Page 3 - AHATA
P. 3
Monday 28 august 2017
Loyal Guests Honored at the Renaissance Ocean Suites
ORANJESTAD - Recently sadors at the Renaissance a token of appreciation to
the Aruba Tourism Author- Ocean Suites. guests who visit Aruba for
ity had the great pleasure 20-to-34 consecutive years.
of honoring a group of The symbolic honorary title The honorees were Mr.
loyal and friendly visitors of is presented in the name Steve and Mrs. Charlotte
Aruba as Goodwill Ambas- of the Minister of Tourism as Thomas-Hawkins of Burling-
ton, New Jersey, and Mr. that being on Aruba and
William T. and Mrs. Patricia staying at the Renaissance
Reid Merritt of Hamilton, Ocean Suites is like being
New Jersey. at their vacation ‘home-
These special visitors are loy- away-from-home.’
al members of the Renais- The certificate was pre-
sance Ocean Suites and sented by Ms. Darline S.
they love Aruba very much de Cuba representing the
because of the friendly Aruba Tourism Authority to-
people, fun in the sun, the gether with associates from
climate, the beaches and the Renaissance Ocean
the restaurants. They say Suites.