Page 20 - MIN.MIKE DE MEZA JUNE 19,2015
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DIABIERNA 19 JUNI 2015                                      DIARIO                                                            PAGINA 71

   Cu tristesa pero conforme cu boluntad di Dios nos ta                    Gabinete di Gobernador ta informa:
   anuncia cu a bai laga nos den brasa di Señor
   mi esposo, nos tata, abuelo y bisabuelo stima,           Un total di 40 persona ta bay
                                                            haya nacionalidad Hulandes cu
       Señor Raymundo Werleman                                      poder retroactivo

              01 Mei 1930 – 16 Juni 2015                    ORANJESTAD(AAN): DI-           Minister di Medio Ambiente,        Ta trata di e personanan, e
                                                            ARIO a ricibi un comunica-                                        tempo ey menor di edad,
   Na nomber di su Esposa:                                  do for di Gabinete di Gober-   Infrastructura y Integracion a     cu den e periodo di prome
   Sra. Fermina Werleman-Pereira                            nador di Aruba cu ta bisa lo   firma un ‘beschikking’, door       di Juni 1992 te cu prome di
                                                            siguiente:                     di cual un grupo specifico ta      April 2003 no a wordo natu-
   Yuinan:                                                  Riba Diahuebs dia 11 di Juni,  bay haya e nacionalidad Hu-        raliza hunto cu nan mayor of
   Grace y Rudy Gil-Werleman                                                                                                  mayornan.
   Angelica Werleman                                                                       landes cu poder retroactivo.       Ta trata di un total di 40 per-
   Ligia Werleman                                                                                                             sona.
   Roly y Aureen Werleman-Croes                             The 91st Psalm                                                    E areglo cu awor a bin na
   Mariela y Gerard van der Weide -Werleman                 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High             vigor a wordo logra den bon
   Milta y Johnny Chai- Werleman                            Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty                      cooperacion entre e servicio-
   Joraine y Richard Simon-Werleman                                                                                           nan di entre otro DIMAS y
                                                            With deep sorrow and sadness but in                               DBSB/CENSO den coopera-
   Su ruman: Juana Lacle- Werleman y famia                  accordance with God’s Holy Will that we                           cion estrecho cu e autoridad-
                                                            announce the passing of our dearly beloved                        nan colega di Corsow y Sint
   Su swa y cuñanan:                                        sister, sister-in-law, aunt, great-aunt, great-                   Maarten, unda cu e problem-
   Poli y Julieta Pereira – Winterdaal y famia              great-aunt, cousin, godmother, friend, ex-                        atica aki tambe a tuma lugar.
   Yolanda Pereira y famia                                  colleague and neighbour:                                          Pa implementa locual a
   Beltran Ras                                                                                                                wordo regla, CENSO a cum-
   Balbino Erasmus y famia                                         Cynthia Felicia Sharpe                                     inza caba pa invita e perso-
                                                                                                                              nanan individualmente.
   Nieto y nietanan:                                                Better known as nurse “Sharpe or Miss Sharpe”.            Ta wordo spera cu pa fin di e
   Morris Chai                                              Former employee of LAGO Oil & Transport Co Hospital and           luna aki tur e personanan lo a
   Ryan Chai                                                                                                                  wordo yuda pa CENSO.
   Jenilee van der Weide                                                                Medical Center,                       Cu esaki pa tur esnan envol-
   Sue-Ann y Sherman Libiee-Chai                                              Former shop steward of IOWA,                    vi un periodo di confusion y
   Rowald Werleman y Marylin Feliciana                                Former member of Mascaruba Theater Group.               inclaridad a yega na su final.
   Kean y Naomi Gil- Chayadi                                          Sunrise: 18 June 1937 Sunset: 10 June 2015              VEREDICTO DI HOF
   Rudney y Diandra Werleman- Genser                                                                                          Den e veredicto reciente di
   Cynthia van der Weide y Eldrick Boekhoudt                Brothers and sisters:                                             HOF, HOF a constata cu den
   Nigel Gil                                                Leoncio F Sharpe +, USA                                           dos caso individual speci-
   Claudia Frank                                            Roberto and Mariana Sharpe-Vanterpool, USA                        fico, un beschikking duna
   Milouzka Henriquez                                       Ramon and Lucy Sharpe-Bardouille, Aruba                           door di e Minister encarga cu
   Melitza Henriquez                                        Lidia Sharpe +, Netherlands                                       extranheria riba 30 di Maart
   Irene Bottaro –Flanegin y famia                          Louisa (Elvira) De Palm-Sharpe y EsposoJ uan de Palm, Aruba       2015, tabata determinante pa
                                                            Hugo Sharpe and Jacky, Venezuela                                  conclui cu esnan menciona
   Su bisanietonan: Ryvic, Asia, Dianney, Dylan, Tyler,     Julieta Moons-Sharpe, Aruba                                       ariba ta participa ainda den
   Xynee, Dana y Dulcea                                     Roy and Jose Sharpe-Swart, Netherlands                            e naturalizacion di nan may-
                                                            Dennis Sharpe +, Germany                                          ornan.
   Su suegranan Nora Gil y Dora Croes                       Denise (Dotty) Sharpe, Netherlands                                For di articulonan cu a Sali
   Tur sobrino y sobrinanan, demas famia, bisiña y          Rita De Caluwe-Sharpe, Netherlands                                den medionan di prensa rela-
   conocirnan ta invita pa asisti na acto di entiero cu lo  Franklin Sharpe +, Aruba                                          ciona cu e sentencia reciente
   tuma lugar Diasabra 20 juni 2015 na Aurora Funeral                                                                         di HOF, e impresion lo por
   Home di 2or pa 4or di atardi y despues lo sali pa        Nephews and nieces:                                               a wordo crea cu CENSO
   santana Sabana Basora.                                   Sharpe, De Palm, Peterson, Van Kordelaer, Moons, Vandormael,      inhustamente lo a mantene
   Ta acepta condolencia awe Diabierna 19 juni 2015 na      Croes, Martina, Cham, Wright, Spieker, Prinssen, De Caluwe,       e hendenan aki di haya nan
   Aurora Funeral Home for di 7or pa 9or di anochi.         Dirne                                                             nacionalidad Hulandes.
                                                                                                                              Sinembargo, Gabinete di
                                                            Other relatives:                                                  Gobernador ta enfatiza cu
                                                            Aleman, Vanterpool, Bardouille, De Palm, Moons, Swart,            esaki no ta corecto y cu
                                                            De Caluwe, Van Heynigen, Philips, Chittick, Bryson, Syras,        CENSO semper a actua con-
                                                            Brown, Smith, Richardson, Tearr, Poterson, Hanson, Henson,        forme e ley y reglanan ora di
                                                            Hamlet, Carty, Romney, Beauperthuy, Rolon, Cannegieter,           eherce su tarea.
                                                            Gumbs, Lejuez, Eights, James, Van Dinter                          Gabinete di Gobernador ta
                                                                                                                              satisfecho cu ehecutacion di
                                                            Special cousins:                                                  e ley di Paspoort na CENSO
                                                            Patsy, Kay Linda, Anna and Priscilla Phillips                     y tin tur confianza den e se-
                                                            Bernadine and Gerard van Veen                                     guridad di e proceso di en-
                                                            Good friend:Rev. Fr. ManuelAntao SVD                              trega di Paspoort.
                                                            Special friends (who were constantly at her side):                Segun e ley di Paspoort,
                                                            Mrs Eveline White-Muller, Brendita Adams, Erundine van            Gobernador di Aruba ta e
                                                            Heynigen, Shirley Prescott, Silvie Monte, Marcella Richardson     autoridad autoriza pa otor-
                                                            , Ruby Cannegieter, MargrietSponsfer, Miss Alma Peterson,         ga e paspoort Hulandes na
                                                            Dawn and fam., Mrs Ina Halley and fam., Rose Lake and fam.,       Aruba y Gobernador ta re-
                                                            Charlotte B’Semple, Susan Mohr.                                   sponsabel pa e proceso sigur
                                                            Ex-colleagues of St.Rose Hospital, Wit GeleKruis and SunDial      y corecto di otorga pasport,
                                                            School                                                            segun e reglanan di e ley di
                                                            Friends of her Prayer Groups and of the Wit GeleKruis Union       paspoort.
                                                            Neighbours in Aruba: Amaya, Arends, Anthony, Varlack.             CENSO tin e mandato di
                                                            She was also a member of CBZ Union of Curacao.                    Gobernador di Aruba pa otor-
                                                                                                                              ga e paspoort den nomber di
                                                            Please accept our most sincere apologies if we forgot to mention  Gobernador.
                                                            anyone during our moments of grief.
                                                            The funeral service will take place on Saturday June 20th,
                                                            2015at the St. Theresia Church in San Nicolas. The body will
                                                            be laid out from 9:00am to 11:00am. The funeral service will
                                                            commence at 11:00am, followed by interment at the Catholic
                                                            Cemetery of San Nicolas.

                                                            May Her Soul Rest in Eternal Peace.

                                                            Staff and Management of Ad Patres funeral home extend
                                                            theirmost sincere condolences to thefamily.
                                                            Condolences can be sent through our e-mail address or

                                                            f u n e r al h o m e               Van Rensselaerstraat 2

                                                                                            Family owned and operated
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