Page 37 - MIN ECEM 28 JUNE 2017
P. 37

                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 28 June 2017

             Luxury Press Trip from Europe Visiting the Island for a Taste of its Treasures

            PALM  BEACH  –  An  Invited   the  deal,  the  journalists  acquainted    themselves  outstanding  brand  of  hos-  was  organized  in  conjunc-
            group of important media     were  delighted  with  the  with the upscale services of  pitality.  Pictured  here,  the  tion  with  ATA,  the  Aruba
            personalities from Sweden,   program,  and  thoroughly  the resort, while sampling its  visiting  dignitaries.  The  trip  Tourism Authority.q
            Italy,  the  United  Kingdom,
            Germany  and  the  Neth-
            erlands,  visited  the  island
            just  recently,  committed
            to  report  on  their  impres-
            sions and experiences in a
            number  of  well-circulated
            European,  luxury  maga-
            zines,  on  line  publications
            and  lifestyle  blogs.    While
            on  the  island  guests  were
            treated  to  a  diverse  and
            interesting program of ac-
            tivities  which  included  a
            Land Rover tour, visiting the
            north shore, highlights and
            landmarks,  a  sailing  and
            snorkeling  excursion  on
            a  beautiful  sailing  yacht,
            and a monuments’ tour in
            downtown Oranjestad.
            The  Hilton  Aruba  Caribbe-
            an  Resort  &  Casino  rolled
            out the red carpet for wel-
            come cocktails and dinner
            on the night of the group’s
            arrival  and  breakfast  on
            the following morning, and
            a group spa treatment, just
            before  departure,  sealed
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