Page 4 - AAA, 9 May 2015
P. 4

                                                                                                                                 Saturday 9 May 2015

New Malaysia Airline CEO vows                               Your Money: Credit Cards Offering
turnaround for battered airline                             2% Rebates, While (or if) They Last

EILEEN NG                                                   RON LIEBER                      amounts. Annual fees from      flier miles or can be trans-
Associated Press                                            © 2015 New York Times           cardholders are consistent,    ferred into a frequent-flier
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — The new CEO of Ma-            For years, the holy grail       but the number of people       program. They cannot.
laysia Airlines said its financial situation is more chal-  for many seekers of credit      paying late fees may not       The Barclaycard puts 10
lenging than anticipated and it will shrink in size as it   card rewards has been           be. The banks also can’t       percent of your points back
tries to overcome a tarnished image with the travel         a guaranteed 2 percent          be sure what percentage        into your account when
industry and the public.                                    back on every dollar they       of cardholders will carry a    you redeem, giving it an ef-
Malaysia Airlines was battered last year by double          spend.                          balance and pay interest -     fective yield of 2.2 percent
jet disasters. Its government owner has brought in a        The problem for startups        and for how long.              on every dollar you spend.
new CEO, former Aer Lingus chief Christoph Mueller,         and for financial services      Ron Shevlin, director of re-   Its annual fee, however,
to oversee a 6 billion ringgit ($1.7 billion) turnaround.   companies both large            search at the consulting       is $89, while the Venture
In a memo dated Tuesday, Mueller thanked Malay-             and small is that it’s diffi-   firm Cornerstone Advisors,     card’s is $59.
sia Airlines staff for a warm welcome since he started      cult to make the product        points to another emerging     The Fidelity Investment Re-
work at the airline on May 1 but also noted parts of the    profitable. The fees that       source of revenue: infor-      wards American Express
organization seemed “depressed” and customers say           merchants pay to accept         mation on how we spend.        offers 2 percent cash back
service is deteriorating.                                   cards won’t cover all of        Card companies know            on all purchases with no
Malaysia Airlines, Mueller said, is “suffering badly from   those rewards. And it’s in-     who, for instance, shops at    annual fee. Fidelity helps
a heavily damaged brand reputation” in key markets          tensely annoying for con-       Office Depot, and Staples      American Express pay for
with many people avoiding the carrier because “they         sumers who have moved           may well pay good money        the reward on this card,
are frightened.”                                            all their spending to find      to be able to send offers      which has paid out $925
The carrier is moving ahead with a previously an-           out a year later that their     to them. “These guys are       million in its history, accord-
nounced overhaul that will involve cutting its staff by     issuer is cutting the reward    making bets that they can      ing to Fidelity. There are
6,000 or about 30 percent.                                  because it couldn’t make        monetize the data stream,”     two catches here. First, it’s
“Since the new airline will be smaller in size, we simply   the numbers work.               he said.                       an American Express card,
have not enough work for all of you,” Mueller said.         Still, a handful of grown-up    Against this backdrop, 2       which means you won’t be
The airline had a good safety and service record be-        operators like American Ex-     percent cards available        able to use it in as many
fore last year’s disasters but the tragedies, and the
airline’s handling of the first one in particular, hurt     Credit cards with 2 percent rebates are popular with reward seekers, but making them profitable
its brand. A Malaysia Airlines jet with 239 people on       for issuers has been difficult. Now four companies are trying them again.
board went missing March 8 last year while en route
to Beijing and no trace of it has been found. In July, a                                                                                      (Robert Neubecker/The New York Times)
Malaysia Airlines jet was shot down over Ukraine, kill-
ing all 298 people on board.                                press (and its partner, Fidel-  now differ just enough from    places as you can use a
Mueller said the airline will soon mail out termination     ity), Barclays, Capital One     one another to make it         Visa or MasterCard. Sec-
letters and new job offer letters to those who will re-     and Citigroup now have          hard to say for sure which     ond, the rebate has to go
main in the airline. That approach is being taken be-       cards that offer this level     one is the best - and which,   into a Fidelity account of
cause staff requested privacy in the handling of em-        of generosity. Are they         if any, may be unsustain-      some sort.
ployment matters, he said.                                  the ones that have finally      able.                          The newest entrant is Citi’s
The CEO’s memo was shown to reporters on Friday             figured out how to make         The Capital One Venture        Double Cash MasterCard,
by the National Union of Flight Attendants Malaysia,        money on these cards -          Visa Signature and the Bar-    which offers 1 percent
which protested the termination exercise by mail as         and make them last?             claycard Arrival Plus World    back when you make a
“obnoxious and arrogant.”                                   The central challenge for       Elite MasterCard are the       purchase and another 1
It said its 3,500 members were now stressed and wor-        these card issuers is that      most similar. With both, you   percent when you pay
ried. The union has written to Prime Minister Najib         they can’t always be sure       get two of their proprietary   the bill. There is no annual
Razak, asking him to intervene and urging the airline       how customers will be-          rewards points for every       fee on this card. So how
to offer short and medium-term layoffs as well as sal-      have. Their costs are pretty    dollar you spend. Then,        do they afford it without
ary cuts before a final termination exercise is carried     clear: Banks need to pay        you trade them for a state-    a partner like Fidelity? The
out.                                                        for marketing the cards ini-    ment credit against any        lack of a big sign-up bonus
Mueller comes to the Malaysian job from a stint reviv-      tially, pay for the rewards,    travel purchase you make       helps the product’s num-
ing Ireland’s Aer Lingus. He’ll be the first foreigner to   service the accounts and        on the cards. Trading in       bers, a Citi spokeswoman,
head the Malaysian state-owned company. Analysts            cover losses when people        5,000 points would yield a     Emily Collins, said in an
say he’s an industry veteran “battle-hardened” from         don’t pay their bills.          $50 statement credit, for in-  email, as does the fact that
his work carrying out corporate restructurings at other     The revenue, however, is        stance. An important point:    most new customers come
state-owned airlines, including failed Belgian carrier      not always predictable.         Both issuers refer to their    in through low-cost digital
Sabena.                                                     Merchants pay fees to ac-       points as “miles,” which       channels.
He was dubbed “The Terminator” in Ireland because           cept cards, but different       can confuse people into
his German accent made for easy comparisons to Ar-          merchants pay different         thinking they are frequent-       Continued on page 27
nold Schwarzenegger in assassin robot mode as he
outlined his plans to remorselessly fix Aer Lingus.
Mueller said in the memo that the airline’s new busi-
ness  plan will focus on cutting overall costs, which
are up to 20 percent higher than its competitors, and
withdrawing from markets where it cannot be com-
petitive. “Sometimes you have to retreat and regroup
before growing again. And that is the ultimate target.
We want to grow again in the last phase of restructur-
ing,” he said.
Mueller said he envisioned a new airline that is “safe,
on-time and friendly” that will be the new pride of Ma-
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