Page 68 - MIN TTC JULY 16
P. 68


SCIENCEThursday 16 July 2015

Solar plane suspends journey in Hawaii after battery damage

CALEB JONES                       In this July 3, 2015, file photo, ground crew push the Solar Impulse 2, a solar powered airplane, towards the hangar after landingat
Associated Press
HONOLULU (AP) - A team            the Kalaeloa Airport in Kapolei, Hawaii. 									                                          Associated Press
trying to fly a solar-pow-
ered plane around the             lulu, on July 3. His voyage    “Solar Impulse is attempt-      and charge batteries. The    speed is about 28 mph,
world said Wednesday it           of nearly 118 hours from       ing a historic first of flying  plane ran on stored energy   though that can double
is suspending the journey         Nagoya, Japan, broke the       around the world only on        at night.                    during the day when the
in Hawaii after the plane         record for the world’s lon-    solar energy,” the pilots       The aircraft took off in     sun’s rays are strongest.
suffered battery damage           gest nonstop solo flight, his  said in a statement. “And       March from Abu Dhabi, the    The carbon-fiber aircraft
during its record-breaking        team said.                     while Solar Impulse has         capital of the United Arab   weighs more than 5,000
flight to the islands.                                           completed eight legs, cov-      Emirates, then made stops    pounds, or about as much
The Solar Impulse team said                                      ering nearly half of the jour-  in Oman, Myanmar and         as a minivan or midsize
in a news release that it will                                   ney, setbacks are part of       China. It then made an un-   truck.
continue the attempt to                                          the challenges of a project     planned stop for nearly a    The airplane will be housed
circumnavigate the globe,                                        which is pushing techno-        month in Japan after high    in a University of Hawaii
but irreversible damage                                          logical boundaries to the       winds damaged a wing.        hangar at the Kalaeloa
caused by overheating                                            limits.”                        The trans-Pacific leg was    airport on Oahu while re-
batteries has grounded                                           The wings of Solar Impulse      the riskiest part of the     pairs are made. The team
the flight until at least April.                                 2, which stretch wider than     plane’s global travels, as   says it will also research
The batteries aboard So-                                         those of a Boeing 747, are      there was nowhere for it to  and test other cooling
lar Impulse 2 overheated                                         equipped with 17,000 solar      land in an emergency.        methods to prevent more
on the first day of its trip                                     cells that power propellers     The plane’s ideal flight     overheating.q
from Japan to Hawaii, and
there was no way to cool
down the system, the team
said. The company says
there was no weakness
with the technology, but
the team didn’t anticipate
temperature fluctuations
associated with rapid alti-
tude changes in a tropical
Pilot Andre Borschberg
and his single-seat aircraft
landed at Kalaeloa, a
small airport outside Hono-
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