Page 6 - Lotto Dec 18, 2014
P. 6
Pagina 28 Diahuebs 18 December 2014
USA-Cuba prisoner Telefonnan importante:
swap must spur
Resultado di number: BOTICANAN:
Maria 585-8145
Diarazon merdia 17 December Di Servicio Noord 586-4606
historic human Seroe Preto 584-4833
rights change
Catochi Big 4 Fergusonstraat 583-0620
8260 8577 Kibrahacha NV 582-2007
Oduber NV 582-1780
Today’s prisoner relations between the two Paradera 588-6638
countries, it will mean
exchange between the Cuban authorities can no Santa Cruz 585-6890
longer use the crippling
USA and Cuba presents sanctions as an excuse San Lucas 584-4830
for lagging behind on
the best opportunity in its international human San Nicolas 584-5712
rights obligations.”
Zodiac xxxxxxxxxx more than half a century Santa Anna 586-0027
For years, Amnesty
3835 Leo to forge an agenda for International campaigned Trupial 582-8671
on behalf of the “Cuban
human rights change Five”. The organization Eagle 587-9011
echoed concerns raised
amid efforts to normalize by a UN Working Group 4 Centro Medico 584-5779
that the men were not
relations between the afforded fair trials in Aloe 584-4606
Miami, and criticized the
two countries, Amnesty USA for not granting visas Central NV 585-1965
to allow several of the
International said. men’s wives to visit them Dakota NV 588-7364
in prison. Those released
Diarazon Anochi 17 December today include Gerardo Del Pueblo 582-1253
Hernandez, 49, Antonio
Alan Gross, an alleged Guerrero, 56, and Ramon
Labañino, 51. Two others,
Catochi Big 4 US aid worker imprisoned Rene Gonzalez, 58, and POLIS:
Fernando Gonzalez, 51,
6925 8733 in Cuba for the past five were previously released. Orañestad 100
8849 years after being accused “This release after more San Nicolas 104
than a decade and a half
of spying, and the three behind bars in the USA, Sta. Cruz 105
following proceedings
remaining “Cuban Five” that fell short of Noord 107
international fair trial
8630 prisoners held in the USA standards, must come Tip-line 11141
as an immense relief for
Zodiac on espionage charges these three men and their Brandweer/Ambulance 911
families. Concerns raised
6151 LIBRA Mini Mega since 1998, had been by Amnesty International Guardacosta 913
and others over their trial
22–10–14–31–02 released and were en and treatment should Seguridad National 11911
Joker: 23 Letter: A have prompted US
route to their respective authorities to grant these Hospital 527-4000
men clemency years
home countries on ago,” said Erika Guevara Centro Medico 524-8833
Wednesday morning Setar storing 117
local time. Web Storing 525-4600
Corsou Elmar storing 523-7147
Lotto di dia 3297 “Today’s prisoner swap is Agencia Funeral:
6300 a very welcome opening
05–01–09–28–20 3446 salvo in a long-awaited The Olive Tree 584-8888
overhaul of US-Cuban
Diario Super 4 relations after more than Ad Patres 584-2299
half a century of thorny
1448 0212 relations, sanctions and Aurora 588-6699
1186 mutual recriminations.
6060 Any efforts at political Mementomori 582-2222
and diplomatic change
must now go hand-in- Fundacion:
glove with historic human
rights change in Cuba,” Cas 584-2050
said Erika Guevara
Rosas, Americas Director Fada 583-2999
at Amnesty International.
FAVI 582-5051
Famia Planea 588-9591
Autismo Aruba 588-1179
Pa Hende Muherr 583-5400
Pa Hubentud 588-6138
Bloedbank Aruba 587-4260
4 skina DIA Solo di Pueblo 585-9500
1860 Canal 22 585-9500
4 Skina Cur “If the US embargo on Tip pa redaccion 592-6895
Cuba, and its negative
3736 impact on the economic Botica na Warda
and social rights of
Cubans, is lifted as part Yama pa informacion na
of efforts to normalize Horacio Oduber Hospital:
Abona na Solo di Pueblo: Dokter na Warda
Afl. 35.00 pa luna
Yama 5859500
Tur mainta tempran nos ta
entrege den porta di bo cas!
Keda semper bon informa!
USA-Cuba prisoner Telefonnan importante:
swap must spur
Resultado di number: BOTICANAN:
Maria 585-8145
Diarazon merdia 17 December Di Servicio Noord 586-4606
historic human Seroe Preto 584-4833
rights change
Catochi Big 4 Fergusonstraat 583-0620
8260 8577 Kibrahacha NV 582-2007
Oduber NV 582-1780
Today’s prisoner relations between the two Paradera 588-6638
countries, it will mean
exchange between the Cuban authorities can no Santa Cruz 585-6890
longer use the crippling
USA and Cuba presents sanctions as an excuse San Lucas 584-4830
for lagging behind on
the best opportunity in its international human San Nicolas 584-5712
rights obligations.”
Zodiac xxxxxxxxxx more than half a century Santa Anna 586-0027
For years, Amnesty
3835 Leo to forge an agenda for International campaigned Trupial 582-8671
on behalf of the “Cuban
human rights change Five”. The organization Eagle 587-9011
echoed concerns raised
amid efforts to normalize by a UN Working Group 4 Centro Medico 584-5779
that the men were not
relations between the afforded fair trials in Aloe 584-4606
Miami, and criticized the
two countries, Amnesty USA for not granting visas Central NV 585-1965
to allow several of the
International said. men’s wives to visit them Dakota NV 588-7364
in prison. Those released
Diarazon Anochi 17 December today include Gerardo Del Pueblo 582-1253
Hernandez, 49, Antonio
Alan Gross, an alleged Guerrero, 56, and Ramon
Labañino, 51. Two others,
Catochi Big 4 US aid worker imprisoned Rene Gonzalez, 58, and POLIS:
Fernando Gonzalez, 51,
6925 8733 in Cuba for the past five were previously released. Orañestad 100
8849 years after being accused “This release after more San Nicolas 104
than a decade and a half
of spying, and the three behind bars in the USA, Sta. Cruz 105
following proceedings
remaining “Cuban Five” that fell short of Noord 107
international fair trial
8630 prisoners held in the USA standards, must come Tip-line 11141
as an immense relief for
Zodiac on espionage charges these three men and their Brandweer/Ambulance 911
families. Concerns raised
6151 LIBRA Mini Mega since 1998, had been by Amnesty International Guardacosta 913
and others over their trial
22–10–14–31–02 released and were en and treatment should Seguridad National 11911
Joker: 23 Letter: A have prompted US
route to their respective authorities to grant these Hospital 527-4000
men clemency years
home countries on ago,” said Erika Guevara Centro Medico 524-8833
Wednesday morning Setar storing 117
local time. Web Storing 525-4600
Corsou Elmar storing 523-7147
Lotto di dia 3297 “Today’s prisoner swap is Agencia Funeral:
6300 a very welcome opening
05–01–09–28–20 3446 salvo in a long-awaited The Olive Tree 584-8888
overhaul of US-Cuban
Diario Super 4 relations after more than Ad Patres 584-2299
half a century of thorny
1448 0212 relations, sanctions and Aurora 588-6699
1186 mutual recriminations.
6060 Any efforts at political Mementomori 582-2222
and diplomatic change
must now go hand-in- Fundacion:
glove with historic human
rights change in Cuba,” Cas 584-2050
said Erika Guevara
Rosas, Americas Director Fada 583-2999
at Amnesty International.
FAVI 582-5051
Famia Planea 588-9591
Autismo Aruba 588-1179
Pa Hende Muherr 583-5400
Pa Hubentud 588-6138
Bloedbank Aruba 587-4260
4 skina DIA Solo di Pueblo 585-9500
1860 Canal 22 585-9500
4 Skina Cur “If the US embargo on Tip pa redaccion 592-6895
Cuba, and its negative
3736 impact on the economic Botica na Warda
and social rights of
Cubans, is lifted as part Yama pa informacion na
of efforts to normalize Horacio Oduber Hospital:
Abona na Solo di Pueblo: Dokter na Warda
Afl. 35.00 pa luna
Yama 5859500
Tur mainta tempran nos ta
entrege den porta di bo cas!
Keda semper bon informa!