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6 ZATERDAG                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   AMIGOE
       12 MAART 2016

Televisieprogramma's                                                                                                                                                                                                             Informatie

Nederland                             5:15    Geloofsgesprek             7:15   Brugklas                                                                                                                                         Centraal Politie            100
                                      5:30    Eucharistieviering         8:05   Peperbollen                                                                                                                                      Brandweer                   911
16:35   De kwis                       6:35    De nieuwe wereld           8:35   Mijn vader is de beste!                                                                                                                          Politie O’stad              102
17:25   Studio sport Eredivisie       7:19    Wilde ganzen               9:30   Hip voor nop                                                                                                                                     Politie San Nicolaas        104
18:25   Studio sport                  7:25    De verandering             10:00  Willem Wever                                                                                                                                     Politie St.Cruz             105
18:55   Journaal                      7:55    Fryslân dok                10:30  De kinderen                                                                                                                                      Politie Noord               107
19:00   Dokter Deen                   8:25    Was Von Kooten und         12:00  van Timpelbach                                                                                                                                   Tipline Politie             11141
19:55   EenVandaag                            Der Bie noch zu            12:20  Zappsport                                                                                                                                        Ziekenhuis                  527-4000
20:25   Journaal                      9:20    sagen hätten               12:35  De magische winkel                                                                                                                               Dierenarts                  585-0400
20:30   Journaal                      9:50    Andere tijden              13:00  Thunderbirds are go!                                                                                                                             Elmar centraal              523-7100
20:53   Tekst-tv                              Het uur van de wolf:       13:30  Caps club                                                                                                                                        Elmar storing               523-7147
                                      11:20   Foto Eddy - Negatieven     14:00  Zapp weekjournaal                                                                                                                                WEB Aruba                   525-4600
Zondag 13 maart                       11:51   van mijn vader             14:25  Welkom in de                                                                                                                                     SETAR                       582-2116
1:35 Nederland in beweging            12:00   100% Hindoe?               14:49  Gouden Eeuw                                                                                                                                      Taxi (TAS)                  587-5900
2:00 Studio sport                     12:10   Socutera                   14:50  Zapp echt gebeurd                                                                                                                                Taxi (ATT&T)                582-2010
2:55 Studio sport                     12:40   Journaal                   15:25  Socutera                                                                                                                                         Taxi (PTS)                  588-0035
3:40 Studio sport                     13:10   Jacobine op zondag         16:20  3 op reis                                                                                                                                        Taxi (Diamond)              587-2300
4:30 WNL op zondag                    14:15   Kunstuur                   16:50  Project Orpheus                                                                                                                                  Kankerbestrijding           582-0412
5:30 VPRO Vrije geluiden              15:15   Podium Witteman            17:25  Draadstaal                                                                                                                                       Stichting SAMBA             582-0903
6:20 VPRO Boeken                      16:05   Close Up: Black dandy             Missie Aarde
7:00 Journaal                         17:00   Langs de oevers                   Micha Wertheim:
7:10 Buitenhof                        17:35   van de Yangtze                    Voor je het weet
8:10 Studio sport                     18:05   VPRO Tegenlicht
9:15 Studio sport                     18:35   Nieuwsuur                  TeleCuraçao
10:25 Studio sport                            De monitor
11:55 Studio sport                            Kruispunt                  16:00  Arte pa Tur (r)
13:00 Journaal                                Adieu God?                 17:00  KPEK (r)
13:10 Studio sport                                                       18:00  Ban Halsa e Standarte (r)
14:00 Studio sport Eredivisie         Nederland                          18:30  Curaçao On                                                                                                                                       —Oranjestad—                582-1234
15:00 Journaal                                                           19:00  Leu Fo’i Kas                                                                                                                                     Ambulance                   527-2782
15:25 De reünie                       16:20   Empire                     20:00  TeleNotisia                                                                                                                                      BGD Oranjestad              582-1720
16:20 Eén tegen 100                   17:10   De Zwarte Lijst            20:30  Reina Seú2016                                                                                                                                    Veterinaire Kliniek         582-1623
17:15 Studio voetbal                  18:00   Standing in the            21:00  Wega di Number Kòrsou                                                                                                                            Animal Shelter
18:10 De Avond van                    19:15   shadows of Motown          21:10  Partsispashon di Morto
                                      20:00   Mr. Robot                  21:15  Reina Seú ta sigui
             de filmmuziek            21:00   Gomorra                    24:00  Raphael Lowpro Monsanto
                                      21:25   Weekendcrashers            2:00   Curaçao Vive (r)
Nederland                             23:28   Het beste van 101TV        3:00   Dimelo Kantando (r)                                                                                                                              — San Nicolaas—
                                              Tekst-tv                   3:30   Party Time (r)                                                                                                                                   Ambulance
                                                                         4:00   Bo ta Sigur? (r)                                                                                                                                 Centro Medico
                                                                         4:30   Tiempo Real (r)                                                                                                                                  BGD San Nicolaas
16:20   Andere tijden                 Zondag 13 maart                    Zondag 13 maart                                                                                                                                                                     584-5050
17:00   Nieuwsuur                     1:30 Kabouter Plop                 7:00 Youth Experience (r)                                                                                                                                                           523-8833
17:35   Whitechapel                   1:35 Mike de ridder                8:00 2 Mi, Bo, Nos Salu (r)                                                                                                                                                         527-2782
18:30   I Wish                        1:45 Pieter Konijn                 9:00 Ban Papia di Salú (r)                                                                                                                                                          584-5080
20:31   De nachtzoen                  2:00 Wickie de Viking              10:00 Herensia – Reini Trenidad
20:40   Nieuwsuur                     2:10 De wereld van Zappelin        11:00 Vaye di Alabansa                                                                                                                                  — Botica —                  584-5794
21:15   Nieuwsuur                     2:25 Kindertijd                    11:30 Santu Sakrifiso di Misa                                                                                                                           4 Centro Medico             584-4606
21:44   Tekst-tv                      2:50 Shaun het schaap              13:00 Show Musikal - TCFM                                                                                                                               Aloë                        585-1965
                                      3:00 The jungle book               16:00 Freeland Properties (r)                                                                                                                           Central                     588-7364
Zondag 13 maart                       3:10 Twisted whiskers              16:30 The Empire Files – Oil (r)                                                                                                                        Dakota                      582-1253
1:55 Jacobine op zondag               3:25 Studio snugger                17:00 Pagina Sosial Sbil (r)                                                                                                                            Del Pueblo                  587-9011
2:25 Adieu God?                       3:40 Zappsport                     17:30 Wega di Number Kòrsou                                                                                                                             Eagle                       583-4908
2:55 De wandeling                     4:00 Ik ben Willem                 17:45 Sorteo Ekstra                                                                                                                                     Kibrahacha                  585-8145
3:25 De verwondering                  4:15 Weekend met Willie            18:00 Before & After Magazine                                                                                                                           Maria                       586-4606
3:55 Bakkie troost                    4:25 Beestieboys                   19:00 De Frente ku Lupe                                                                                                                                 Noord                       582-1780
4:10 Nederland zingt op zondag        4:45 Taarten van Abel              20:00 TeleNotisia                                                                                                                                       Oduber                      588-6638
4:55 De kapel                         5:15 SpangaS                       20:25 Partisipashon di Morto                                                                                                                            Paradera                    584-5119
5:05 Metterdaad                       6:10 Kaal of kammen                20:30 Kantadó Mayó 2016                                                                                                                                 San Lucas                   584-8186
                                      6:30 Kaal of kammen                21:00 Muhé                                                                                                                                              San Nicolaas                586-8181
                                      6:50 Kaal of kammen                22:00 Curaçao Vive                                                                                                                                      Santa Anna                  585-8028
                                                                         23:00 Dokumental                                                                                                                                        Santa Cruz                  584-4833
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Seroe Preto                 583-8560
                                                                                      The Rolling Stones                                                                                                                         Trupiaal

BVN                                                                      ATV                                        COLOFON

15:30:  BinnensteBuiten               06:25:  EenVandaag                 ATV Schedule Zaterdag en zondag             Uitgeverij Amigoe (Aruba) N.V.                Administratie:                       Distributie:             — Mortuariums —             584-2299
16:00:  Weekoverzicht SpangaS         06:55:  NOS Sportjournaal          00:30 The Tonight Show Starring            Tel: (297) 582-4333 Fax: (297) 582-2368  Zulaika Kelly (abonnementen)        Zulma Kock, Zulaika Kelly       Ad Patres                   588-6699
16:50:  Sesamstraat                   07:00:  VRT Journaal                                                                                                   Grecia Willems (advertenties)         Aurora                      584-8888
17:05:  NOS Journaal                  07:35:  Kalmte kan u redden                     Jimmy Fallon(NBC)                      Bilderdijkstraat 16                                                                                 Olive Tree San Nicolaas     582-0000
17:10:  CupCakeCup                    08:25:  NOS Journaal               01:30 Last Night With Seth Meyers             Postbus 323, Oranjestad, Aruba                    Kantooruren:              Olive Tree Oranjestad
18:00:  NOS Koningspaar               08:45:  Weerbericht Europa/Afrika  02:30 Last Call With Carson Daly                                                             Opmaak:               Maandag t/m Vrijdag 8.00am-4.30pm
18:25:  EenVandaag                    08:50:  DWDD University:           03:00 The Meredith Vieira Show                           Directie:                          Zulma Kock
18:55:  NOS Sportjournaal                     Terrorisme, door           04:00 Steve Harvey (NBC)                            Sigrid Hammelburg                                                   Bankrekeningnummers:
19:00:  VRT Journaal                  09:50:  Beatrice de Graaf          05:00 1st Look (NBC)                              Caribbean Mercantile Bank #20651903
19:35:  Kalmte kan u redden                   De Stoutste Jongen         05:30 HouseSmarts (NBC)                                                                      Verkoop:
20:25:  NOS Journaal                  10:35:  van de Klas                06:00 1st Look (NBC)                                    Redactie:                                                      Banco di Caribe #81027801
20:45:  Weerbericht Europa/Afrika     11:05:  Rambam                     07:00 Saturday Today in New York                  Alex Lacle (coordinator)                Tiziana La Torre                  RBC #100031723
20:50:  DWDD University:                      NOS Studio                 08:00 Today all new (NBC)                                                    
        Terrorisme, door              11:55:  Sport Eredivisie           10:30 Open House (NBC)                                Linda Reijnders                                                   Klachten over bezorging ?
21:50:  Beatrice de Graaf             12:25:  Nieuwsuur                  11:00 Nina’s World (NBC)                             Mirte de Rozario                      Jamey Baire                          Mail naar
        De Stoutste Jongen                    Weerbericht                11:30 Ruff,Ruff, Tweet and Dave                      Franciska Groen          
22:35:  van de Klas                   12:30:  Amerika/Caribiën           12:00 Astroblast (NBC)                                                                                       
23:05:  Rambam                        12:55:  NOS Studio Sport           12:30 Clangers (NBC)                                   Bobby Spier
        NOS Studio Sport              13:00:  Iedereen beroemd           13:00 Earth to Luna(NBC)                          Leanne van Spronsen                                                                                   — Stichtingen —
23:55:  Eredivisie                    13:30:  VRT Journaal               15:30 Together We Make Football       
        Nieuwsuur                     15:35:  De zevende dag             16:30 Skiing (NBC)
                                      16:30:  Buitenhof                  18:00 Access Hollywood (NBC)                                                                                                                            Fundacion Anti-Droga Aruba
                                      16:55:  Willem Wever               19:00 Resumen di siman (ATV)
                                      17:05:  De week van karrewiet      20:00 Mesa Rondo (ATV)                     Het weer                                                                                                     (FADA)                      583-2999
                                      17:10:  NOS Journaal               21:00 NFL Playoff (NBC)
                                      17:25:  De Magische Winkel         02:30 1st look (NBC)                                                                                                                                    Fundacion Respetami         582-4433
                                      18:30:  Podium Witteman            03:00 Talk Stoop (NBC)
Zondag 13 maart                       19:10:  Nederland Zingt op Zondag  03:30 1st Look (NBC)                                                                                                                                    Zwanger? Fundacion
00:25: Weerbericht                    20:05:  VRT Journaal               04:00 Open House
                                              NOS Studio                 05:00 Access Hollywood                                                                                                                                  CIZKA                       583-0331
             Amerika/Caribiën         21:00:  Sport Eredivisie           05:30 Paid Programming
00:30: NOS Studio Sport               21:15:  NOS Journaal               06:00 Guilt Free Frying By Philips                                                                                                                      Fundacion Diabetico         593-0507
00:55: Iedereen beroemd               21:20:  Weerbericht Europa/Afrika  07:00 Sunday Today in New York
01:00: VRT Journaal                   22:10:  De Ridder                  09:30 Open House NYC (NBC)                                                                                                                              Arubano                     593-4928
01:30: Fans of Flanders                       Het Uur van de Wolf:       10:00 Resumen di siman (ATV)
01:55: Terug naar Faro:               23:10:  De jongensdroom -          11:30 Meet the Press (NBC)                                                                                                                              Twelve Step Meeting
                                      23:35:  Theo Jansen                12:30 Trend Alert repeat (ATV)
             ‘Beste’ meneer Schröder          Missie Aarde               13:00 Mesa Rondo (ATV)                                                                                                                                  AA-NA- AL- ANON- OA 583-8989
02:40: Landinwaarts                           Andere Tijden              14:30 Talk Stroop (NBC)
03:05: Puberruil Zapp                                                    16:30 Open House NYC (NBC)                                                                                                                              Fundacion Amor Pa           568-4739
03:30: BinnensteBuiten                                                   18:00 U.S. Figure Skating
04:00: Weekoverzicht SpangaS                                                                                                                                                                                                     Prohimo                     564-8849
04:50: Sesamstraat                                                                    Championships Preview
05:05: NOS Journaal                                                      19:00 News 4 NewYork (NBC)                                                                                                                              NA Acceptance Group 565-7500
05:10: CupCakeCup                                                        19:30 NBC Nightly News (NBC)
06:00: NOS Koningspaar                                                   20:00 Dateline (NBC)                                                                                                                                    Fundacion Centro
                                                                         22:00 NBC News Special
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ecologico Aruba             562-8984
                                                                                      Democratic Debate (NBC)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Bureau Sostenemi Misbruik

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 en mishandeling tegen

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 minderjarigen               588-1010

Horoscoop                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Fundacion C.V.A. voorkomen

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 en zorg voor stroke         567-7004

CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Aaron Eckhart, 48; Courtney B. Vance, 56; James Taylor, 68; Liza                      Dienstdoende huisartsen                   Aankomsttijden
Minnelli, 70.                                                                                                       Weekenddienst                             Cruiseschepen
                                                                                                                                                              Zondag 13 Mrt ‘16
Happy Birthday: Put the negativity in your life out of sight. You need to surround yourself with people             Huisarts nachtdienst -
who are upbeat. Focus on bringing more joy and satisfaction into your everyday life. Opportunity is                 Oranjestad                                Carnival Liberty
within reach if you are willing to do your part and go after what you want. Invest in yourself, not                 Huisartsenpost                            08.00 – 16.00
someone else. Your numbers are 8, 13, 25, 29, 33, 46.                                                               Hospitaal 527-4580                        Freewinds
                                                                                                                    12 mrt. 2016 -                            Woe.09 – 23.00
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Be bold and be different. Speak up and strive for equality in all your relationships,    Dr. Gonzales
but don't argue over trivial matters. It's best to have a give-and-take attitude if you want to achieve balance. A  13 mrt. 2016 -                           sudoku 5 mrt
disciplined attitude will pay off. 3 stars                                                                          Dr. Samuels

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Your persuasive ways will help you get others to do things your way. Lead the             Huisarts nachtdienst -
way by showing dedication, loyalty and determination, and you will make a lasting impression. Love and              San Nicolaas
romance will enhance your personal life. 3 stars                                                                    Centro Medico San
                                                                                                                    Nicolaas 524-8833
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): The versatility you offer will make a difference to group endeavors. Bring about           12 & 13 mrt. 2016 -
personal changes that will improve the way you live. Make romance a priority. A personal or financial               Dr. Britt - Croes
investment will turn out much better than anticipated. 3 stars
                                                                                                                    Dienstdoende apotheken
CANCER (June 21-July 22): A creative idea will impress someone you want to work with. Research and                  Apotheek nachtdienst
collaboration will lead you in the right direction. An unusual request will help push you to expand and explore     San Nicolaas
bigger options. 4 stars                                                                                             Botica Seroe Preto
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Don't be too trusting of something that sounds too good to be true. Investing in
someone else's plan won't end up being to your benefit. Don't let your emotions come between you and                Apotheek nachtdienst
reason. Put your money in a safe place. 2 stars                                                                     Oranjestad
                                                                                                                    Botica St. Anna
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Find out exactly where you stand. Listen carefully to the response you get and you        586-4010
will start to understand something you never noticed before. Observing someone's body language will help you
decipher what's really going on. Make self-improvement a priority. 5 stars

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Expect to face uncertainty in your relationships with others. Don't hesitate to ask
questions if you feel you are receiving mixed signals. Don't make an impulsive decision based on speculation.
Look out for your best interests and don't give in to bribery. 3 stars

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Pressure anyone who is reluctant to share opinions with you. It's important to get
the lowdown if you intend to make a decision that will have an impact on others. Your ideas may be good for
you, but a detriment to someone else. 3 stars

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Say little and do a lot. Your response and physical action will put you in a
better position. Honesty will help you avoid rumors, but don't trust anyone who tries to pry into your personal
affairs. Keep your explanations simple and precise. 3 stars

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Speak up and ask for favors. Someone will end up having more to offer you
than you expect. A chance to travel should be taken advantage of. A retreat or course will do you good. Love is
highlighted. 5 stars

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Do whatever it takes to bring order out of chaos. A change to the way you do
things will give you an idea that can help you improve your income. Stay on top of economic trends and new
technology. Focus on change. 2 stars

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You'll make a good impression on the people you fraternize with, allowing you to
share ideas and be given valuable input. Getting together with people you haven't seen for a long time will be
enlightening. 4 stars
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18