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LOCAL SPORTS                        Friday 27 OctOber 2017

            Balashi  joins the Aruba Baseball Classic 2017

            Aruba, Curacao and Holland to meet in the 1st Kingdom Games

            ORANJESTAD,  Aruba  -  The
            second consecutive Aruba
            Baseball  Classic  [ABC]  is
            expanding to become the
            1st Kingdom Games Base-
            ball Classic 2017.

            The  international  baselball
            series  will  take  place  No-
            vember  2nd  through  No-
            vember  5th,  2017.  On  the
            Novemeber 3rd,  there will
            also be an official opening
            Edwin  “Joy”  Orman,  Presi-
            dent of the Aruba Baseball
            Classic  explained,  “this  is
            the  2nd  year  they’ve  had
            this  competition  here,    for
            this  reason  they  decided
            to  invite  teams  within  the
            Dutch kingdom, and
            to  hold  the  same  type  of
            The  regular  baseball  sea-
            son  began  March  12th,
            2017  and  ended  Octo-
            ber  14th,  2017  which  ABC
            decided  to  put  the  the   the winter vacation so the  time while on the island.     shorter,  but  the  ABC  was  2017, Aruba will be well rep-
            Kingdom  Games  during       players would have a great  Last  year,  the  season  was   a  bigger  success  than  resented with three  teams

                                                                                                   had  been  expected.  The  Aruba  White,  Aruba  Blue
                                                                                                   thought  was  this  year  with  and Aruba Red.  Curacao
                                                                                                   an  extended  season,    the  will  have  two  teams,    and
                                                                                                   Classic  woukld  become  Holland  will  field  only  one
                                                                                                   a  classic.    The  organiza-  team.
                                                                                                   tion  was  satisfied  with  the  The  first  games  will  be
                                                                                                   season  and  it  finished  on  played  on November 2nd
                                                                                                   time  with  three  weeks  to  at  Nadi  Croes/Crismo  An-
                                                                                                   spare before the Kingdom  gela ballpark beginning at
                                                                                                   Games.                       4:00 PM.
                                                                                                   “The season turned out re-   On  November  3rd,  the
                                                                                                   ally  well,  the  way  we  had  games  will  move  to  Joe
                                                                                                   hoped,”  according  to  Ru-  Laveist  Ballpark  and  begin
                                                                                                   bert Paesch coach of  Left-  at  3:30  PM.  ,  dia  4  di  No-
                                                                                                   overs EcoTech.               vember na Joe Laveist Ball-
                                                                                                   Not exactly over-the-hill but  park desde 1:30 PM y dia 5
                                                                                                   this  is  the  twilight  league  di  November  desde  11:00
                                                                                                   The AA-league, as well as,   AM.
                                                                                                   baseball classic  is for play-  Entrance  is  5  florin  for
                                                                                                   ers 40-and-over.             adults.  Children  13  years
                                                                                                   Leftovers  EcoTech  are  the  and under can enter free.
                                                                                                   automatic  qualifiers  and  There will also be a Beach
            Winners of the GUARDIAN GROUP WALK & RUN                                               the team to beat and are  Volleyball  competition  at
                                                                                                   ready  to  compete  in  the  Joe Laveist Sportpark from
            ARUBA are heading for Curacao                                                          international  classic.    Nil-  November 3rd through No-
                                                                                                   do  Wernet  said  two  more  vember 5th, 2017.
            On  Sunday  29th  of  Octo-  (6Km)  y  Jonathan  Busby  runners in the race.           teams  have  joined  since  There will also be a recog-
            ber, 2017 the winners of the  (10Km)  will  be  the  official  Zhyon Geerman and Jona-  last year and he hopes next  nition  for  the  players  and
            6K and 10K  of My Guard-     representatives   ofAruba  than Busby will also have a    year the tournament will be  ex-player  who  have  con-
            ian  Group  Walk  and  Run  but there is an open regis-   support as from their team   even bigger.                 tributed  to  the  sport.  This
            Aruba  2017  will  be  in  Cu-  tration up to 7, 500 partici-  Malmok Runners.         Wernet is  the manager of  championship will be dedi-
            racao  to  compete  in  the  pants.                       For  several  years  Aruba   the Blue Team, and also a  cated to  Cecil Haynes and
            34th  annual  My  Guardian  This year’s race will have a  has  sent  participants  to   part of Eco Tech.           Carlos Devoir.
            Group Walk and Run Cura-     few changes with the rac-    the Curacao version of the   From the start of the com-   Balashi Brewery is the proud
            cao 2017.                    ers  crossing  Juliana  Bridge  race  and the have fared   petition,  they  will  reinforce  sponsor of the Aruba Base-
                                         and  ending  is  at  Parasa  well  on  several  occasions.    the team with a few more  ball Classic.
            The  women  ‘s  overall  win-  Beach.                     Betto Maduro, a Paraolym-    players  to  guarantee  they  We invite all fans to come
            ners, Ruthlyn Webb (6Km) y  Aracely  Parra  will  be  ac-  pic athlete will also partici-  will be able to compete at  out out and enjoy Aruba’s-
            Aracely  Parra  (10Km)  and  companied  by  her  team  pate as a team of Malmok        the highest level.           never-ending       summer
            the men’s Zhyon Geerman  PriceSmart,  who  have  14  Runners.q                         In  the  Kingdom  Games  classic.q
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