Page 7 - ATA
P. 7
LOCAL Monday 26 June 2017
Aruba Nights: Three Decades of Doing It Right!
Aruba is always out of this their web page, blogs,
world. apps, and social networks.
Aruba Nights is the longest Aruba Nights extends a big
continually running maga- thank you to Aruba for al-
zine on the island, and 30 lowing them to be Aruba’s
years ago they made a premier magazine since
vow to dig deep, to sleuth 1987 and for embracing
out the best experiences, them like family.
and to showcase the local They are proud to be a big
people, color, and culture part of Aruba’s excellent
of this island with stunning tourism product and to be
images and insightful edi- a major financial contribu-
torial. And they are dug in tor to AHATA to support
for the long run. tourism here over the past
Over the years, their quality 15 years. As well, they take
publications have reached great pride in being AHA-
tens of millions of visitors, TA’s official tourist publica-
won awards, helped build tion.
businesses, and brought They especially thank all
ORANJESTAD - Aruba The Aruba Nights team date, in-depth, and inter- people together. And their loyal clients and dedi-
Nights is celebrating their has always endeavored to esting content about this now, their online presence cated readers for their sup-
30th anniversary this year, provide their readers and happy little 20-mile-long is- reaches out to the world on port and trust, which they
and it’s been quite a ride! visitors with the most up-to- land to ensure their stay on a global platform through truly appreciate.q
Honoring at Aruba Beach Club resort
Rick Fiorillo and Debra conducted the ceremony
Sharkey from New Jersey held at the Aruba Beach
were recently honored as Club resort. According to
Distinguished Visitors due the honorees, they love
to their 17th consecutive the island for the weather,
visit to Aruba. Marouska calm seas and the relaxing
Heyliger representing the feeling the island has to of-
Aruba Tourism Authority fer. q