Page 6 - MIN SJA 12 SEPT 2015
P. 6

                                                                                                                                                                     Saturday 12 September

US oil production seen tumbling, but low prices may hold

PARIS (AP) — Oil supply        barrels to 57.7 million bar-   said big production cuts                                          400,000 barrels a day less in   lon in most states, gasoline
from the United States, Rus-   rels a day in 2016. But a      are needed to balance                                             2016 than in 2015.              demand in the U.S. is at an
sia and other countries out-   prominent investment firm      the market.                                                       Russian and North Sea sup-      eight-year high. The agen-
side of OPEC is expected       questions whether even         Producers in the U.S., who                                        ply is also forecast to shrink  cy said demand in China is
to drop sharply next year      a cut that steep will shrink   need a higher price per                                           in 2016, according to the       still growing, despite signs
— possibly the steepest de-    the glut of oil on the market  barrel than OPEC coun-                                            IEA. Overall, non-OPEC          of economic weakness, as
cline since the Soviet Union   enough to boost the price.     tries to break even, have                                         production should drop the      growing use of transporta-
collapsed — because of         Amid booming U.S. produc-      started to cut back. The                                          most since 1992, when non-      tion fuels offsets lower in-
low prices, the Internation-   tion and high OPEC output,     U.S. Energy Department                                            OPEC output shrank 1 mil-       dustrial demand for crude
al Energy Agency forecast      the benchmark price of oil     estimated this week that                                          lion barrels after the USSR     oil. The agency forecast
Friday.                        plunged from over $100         production fell by 140,000                                        fell apart.                     global oil demand would
In its latest monthly report,  last year to about $45 this    per day in August. The de-                                        Low oil prices are also         rise 1.7 million barrels a day
the IEA says non-OPEC          week. Global oil demand        cline is expected to widen                                        sparking an increase in de-     this year, the highest in five
production is expected to      has grown, but at a slower     in the coming months, and                                         mand, IEA said. With pump       years, and grow by anoth-
drop nearly half a million     pace, and analysts have        production should average                                         prices well below $3 a gal-     er 1.4 million next year.q

US producer prices unchanged in August as gas costs fall 

Joao Rodrigues, left, removes a pair of newly-formed midsoles for the New Balance proposed                                      crease in July. Excluding       counteract.
950v2 sneaker that has passed military testing, from an IMEVA oven as Loyd Johnson looks on                                     the volatile food and ener-     Wholesale gas prices fell
at the company’s manufacturing facility in Boston. The Labor Department releases the Producer                                   gy categories, core prices      7.7 percent in August, the
Price Index for August on Friday, Sept. 11, 2015.                                                                               rose 0.3 percent last month.    government said, the big-
                                                                                                                                In the past year, wholesale     gest drop since January.
                                                                                                     (AP Photo/Stephan Savoia)  prices have actually fallen     Home heating oil prices
                                                                                                                                0.8 percent, the seventh        fell 11 percent. The cost of
C. S. RUGABER                  and other producers were       Friday the producer price                                         straight 12-month decline.      airline tickets and pickup
AP Economics Writer            unchanged in August, the       index, which measures                                             Core prices have risen just     trucks also fell.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The          latest evidence that infla-    price changes before they                                         0.9 percent during that         A gallon of gas cost an av-
prices charged by U.S.         tion is tame.                  reach the consumer, was                                           time.                           erage $2.37 on Thursday,
manufacturers, farmers         The Labor Department said      flat after a 0.2 percent in-                                      With oil and gas prices fall-   22 cents cheaper than a
                                                                                                                                ing and most other costs        month earlier and down by
                                                                                                                                little changed, American        $1.06 in the past year.
                                                                                                                                consumers are enjoying          But there are also some
                                                                                                                                mild inflation. The dollar      signs of rising costs. In the
                                                                                                                                has risen about 15 per-         past three months core
                                                                                                                                cent in value in the past       prices have increased at
                                                                                                                                year, which makes imports       a 3.4 percent annual rate,
                                                                                                                                cheaper.                        compared with a 1.8 per-
                                                                                                                                Yet tepid price increases       cent decline in the preced-
                                                                                                                                pose a dilemma for the          ing three months. Much
                                                                                                                                Federal Reserve. It wants       of that increase has been
                                                                                                                                to see inflation closer to its  driven by rising profit mar-
                                                                                                                                2 percent target before         gins at retailers and whole-
                                                                                                                                raising interest rates, poten-  salers.
                                                                                                                                tially as soon as its meeting   Greg Daco, an economist
                                                                                                                                next week.                      at Oxford Economics, said
                                                                                                                                The Fed targets 2 per-          wholesale prices should
                                                                                                                                cent inflation as a cushion     move up later this year as
                                                                                                                                against falling prices, or      oil prices stabilize and the
                                                                                                                                deflation, which can drag       economy continues to
                                                                                                                                down wages and is hard to       grow.q

America’s budget deficit drops to $64.4 billion in August 

MARTIN CRUTSINGER              reflected quirks in timing     stronger economy brings in                                        of this year, government        current level of $18.1 trillion,
AP Economics Writer            related to the calendar.       more tax revenue.                                                                                 $25 million below the cur-
WASHINGTON (AP) — The          Some $42 billion in August     The 2014 deficit was an im-                                       revenues total $2.88 tril-      rent debt limit set by Con-
federal government ran         benefit payments were          provement from a deficit                                                                          gress.
up a much smaller bud-         made in July because Aug.      of $679.5 billion in 2013. For                                    lion, up 8 percent from the     Since March, Treasury Sec-
get deficit in August than     1 fell on a Saturday.          the four years before 2013,                                                                       retary Jacob Lew has been
a year ago, remaining on       Through the first 11 months    the deficit ballooned to                                          same period a year ago.         employing emergency
track to record the small-     of this budget year ending     annual deficits above $1                                                                          measures to keep the gov-
est annual deficit in eight    Sept. 30, the deficit is run-  trillion, reflecting a deep                                       Government  spending            ernment from going over
years.                         ning 10 percent below last     recession that cut into tax                                                                       the debt limit.
The Treasury Department        year’s level.                  revenues and expanded                                             over the past 11 months is      In a letter to Congress on
said Friday that the deficit   The Congressional Bud-         government spending on                                                                            Thursday, Lew estimated
in August totaled $64.4 bil-   get Office is forecasting      such programs as unem-                                            up 4.8 percent to $3.41 tril-   that the emergency mea-
lion, a drop of 50 percent     that the deficit for the full  ployment benefits and a                                                                           sures he is now employing
from the same month a          year will drop to $426 bil-    stimulus package aimed at                                         lion.                           will last until late October or
year ago.                      lion, down 11.8 percent        jump-starting growth.                                                                             possibly into early Novem-
Much of that improvement       from the previous year as a    Through the first 11 months                                       The CBO’s forecast of a         ber. q

                                                                                                                                2015 deficit of $426 billion

                                                                                                                                would be the lowest im-

                                                                                                                                balance since the deficit

                                                                                                                                stood considerably lower

                                                                                                                                at $160.7 billion in 2007.

                                                                                                                                The huge deficits over the

                                                                                                                                past eight years pushed

                                                                                                                                the national debt up to a
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