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                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 17 OcTOber 2017

            The Aruba Endurance Festival

            ORANJESTAD - After its inau-  Challenge Aruba RunWalk,  inars and Sport Expo will be
            gural year with hundreds of  FitVille  Caribbean,  Semi-  responsible for 3 days of ex-
            international  and  local  at-  nars, a Kids Splash & Dash  citement around the Hyatt
            tendees “Challenge Aruba  race  and  the  main  event  Aruba  Resort  Parking  lot.
            Triathlon”  returns  for  a  2nd  the International Challenge  This will be culminated with
            edition  starting  October  Aruba Triathlon.              the  2017  Challenge  Aruba
            20th  –  October  22nd  2017.                             Triathlon.  Additionally  a
            The  Challenge  Aruba  En-   The expansion of the event  Music and Food Festival will
            durance Festival is a 3 day  with new elements like the  be  part  of  the  festivities  in
            annual  event  consisting  of  Fit Ville Caribbean (CrossFit  the exciting Beer Garden.
            a  Sport  Expo  including  a  Games) ,Aruba Kids Splash
            food  &  music  festival,  the  & Dash, RunWalk 5km, Sem-  This  year  promises  to  in-
                                                                                                   volve more participants in-  http://www.challenge-aru-
                                                                                                   cluding children and teens
                                                                                                   throughout  the  different
                                                                                                   new activities that are listed  To  learn  more  about  each
                                                                                                   on      event:
                                                                                                   Athletes  from  around  the  Kid’s  Splash  and  Dash:
                                                                                                   world as well as locals have  http://www.challenge-aru-
                                                                                                   already  registered  for  the
                                                                                                   multiple events.             Charity  Run  Walk:  http://
                                                                                                   For the triathlon part of the  www.challenge-aruba.
                                                                                                   events  there  are  different  com/runwalk
                                                                                                   options for the participants,  Fitville  Carribean:  http://
                                                                                                   which  are:  half-triathlon,  www.challenge-aruba.
                                                                                                   half-triathlon  relay,  sprint-  com/fitvillecaribbean
                                                                                                   triathlon  or  sprint-triathlon  Challenge Aruba Triathlon:
                                                                                                   relay.                       http://www.challenge-aru-
                                                                                                   Several booths will be pres-
                                                                                                   ent  every  evening  serving  Tri-Team   Championship:
                                                                                                   different types of food.     http://www.challenge-aru-
                                                                                                   Follow this link to see the En-
                                                                                                   durance Festival schedule:  ship q
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