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Saturday 8 auguSt 2020
26% increase in reported cases of Covid19
since reopening its borders on June 15th
ORANJESTAD — On went on to say that for 2020
Wednesday July 29th, the overall the ATA expect-
CEO of the Aruba Tour- ed to receive between
ism Authority (A.T.A) an- 335,300 stopovers (30% of
nounced that Aruba would the 2019 total) and 447,000
receive about 14,000 visi- stopovers (40% of the 2019
tors during the whole month total).
of July, down 86% com-
pared with July 2019 when Given that the A.T.A es-
Aruba received 103,464 timates that Aruba will
visitors. receive about 267,000
stopovers in the first eight
Aruba re-opened its bor- months of 2020, this means
ders to Curacao and Bo- the four months of Septem-
naire on June 15th, to ber through December
Canada and Europe on 2020 could see a total of received in the same four cases of which eight were reported that between 75%
July 1st and to the USA on between 68,400 visitors, as- months of 2019, and a 47% residents and four visitors. - 80% of all arriving visitors
July 10th. The CEO said that suming an overall decline decline, respectively. Since Aruba re-opened its had presented evidence of
the ATA projected Aruba of 30% for the year and borders on June 15th the having been tested prior to
would receive between down and 180,100 stop- As of August 4th 2020 Aru- country has seen the total departure from their coun-
19,000 – 25,000 visitors dur- overs, assuming an overall ba, has reported a total of number of cases increase try of origin while between
ing August, down 74% - 80% decline of 40% in stopovers 127 positive cases of CO- by 26 (25.7%), from 101 to 20% - 25% were tested on
compared with August for the year. These result in VID 19 with 113 being resi- 127, with the number of arrival at Aruba’s airport.
2019 when Aruba received an 80% decline compared dents and 14 being visitors active cases growing from Source: tourismanalytics.
96,100 visitors. The CEO to the 342,447 stopovers and a total of 12 active zero to 12. The Government com. q
Aruba to me... Aruba to me…..Sweet memories
ORANJESTAD — Aruba Today great vacation memory to take
welcomes readers to participate home with you. Please do note:
in our newspaper. Now that we By submitting photos, text or any ORANJESTAD — In these difficult bean Speed Printers and any of
are open to visitors again after the other materials, you give permis- times we would like to reach out its affiliated companies to use
three months of lockdown we are sion to The Aruba Today news- to our friends abroad to hear said materials, as well as names,
all ears to hear about you. How paper, Caribbean Speed Printers about their memories of our hap- likeness, etc. for promotional pur-
do you feel to be back or maybe and any of its affiliated compa- py place. poses without compensation.
this is your first time in Aruba? Let nies to use said materials, as well
us know! Send us a picture and as names, likeness, etc. for pro- Aruba Today invites you to send Roberto and Rita sent us this
tell us about your experience be- motional purposes without com- us your picture and words ex- beautiful memory from Au-
cause we love to share this with pensation. pressing your vacation feelings of gust 2019 when vacationing
our readers. our island. Send us your picture(s) on Aruba:
Have a look at the picture we together with completing the
What do you do? got in from Gary: sentence: Aruba to me is …….. “Aruba....lovely, amazing....
It’s easy. Mail us your vacation “This picture with our friends (Email: we have left in your beauti-
picture(s) together with complet- is Aruba to us. So many great ful island, our hearts. Fantas-
ing the sentence: Aruba to me is memories! Looking forward to Please do note: By submitting tic emerald land with gently
…….. (Email: news@arubatoday. our return.” photos, text or any other mate- people. We hope to come
com) and we will publish this in rials, you give permission to The back soon.”
our newspaper. This for sure is a Gary and Vicki Hufstetler Aruba Today newspaper, Carib-