Page 10 - ANTILL DGB
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10                                                 ADVERTENTIE                    Antilliaans Dagblad Dinsdag 5 september 2017

                                                                                    …ta invertí p’abo!

                                                     FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 2016

     Amounts in ANG * 1,000                As at Dec. 31, 2016  As at Dec. 31, 2015
     Non-current assets
     Fixed & intangible assets                    565,089        565,607
     Other non-current assets                      46,011         66,335
                                                   611,100       631,942
     Current assets
     Inventories                                   23,540          21,315
     Trade & other accounts receivables            90,405         89,577
     Cash & Cash equivalents                       76,485         59,285
                                                  190,430         170,177
     Total assets                                 801,530         802,119
     Shareholder’s equity
     Share capital                                528,000        528,000
     Share premium                                 55,000         55,000
     Accumulated losses                          (258,580)       (335,073)
                                                  324,420        247,927
     Non-current liabilities
     Financial liabilities                        233,585        260,778
     Customers’ deposits                           24,806          24,714
     Provisions                                    113,904        144,604     FIXED & INTANGIBLE ASSETS
                                                  372,295        430,096   Amounts in ANG* 1,000   As at Dec. 31,  As at Dec. 31,
                                                                          net of accumulated depreciation  2016  2015
     Current liabilities
                                                                          Land & buildings            84,206    47,533
     Trade accounts payable                        45,007         42,830
                                                                          Plant & equipment           155,692    211,910
     Other liabilities                             59,808         81,266
                                                                          Distribution network        261,897    275,252
                                                  104,815        124,096
                                                                          Major spare parts            7,021     5,485
     Total equity and liabilities                 801,530         802,119
                                                                          Other assets                  785       758
                                                                          Work in progress            40,661    21,578
     CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                       Intangible assets            14,827    3,091
                                                                          Total                      565,069    565,607
                                           For the year ended  For the year ended
     Amounts in ANG * 1,000
                                              Dec. 31, 2016   Dec. 31, 2015
                                                                          TRADE & OTHER ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES
                                                                          Amounts in ANG* 1,000   As at Dec. 31,  As at Dec. 31,
     Sales & other income                         479,398        489,533
                                                                          net of provisions            2016      2015
     Direct costs of production & sales           (147,476)      (165,845)
                                                                          Trade accounts receivables   65,584    62,774
     Gross profi t                                 331,922        323,688
                                                                          Other receivables           24,821    26,803
     Personnel expenses                            93,995         95,530   Total                      90,405    89,577
     Parts, repairs & maintenance                  63,963         49,900
     General & other expenses                       51,617        47,490
                                                                                                  As at Dec. 31,  As at Dec. 31,
                                                                          Amounts in ANG* 1,000
     Depreciation expenses                         45,055         43,386                               2016      2015
     Total operating expenses                     254,630        236,306   Employee benefi ts          106,217    135,907
                                                                          Other                        7,687     8,697
     Interest expenses                             15,445          18,573
                                                                          Total                       113,904  144,604
     Profi t before profi t tax                      61,847         68,809
     Profi t tax                                    12,631          1,736   FINANCIAL LIABILITIES
     PROFIT FOR THE YEAR                           49,216         67,073   Amounts in ANG* 1,000  As at Dec. 31,  As at Dec. 31,
                                                                                                       2016      2015
     Comprehensive income                                                 Corporate bonds            222,954    232,005
     Other comprehensive income                    27,277           7,139   Other loans                10,631    28,773
     Total comprehensive income                    76,493         74,212  Total                     233,585    260,778
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