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    SPORTSFriday 4 March 2016

Missy Franklin hopes frustrating year will push her for Rio 

PAUL NEWBERRY                  In this Jan. 16, 2016, file photo, Missy Franklin watches the results board of the women’s 200-meter backstroke during the Arena
AP National Writer             Pro Swim Series, in Austin, Texas. 
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Get
this: There are times when                                                                                                                                                                        Associated Press
Missy Franklin is frustrated.
OK, it’s not as if she’s sud-  peal, though she didn’t      last year, setting up some       “You know what? This may        went so well.
denly turned all cranky and    cash in right away since     major endorsement deals          not be happening right          “She missed a bronze
rude. The Olympic cham-        she wanted to compete        heading into Rio (she’s al-      now,” she said. “It’s OK to     medal in the 200 free by a
pion still walks around the    collegiately.                ready landed with Spee-          be frustrated, but use it for   hundredth of a second,”
pool with a perpetual smile.   After two years at Cal,      do and Minute Maid). But,        something good. I promise       Schmitz recalled. “She can
But subpar performances        Franklin finally turned pro  while she has a lot more         you, it’s going to pay off      usually dig down and find
over the past year have                                     money in her pocket, it’s        when it needs to.”              that motivation, but some-
started to get under her                                    been a struggle to regain        In addition to turning pro,     times I’ll say, ‘Hundredth of
skin a bit.                                                 the form that made her           Franklin moved back to her      a second.’ That’s all I have
With the Rio Games just five                                the world’s most dominant        Colorado home and reunit-       to say.”
months away, she knows                                      female swimmer — a title         ed with longtime coach          Away from the pool, Frank-
it’s time to start producing.                               ceded to fellow American         Todd Schmitz. They’ve           lin has started working on a
“I definitely don’t want to                                 Katie Ledecky.                   been adapting to a new          book with her parents. She
come off like everything                                    At the 2015 world champi-        style of coach-athlete re-      calls it “a family memoir,” a
is happy all the time,” she                                 onships, Franklin failed to      lationship, one that the        chance to reveal how the
said before this weekend’s                                  win any of her four individ-     20-year-old swimmer calls       three of them were “able
Arena Pro Series meet in                                    ual events, settling for a sil-  more of a partnership.          to stay true to ourselves
Orlando, not far from the                                   ver and two bronzes. In the      “He knows I learned so          and true to each other”
make-believe world of Dis-                                  last Pro Series meet at Aus-     much being away for two         even as Franklin became a
ney. “When I come back                                      tin, Texas, in January, she      years, as a person and as       teenage phenomenon.
from some of these meets, I                                 again failed to win any indi-    a swimmer,” Franklin said.      Titled “Relentless Spirit,” the
am for sure frustrated.”                                    vidual events and, tellingly,    “When I was 17, he had to       book is due in early De-
At 17, Franklin was one of                                  trailed far behind Ledecky       lay down the line a little bit  cember.
the biggest stars at the Lon-                               in the 100- and 200-meter        more. Now, we draw the          You know what would help
don Olympics, competing                                     freestyles.                      line together.” Schmitz has     sales?
in seven events and win-                                    “I left there being really       prodded Franklin to turn        A few more gold medals.
ning four gold medals and                                   frustrated,” said Franklin, in-  some of the tough times         Franklin isn’t one to make
a bronze. Away from the                                     sisting she did some of her      into motivation leading to      bold predictions. Like most
pool, her bubbly personal-                                  hardest training before the      Rio. “When you throw gas-       swimmers, she can’t even
ity only enhanced her ap-                                   meet. “Why is this not com-      oline on an unlit match, it     bring herself to say defini-
                                                            ing through? Why is this not     doesn’t do anything,” the       tively she’ll be in Rio since
                                                            being shown when I’m rac-        coach said. “I think that’s     she still has to go through
                                                            ing? I think it’s important to   the same thing with Missy.      the ultra-competitive U.S.
                                                            let yourself feel like that. If  You’ve got to use that as       Olympic trials.
                                                            you do kind of push those        fuel on your fire. You don’t    But she certainly hasn’t lost
                                                            things aside and pretend         want to think about it too      her confidence.
                                                            they’re not there, it’s all go-  much, but you know what,        “I trust that I’m on this path
                                                            ing to come back and hit         there are some key times        for a reason and I’m going
                                                            you when you don’t want          where I’ve got to look at       to do my best to live it out,”
                                                            it to.”                          her and go, ‘Hey.’”             she said. “I have that faith
                                                            The key, she said, is using      He’ll even bring up the Lon-    that I’ll be ready when I
                                                            that angst the right way.        don Olympics, where things      need to be ready.”
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