P. 23

Diahuebs 12 OctOber 2017 servicio

                                                                                Dokter na warda                                    EMERGENCIA
                                                                             Oranjestad                San Nicolas        POLIS
                                                                            Dr. Gonzalez                 Dr. Vis          Oranjestad           100
                                                                            Tel. 583 0660             Tel. 584 9700
                                                                                                                          San Nicolas          104
                                                                                 Botica na warda                          Santa Cruz           105
                                                                                                                          Noord         107
             FUNDACIONNAN                                                    Oranjestad:               San Nicolas        Tip Line             11141
                                                                                                       San Nicolas
                                                                            Tel. 588 6638
                                                                                                      Tel. 584 5712
                                                                                                                          Ambulance            911
              Cas Di Cultura
              Cas Di Cultura                                                                                              Hospital             527-4000
              Vondellaan 2 Aruba  ondellaan 2 Aruba
              V                                                                                                           Imsan                524-8833
                 297-582-1010297-582-1010                                                                                 Warda Costa    913
              F A D A
              F A D A                                Cruise Ships Schedule – OCTOBER 2017
              Campanastraat 5 Aruba
              Campanastraat 5 Aruba                                                                                       Seguridad Nacional 11911
                 297-583-2999 297-583-2999                                                                                Cruz Cora            582-2219
                 297-583-9610 297-583-9610
              F A V I                                                                    ARR     DEPT    BERTH                        BOTICA
              F A V I

              Primavera 233 Aruba  rimavera 233 Aruba
              P                                 SUN      01       FREEWINDS - Dept.       ****      23.45      E          Aloe                 584-4606
                 297-582-5051 297-582-5051
                 297-582-5222 297-582-5222      WED      04       ADVENTURE OF THE SEAS      07.15      23.00      C      4 Centro Medico      584-5794

              F E P O                                          ZENITH                    06.30      16.30      B          Central              585-1965
              F E P O
              Engelandstraat 15 Aruba
              Engelandstraat 15 Aruba                          FREEWINDS                 06.00      ****      E           Dakota        588-7364
                 297-583-1016 297-583-1016
                 297-583-6607 297-583-6607                                                                                Del Pueblo           582-1253
              Fundacion Autismo undacion Hende
              F                                 FRI     06   Schedule october 2017                         C              Eagle                587-9011
              Muhe den dificultad                                                                                         Kibrahacha           583-4908

              T                                 SUN      08       FREEWINDS - Dept.      ****      23.45      E           Maria                585-8145
              Irenestraat 21 Aruba el: 583-5400
               297-588-1179undacion Autismo
              F                                                                                                           Di Servicio Noord      586-4606
              Ar                                MON      09       NORWEGIAN PEARL        08.00      22.00      B
              Fundacion Pa Nos uba

              Irenestraat 21 Aruba                             CORAL PRINCESS            13.00      19.00      C          Oduber               582-1780
                Cumana 2 Aruba  297-588-1179                                                                              Paradera             588-6638
              F                                 TUE      10       CELEBRITY EQUINOX      10.00      23.00      C          San Lucas            584-5119
               297-583-4247 undacion Pa Nos

              Fundacion Tel Pa
              Cumana 2 Aruba                                                                                              San Nicolas          584-5712
                Wilhelminastraat 19 297-583-4247   WED   11   ZENITH                    06.30    16.30     C              Santa Anna           586-8181
              F                                                FREEWINDS                 06.00      ****      E           Santa Cruz           585-8028
              Aruba  undacion Tel Pa
              Hubentud                                                                                                    Sero Preto           584-4833
              Koningin Wilhelmina ilhelminastraat 19
              W                                 SUN      15      CORAL PRINCESS          07.00      12.30      C
              Aruba                                            FREEWINDS - Dept.         ****      23.45      E           Trupial       583-8560
                Spinozastraat 9 Aruba 297-588-6138
              Koningin W                        WED      18       ADVENTURE OF THE SEAS      07.30      23.00      C                 UTILIDAD
               297-582-0412 ilhelmina

              F                                                CARIBBEAN PRINCESS        07.00      17.00      B          Setar                117
              Mary Joan Foundation onds
              Spinozastraat 9 Aruba
              Sabana Blanco 8 Aruba
                 297-588-9999297-582-0412                      NIEUW AMSTERDAM           08.00      20.00      I          Web                  525-4600
              Mar                                             ZENITH                    06.30    ****      H              Elmar                523-7147
              Ned Rode Kruis y Joan Foundation
              Sabana Blanco 8 Aruba                            FREEWINDS                 06.00      ****      E
              Perdo Gallegostraat 14
               297-588-9999                                                                                                         FUNERARIA

              Ned Rode Kruis                    THU      19       CARNIVAL CONQUEST      08.00      16.00      C          Aurora        588-6699

              Famia Planea (SBVO)erdo Gallegostraat 14
              P                                                ZENITH - Dept.            ****      18.00      H
              Aruba                                                                                                       Ad Patres            584-2299
              Avenida Milio J Croes 17
               297-588-3376                     SUN      22       FREEWINDS - Dept.      ****      23.45      E           Olive Tree           584-8888

              B Aruba
              Famia Planea (SBVO)                                                                                         Royal Funeral H.     586-4444
              A                                 TUE      24       ISLAND PRINCESS        13.00      19.00      C
      venida Milio J Croes 17

              B Aruba
                Stichting Fundacion
                Guia Mi famiaplanea@hotmail.
              com                                 Centrale Bank van Aruba
              George Madurostraat 34
              Stichting Fundacion                 Daily Exchange Rates - 10/11/2017

              Guia Mi                 Please be advised that the Cruise Ship Schedule is strictly provisional
              Y M C A

              George Madurostraat 34                        and is subject to change without prior notice.        2           3
              Calbasstraat 1 Aruba

                 297-582-3072  297-582-0088              Currency            Buying from Public      Buying from Public        Selling to Public
              Y M C A                                       aNG                              98.00                  100.00                  100.20
              AL-ANON group
              Calbasstraat 1 Aruba                              4
              Sabana Liber #8, Noord
               297-582-3072                                aNG1                                  -                       -                  100.00
              (close to the hotels)
              AL-ANON group                                 usD                               1.77                    1.78                    1.80
              Tel: 736-2952 or
              Sabana Liber #8, Noord                        caD                               1.40                    1.42                    1.44
              A1 Taxi Services Aruba
              (close to the hotels)                         chF                             182.63                  183.35                  184.15
              Tel: 736-2952 or
              Italietraat 50 lokaal 7
              Tel: 587-8850
              593-7081                                      GbP                               2.28                    2.33                    2.39
              Tel: 280-2828
              A1 Taxi Services Aruba                        JPY                             157.32                  158.75                  160.35
              Italietraat 50 lokaal 7                       eur                             208.79                  210.70                  212.82
              Whatsapp: 592-7024
              E-mail: a1taxiservices.
              Tel: 587-8850
              Tel: 280-2828                                 DKK                              27.33                   28.05                   28.85
              Whatsapp: 592-7024                            NOK                              21.46                   22.18                   22.98
              E-mail: a1taxiservices.                       seK                              21.10                   21.82                   22.62
                                                                                     For amounts up to afl. 100,000
                                                                                    centrale bank van aruba
                                                  advance rate: 1%.
                                                    Denominations: usD, caD, GbP are all per 1; aNG, aNG1, chF, eur, DKK, NOK, seK are all per 100; JPY is
                                                  per 10,000.
                                                    Drafts, checks, travelers' checks, transfers.
                                                    aNG selling rate for checks or transfers.
                                                                                              Page 1                        Date Printed: 11 Oct 2017
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