Page 215 - RE-FLIP: ARUBA BANK - PR VALUE - 4 JULY 2018
P. 215
Description Information PR Cost in Afl.
TN ARUBA BANK 4 DIA WALK AND News item aired on April 11 PR Cost in Afl.
RUN: 2018 on Tele Noticia during 3:32 sec.
TN ARUBA BANK 4 DIA WALK AND News item aired on April 11 Afl. 1.943,00
RUN: 2018 on Tele Noticia during 3:23 sec.
TN ARUBA BANK 4 DIA WALK AND News item aired on April 12 Afl. 1.943,00
RUN: 2018 on Tele Noticia during 3:23 sec.
( 8:00AM)
TN ARUBA BANK 4 DIA WALK AND News item aired on April 12 Afl. 1.943,00
RUN : 2018 on Tele Noticia during 3:23 sec.
Total Afl. 7.772,00