Page 9 - MIN.TTC MAY 11,2015
P. 9


   LOCALMonday 11 May 2015
Loyal Guests Honored at the Marriott Aruba Resort

PALM BEACH - Recently        Aruba Resort & Casino.
Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Di-      Diane commented that
ane Garofelo were hon-       she will never change her
ored as Ambassadors of       vacation island for any
Goodwill for the island      other island! The top rea-
of Aruba after visiting for  sons for returning provided
more than 20 years con-      by the honorees are they
secutive.                    consider Aruba to be the
The symbolic honorary        ‘Happy Island,’ the great
title is presented in the    weather, the friendly Aru-
name of the Minister of      ban hospitality, the white
Tourism as a token of ap-    sand beaches and the lo-
preciation to guests who     cal food.
visit Aruba for between 20   On the pictures Mr. Ricar-
and 34 years consecutive.    do Croes from ATA is seen
Mr. Ricardo Croes rep-       together with Thomas and
resenting Aruba Tourism      Diane, and also Christine
Authority conducted the      from the Marriott Aruba
ceremony at the Marriott     Resort & Casino.q
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