Page 4 - ATA 10 OCT,2015
P. 4


LOCALThursday 8 October 2015

Loyal Visitors Honored at the Costa Linda Beach Resort

PALM BEACH - Recently the Aruba Tourism Au-          for 20-to-34 consecutive years.The honorees      Aruba feels like a second home where the peo-
thority had the great pleasure of honoring a         were Mr. Jim and Mrs. Jeanette Whelan from       ple are like family to them, and the Costa Linda
pair of loyal and friendly visitors of Aruba at the  Connecticut. Jim and Jeanette are loyal mem-     is truly their ‘home-away-from-home.’ The cer-
Costa Linda Beach Resort as Ambassadors of           bers of the Costa Linda and they love Aruba      tificates were presented by Ms. Marouska Hey-
Goodwill. The symbolic honorary title is present-    very much because of the friendly people, the    liger representing the Aruba Tourism Authority
ed in the name of the Minister of Tourism as a       weather, the beaches, the restaurants, the Ca-   together with family, friends and staff members
token of appreciation to guests who visit Aruba      sinos, and just about everything else! They say  of the Costa Linda Beach Resort. q

Loyal Visitors Honored at the Playa Linda Beach Resort

PALM BEACH - Recently the Aruba Tourism Au-          for 20-to-34 consecutive years.                  They say Aruba feels like a second home where
thority had the great pleasure of honoring a         The honorees were Mr. George and Mrs. Joan       the people are like family to them, and the Pla-
pair of loyal and friendly visitors of Aruba at the  Lang from New York. George and Joan are          ya Linda is truly their ‘home-away-from-home.’
Playa Linda Beach Resort as Ambassadors of           loyal members of the Playa Linda and they love   The certificates were presented by Ms. Marous-
Goodwill. The symbolic honorary title is present-    Aruba very much because of the friendly peo-     ka Heyliger representing the Aruba Tourism Au-
ed in the name of the Minister of Tourism as a       ple, the weather, the beaches, the restaurants,  thority together with staff members and Yvette
token of appreciation to guests who visit Aruba      the Casinos, and just about everything else!     Tromp of the Playa Linda Beach Resort.q
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