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P. 3
Thursday 2 November 2017
Attention LGBTQ community
‘@7House of Dolls’ is open at Love Festival 2017
ORANJESTAD – One of the The ‘@7 House of Dolls’ is a
stages that you need to stage produced and pre-
check out during this year’s sented by @7 Club, a ven-
Love Festival is the ‘@7 ue that recently opened its
House of Dolls’. For the first doors.
time at Love Festival, in a In the same style, each
festival on Aruba and in the night will feature a theatri-
Caribbean, you will find a cal performance with an
stage that is ‘LGBTQ Friend- extravagant flair. On the
ly’. And it could not be any weekend of November 3, 4
different. If we are talking and 5 everybody is invited
about love, that automati- to get to the Harbor Arena
cally includes a sense of in Oranjestad and witness
respect. unique shows together with
The organizers proudly great DJs. Come listen to
welcome the LGBTQ com- some great music together
munity of Aruba and visi- with awesome dancers in
tors from around the world, spectacular costumes.
to the Love Festival 2017. For the first evening, on No-
And wish that together we vember 3rd, the theme will
can enjoy a weekend of be ‘@7: Pirates of the Carib-
acceptance and just pure bean’ with DJ Edanas one
joy. of the main acts. On Sat-
urday, the House of Dolls Festival 2017, the@7 House
will present ‘@7: The Colors of Dolls will take you to a
of Passion’ as the inspira- magical world of ‘@7: Fairy
tion for the nights together Tales’.
with beats from DJ Joa. As The DJ for this date will be
closing day arrives at Love Ricardo B. q
Loyal Guests Honored at the Costa Linda Beach Resort
ORANJESTAD - Recently of the Minister of Tourism as they love Aruba very much
the Aruba Tourism Author- a token of appreciation to because of the safety, the
ity had the great pleasure guests who visit Aruba for beautiful sunsets, friendly
of honoring a very nice 20-to-34 consecutive years. locals, variety of food and
couple who are loyal and The honorees were Mr. the feeling of home-away-
friendly visitors of Aruba at Darren and Mrs. Elizabeth from-home. The certificate
the Costa Linda Beach Re- Wood, celebrating more was presented by Ms. Eme-
sort as Goodwill Ambassa- than 20 consecutive an- ly Ridderstaat representing
dors. nual visits to Aruba! the Aruba Tourism Author-
Darren and Elizabeth are ity together with associ-
The symbolic honorary title regular guests at the Costa ates from the Costa Linda
is presented in the name Linda Beach Resort and Beach Resort.q