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WORLD NEWSSaturday 19 March 2016

In Zika fight, Brazil bogged down by neglect, recession                                                                                                             Cuban who wrote
                                                                                                                                                                    Obama is thrilled
J. GOODMAN                       survival. This week, thou-      interview.                     to a lack of reliable running                                       to get a response 
M. SAVARESE                      sands of Brazilians poured      But documents obtained         water.
Associated Press                 into the streets to demand      by the AP from prosecutors     Instead of looking at past                                         A. RODRIGUEZ
CAMPINA GRANDE, Brazil           she resign over a widening      indicate that the shortages    failures, Rousseff has been                                        Associated Press
(AP) — Last May, as the first    corruption scandal now          were so severe supplies        appealing to national                                              LA HABANA (AP) — A
cases of Zika were being         ensnaring her mentor, for-      had to be rationed nation-     pride. The T-shirt she wore                                        76-year-old Cuban wom-
detected in Brazil, cities at    mer President Luiz Inacio       wide between August and        to kick off a nationwide                                           an who invited President
the front lines of the epi-      Lula da Silva.                  October.                       cleanup campaign read,                                             Barack Obama to her Ha-
demic stopped receiving          Health Minister Marcelo         In a technical note sent in    “A mosquito is not stronger                                        vana home received a re-
government shipments of                                                                                                                                            sponse from the U.S. leader
insecticide to kill mosqui-      A municipal health worker sprays insecticide to kill Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which spreads the                                  Thursday in one of the first
toes.                            Zika virus, in Campina Grande, Brazil.                                                                                            letters to travel directly to
In Campina Grande, a city                                                                                                                                          Cuba in decades.
of 400,000, the shortages                                                                                                                  (AP Photo/Felipe Dana)  Ileana Yarza wrote to
continued even after Presi-                                                                                                                                        Obama on Feb. 18, saying
dent Dilma Rousseff de-          Castro was at a loss to ex-     September, Pernambuco          than an entire country.”                                           “there are not many Cu-
clared the mosquito-borne        plain what happened.            state officials even dis-      “The 204 million of us are                                         bans so eager as I to meet
virus a national health          “If there was this shortage     cussed using substitutes like  much stronger than this                                            you in person” and asked
emergency on Nov. 11.            — which I cannot attest to      household bleach or small      mosquito,” she said Friday                                         him to have a strong cup
The lack of larvicide is one     if there was or not — it was    fish to eat mosquito larvae.   in a speech in Bahia state,                                        of Cuban coffee with her
of a string of public health     for a short time, and was an    Castro said that the most      which has also been bat-                                           sometime. Obama wrote
failings crippling Brazil’s      isolated incident that does     effective way to fight mos-    tered by the virus.                                                back that “hopefully, I will
ability to manage the Zika       not affect the overall situa-   quitoes is eliminating the     Ground zero is Pernam-                                             have time to enjoy a cup
outbreak and the surge in        tion,” Castro said.             breeding sites lurking inside  buco and Paraiba. Since                                            of Cuban coffee” when he
rare birth defects believed      Castro said shipments have      homes.                         Zika was detected in Brazil,                                       visits Havana Sunday.
linked to it. A weeklong tour    been normalized since he        But virologists say it’s im-   the two states have ac-                                            His letter flew to Cuba
by The Associated Press of       took office last October.       portant to leverage all        counted for 40 percent of                                          Wednesday on the first di-
the impoverished northeast       “We’ve made a huge ef-          weapons, including larvi-      the 6,480 reported cases of                                        rect mail flight since shortly
where the epidemic is most       fort to ensure that there’s     cide, which is dropped into    babies born with shrunken                                          after the 1959 Cuban revo-
severe found public hospi-       no lack of larvicide in any     makeshift cisterns that pro-   heads, a rare condition                                            lution and arrived Thursday
tals starved for funding and     part of Brazil,” he said in an  liferate in the northeast due  known as microcephaly.                                             afternoon. “I’m pleasantly
local officials scrambling to                                                                                                                                      surprised,” Yarza told The
care for the stricken babies.                                                                                                                                      Associated Press. The White
“In 19 years of working in                                                                                                                                         House published the letter
environmental control I’ve                                                                                                                                         Thursday but Yarza said she
never seen so much disor-                                                                                                                                          was waiting to open it until
ganization,” said Rossan-                                                                                                                                          relatives arrived to watch.
dra Oliveira, who manages                                                                                                                                          Yarza, a retired econo-
mosquito control in Campi-                                                                                                                                         mist, speaks and writes
na Grande.                                                                                                                                                         fluent English thanks to a
The immediate culprit is                                                                                                                                           private school education
Brazil’s deepest recession                                                                                                                                         in American-run schools
since the 1930s. But experts                                                                                                                                       before Cuba’s 1959 so-
say the collective failure                                                                                                                                         cialist revolution. She said
to tackle corruption and                                                                                                                                           she was “charmed” by
crushing inequality is also to                                                                                                                                     Obama’s “gentlemanli-
blame.                                                                                                                                                             ness” and while she didn’t
If addressing such long-                                                                                                                                           know if she would see the
standing scourges weren’t                                                                                                                                          president during his time
a steep enough challenge,                                                                                                                                          in Cuba, she said: “If I had
Rousseff must now do so                                                                                                                                            the opportunity to see him
while fighting for political                                                                                                                                       I would say ‘I admire you,
                                                                                                                                                                   I respect you, and I think
Venezuelan leader flies to Cuba ahead of Obama                                                                                                                     you’ve done something
                                                                                                                                                                   very important,” by mov-
M. WEISSENSTEIN                  communications. Commu-          sending teams of doctors       government moves closer                                            ing toward normalizing re-
Associated Press                 nications Minister Luis Jose    and other state workers to     to the United States.                                              lations with Cuba.
HAVANA (AP) — Venezuela          Marcano told Venezuelan         bolster Venezuelan gov-        “We have big differences                                           “I’d love to show him and
President Nicolas Maduro         state television that the       ernment efforts. Some of       with the United States be-                                         his wife my house,” she
flew to Cuba on Friday for a     two governments would           that aid has been cut back     cause of our emphatic, un-                                         said.
day of high-level meetings       agree on new cooperation        as Venezuela struggles with    limited, complete solidarity                                       U.S. officials have said in re-
and ceremonies that ap-          in pharmaceutical produc-       a deep economic crisis.        with the Bolivarian Repub-                                         cent days that direct mail
peared designed to send a        tion, urban agriculture, in-    Venezuela’s relations with     lic of Venezuela and the                                           ended shortly after the
message of socialist solidar-    dustrial development and        the U.S. remain tense even     military-civilian union of its                                     Cuban revolution. Cuban
ity two days before Barack       tourism. Later in the day,      as Cuba works with the         people,” Cuban Foreign                                             state press say it was cut af-
Obama becomes the first          Maduro was set to receive       Obama administration to        Minister Bruno Rodriguez                                           ter a letter bomb was sent
U.S. president to visit the is-  the Order of Jose Marti, one    normalize ties.                told reporters Thursday af-                                        from New York to Cuba in
land in nearly 90 years.         of Cuba’s highest honors.       Cuba has made repeated         ternoon in a press confer-                                         1968. William LeoGrande,
Maduro was accompanied           Venezuela has been send-        public statements about        ence previewing Obama’s                                            an American University ex-
by his ministers of foreign      ing hundreds of millions of     maintaining its close ties     trip to Cuba.                                                      pert on U.S.-Cuba relations,
affairs, agriculture, health,    dollars in oil to Cuba each     with Venezuela even as         Maduro’s visit was an-                                             said he believed the Cu-
petroleum and mining and         year in exchange for Cuba       President Raul Castro’s        nounced shortly afterward.                                         ban version was correct.
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