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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 17 OcTOber 2017
            Hurricane Ophelia’s remnants batter UK, Ireland; 3 dead

                                                                                                   Varadkar said.               were  grounded  at  several
                                                                                                   “The last time there was a  locations in the British Isles.
                                                                                                   storm  this  severe,  11  lives  Some 130 flights were can-
                                                                                                   were lost,” he added, refer-  celled  at  Dublin  Airport,
                                                                                                   ring  to  Hurricane  Debbie,  while  flights  were  also
                                                                                                   which hit Ireland in 1961.   grounded  at  Manchester
                                                                                                   Although    Ophelia    has  Airport.
                                                                                                   been  downgraded  to  a  Both  Ryanair  and  Easy  Jet
                                                                                                   post-tropical  cyclone,  Ire-  cancelled  flights  at  Belfast
                                                                                                   land’s National Emergency  International  Airport,  with
                                                                                                   Coordination Group on Se-    more   cancellations   ex-
                                                                                                   vere Weather warned that  pected.  Several  flights  to
                                                                                                   the  storm  is  still  “unprec-  British airports were also di-
                                                                                                   edented,  with  serious  life-  verted because of unusual
                                                                                                   threatening conditions.”     odors  on  board  thought
                                                                                                   Ireland’s  weather  service,  to  be  associated  with  the
                                                                                                   Met Eireann, described the  remnants of the storm.
                                                                                                   storm  as  the  most  power-  Authorities warned anyone
                                                                                                   ful on record to have ever  with travel plans to contact
                                                                                                   been this far east in the At-  their airline.
                                                                                                   lantic.                      In parts of the United King-
            Waves break around the church in the harbour at Porthleven, Cornwall southwestern England, as   Forecasters  warned  of  fly-  dom  and  in  France’s  Brit-
            the remnants of Hurricane Ophelia begins to hit parts of Britain and Ireland. Ireland’s meteorological   ing  debris,  such  as  tiles  tany region, the sky turned
            service is predicting wind gusts of 120 kph to 150 kph (75 mph to 93 mph), sparking fears of travel   blown  from  roofs.  Large  an  eerie  color  as  Oph-
            chaos. Some flights have been cancelled, and aviation officials are warning travelers to check   waves  around  coastal  dis-  elia’s  winds  carried  a  mix
            the latest information before going to the airport Monday.                             tricts tossed sand and rocks  of  sand  from  the  Sahara
                                                                            (Ben Birchall/PA via AP)  onto  coastal  roads,  sea-  and  particles  from  forest
            By DANICA KIRKA              spread power outages.        30 years to the day after a   fronts and properties.      fires in Spain and Portugal.
            Associated Press             Irish  Prime  Minister  Leo   weather event dubbed the    Wind  warnings  were  in  On  social  media,  people
            LONDON  (AP)  —  The  rem-   Varadkar urged people to     “Great Storm of 1987” bat-   place for Northern Ireland,  posted  pictures  of  London
            nants of Hurricane Ophelia  stay indoors until the storm   tered southern England. “It   parts of Wales and western  landmarks  against  yellow-
            slammed  into  Ireland  with  passed.                     is a very dangerous storm,”   parts  of  England.  Planes  orange skies.q
            wind gusts of up to 80 mph  Tens of thousands of homes
            (130  kph)  on  Monday,  kill-  were  without  power  and
            ing  at  least  three  people,  the military was placed on
            grounding  planes,  shutting  standby.  Some  hurricane-
            schools and causing wide-    force  gusts  were  reported

            Portugal wildfires kill at least 35

            By BARRY HATTON              dead,  the  Civil  Protection
            Associated Press             Agency  said  Monday.  The
            LISBON,  Portugal  (AP)  —  infant’s  body  was  found
            Late  season  wildfires  that  near Tabua, some 200 kilo-
            broke  out  over  the  week-  meters (120 miles) north of
            end in Portugal have killed  Lisbon.  The  parent’s  bod-
            at least 35 people, includ-  ies  reportedly  were  found
            ing  a  1-month-old  infant,  nearby.  Officials  did  not
            authorities  said  Monday,  provide further details.
            making  2017  by  far  the  Civil  Protection  Agency
            deadliest  year  on  record  spokeswoman        Patricia
            for  forest  blazes  in  the  Gaspar said the death toll
            country.                     could rise.
            In    neighboring    Spain,  “We are still searching burnt
            wildfires  have  also  killed  areas  to  see  if  there  are
            at  least  four  people  and  any more victims,” Gaspar
            prompted  the  evacuation  told The Associated Press.
            of  thousands  in  the  north-  She said 56 people were in-
            west  region  of  Galicia,  as  jured, 16 of them seriously,
            the remnants of winds from  and  nine  people  were  re-
            Hurricane  Ophelia  fanned  ported  missing  in  the  blaz-
            the  flames  along  Iberia’s  es that broke out over the
            Atlantic coast.              weekend.
            The  fires  returned  to  Por-  More than 5,300 firefighters
            tugal  four  months  after  a  with  more  than  1,600  ve-
            summer  blaze  claimed  64  hicles were still battling the
            lives in one night. The year’s  fires  through  dense  pine
            current  total  of  99  deaths  and   eucalyptus   forests
            is  far  higher  than  the  pre-  Monday.
            vious  annual  record  of  Portugal  endures  wide-
            25,  in  1966.  A  one-month-  spread  forest  blazes  every
            old  baby  was  among  the  summer. q
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