESTAD – The Aruban Sun- Randy Brown (2nd) and Job La- and Randy Brown (3rd). The ran- Wal has won the championship
fish Sailing Championship 2014 boyrie (3rd). The ranking list 2014 king list entails other friendly com- for the 15th time. This is a remar-
was recently held. The champi- of Sunfish Club Aruba was won petition and long distance races kable achievement which has
onship was won once again by this year by Richard van der Wal in addition to the championship. not occurred before in the 40
Richard van der Wal, followed by followed by Job Laboyrie (2nd) With this victory Richard van der years’ history of Sunfish Club Aru-
The “wisselstrop”, a trophy for en-
couragement, was awarded this
year to Sabine van der Wal who
made a strong debut.
During the year there was more
attention for recreational sai-
ling and cooperation with other
clubs such as the Youth Water-
sports Aruba Foundation (SYWA).
During a closing dinner the board
of Sunfish Club Aruba (SCA) con-
gratulated Richard van der Wal
for his exceptional performance
and handed him the “Ernie Ker-
vel rotating trophy”.
Due to her great stability the Sun-
fish is very suitable for Aruba’s
coastal waters. New members
are more than welcome. More
information is available on the
new Facebook page:
clubaruba or through email sun-
LOCALSaturday 13 December 2014
Minister Hooijboer-Winklaar receives her Aruba Bird Calendar
ORANJESTAD - Minister Michelle the fact that Aruba still has no ma- and fauna species have yet to be such was anchored in Aruba’s
Hooijboer-Winklaar, responsible rine park. Aruba Birdlife Conserva- added to our nature law to start legislation. Aruba is grateful and
for education, received her Aruba tion is entreating the government the process of their protection. In we congratulate the government
bird calendar 2015 from Greg Pe- to instate a national marine park 2015 these lists should to finalized with this important milestone.
terson, chairman of Aruba Birdlife Aruba’s bird wildlife has two en-
Conservation. and to place it under Parke Nacio- and put in place. demic subspecies: the Shoco and
The theme of the calendar is “A nal Arikok as well. In 2012 Aruba’s Burrowing Owl – the Prikichi. Since the Shoco has
call for nature conservation”. Na- To date, Aruba’s bird wildlife re- the Shoco - was declared a Na- been declared a National Symbol
ture conservation should be made mains unprotected. Lists of flora tional Symbol of Aruba and in 2014 of Aruba, the position of national
a high priority by the Government bird remains vacant. Aruba Birdlife
of Aruba in 2015. Conservation calls on our govern-
In February of 2013, Parliament of ment to nominate the Prikichi as
Aruba voted unanimously in fa- the national bird of Aruba. The
vor of giving the following areas numbers of Prikichi are dropping
of Aruba the National Park Sta- very quickly and declaring it our
tus: the California Dunes, Impor- national bird can help our beauti-
tant Bird Area Tierra del Sol, Saliña ful and precious Prikichi from going
Malmok, Saliña Palm Beach, Bub- extinct.
aliplas (IBA), Sero Teishi, Spaans Aruba Birdlife Conservation is
Lagoen (Ramsar area), Mangel grateful to AIG for sponsoring the
Halto, Rooi Bringamosa, Rooi Taki, calendars and very appreciative
Rooi Manoonchi, IBA Reef islands to Minister Hooijboer-Winklaar for
Oranjestad, Mangrove areas, Rooi helping to promote nature conser-
Lamunchi, Saliña Sabaneta, IBA vation awareness throughout Aru-
reef islands San Nicolas and a strip ba’s education system. In 2012 she
of land alongside the coast in Se- saw to it that our Shoco became
roe Colorado. one of Aruba’s national symbols.
Almost two years have passed, Aruba is the only country within the
but unfortunately these significant Kingdom of the Netherlands that
and very vulnerable nature areas has a Burrowing Owl.
remain unprotected. Aruba Bird- The bird calendars can be pur-
life Conservation is calling to the chased at Kultured in the Main-
government to act before these street of Oranjestad, Best Deal in
remaining nature areas are de- Paradera, Huchadain Santa Cruz
stroyed. Adding them to Parke andK&C Boutique (next to Spring-
Nacional Arikok now will preserve field) in San Nicolas.
them for future generations. There A bird calendar costs Awg. 12,50
is no time to lose. and all funds will go to the founda-
Another very important matter is tion Aruba Birdlife Conservation.q
Richard van der Wal 15-fold Aruban Sunfish Sailing Champion
ORANJESTAD – The Aruban Sun- Randy Brown (2nd) and Job La- and Randy Brown (3rd). The ran- Wal has won the championship
fish Sailing Championship 2014 boyrie (3rd). The ranking list 2014 king list entails other friendly com- for the 15th time. This is a remar-
was recently held. The champi- of Sunfish Club Aruba was won petition and long distance races kable achievement which has
onship was won once again by this year by Richard van der Wal in addition to the championship. not occurred before in the 40
Richard van der Wal, followed by followed by Job Laboyrie (2nd) With this victory Richard van der years’ history of Sunfish Club Aru-
The “wisselstrop”, a trophy for en-
couragement, was awarded this
year to Sabine van der Wal who
made a strong debut.
During the year there was more
attention for recreational sai-
ling and cooperation with other
clubs such as the Youth Water-
sports Aruba Foundation (SYWA).
During a closing dinner the board
of Sunfish Club Aruba (SCA) con-
gratulated Richard van der Wal
for his exceptional performance
and handed him the “Ernie Ker-
vel rotating trophy”.
Due to her great stability the Sun-
fish is very suitable for Aruba’s
coastal waters. New members
are more than welcome. More
information is available on the
new Facebook page:
clubaruba or through email sun-