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Wednesday 4 OctOber 2017
About Workplace Harassment Head to Walk the Walk
ORANJESTAD - This will be a Walk-for-a-
Karin Bosman, the Dutch Talk. Karin will walk 313
founder of About Work- miles with the goal to have
place Harassment (AWH), a talk with President Donald
will walk 313 miles from Trump to create awareness
NYC to Washington DC in about sexual harassment in
December 2017. education.
Growing Problem trous consequences. ing every school, university
AWH is not only advocating From NYC to Washington and eventually the work-
on sexual harassment in the “We need to raise these place. We need to work on
workplace but also in edu- budgets, new technology this together, both women
cation. According to Karin and lack of digital priva- and men.”
this Walk is needed to cre- cy will require even more Join in
ate the necessary aware- special care and atten- Please let her know if you
ness about sexual harass- tion and new policies to are interested in helping
ment in education. The provide a better and ad- her by; walking some miles
budget cuts planned for equate prevention”, states with her, sponsor her with
2018 by the US government Karin. The Walk-for-a-Talk shoes, a hotel room, with
will hamstring the monitor- will start on December 1, other suggestions or just by
ing of complaints, coordi- 2017 in New York City and spreading the word. This
nate incidents and will not her deadline to be in Wash- way she and hopefully with
empower men and wom- ington is set at December you all, will be successful in
en to speak and stand-up 14, 2017.Why is she walking this walk for a serious talk
against this growing prob- in the USA and not in Eu- with President Trump.
lem, it will only have an ad- rope? “Because I feel that
verse effect. More victims we need worldwide atten- http://aboutworkplaceha-
and bystanders will suffer tion for this topic of sexual
in silence resulting in disas- harassment, which is infect- inbosman.htmlq
Animal Attention Wild donkeys, brought to
Aruba by the Spaniards
some 500 years ago, live
ORANJESTAD - It’s World welfare standards around at the Donkey Sanctuary
Animal Day today. This day the globe. Aruba. A non-profit organi-
we can speak up for those To achieve this, they en- zation established in 1997,
who not have a voice to courage animal welfare it’s now home to 132 wild
help make the world a bet- organizations, community donkeys.
ter place for animals. groups, youth and chil- Besides the above men-
The mission of the World dren’s clubs, businesses tioned animal homes we
Animal Day organization and individuals to organize find a list of animal shelters
is to raise the status of ani- events in celebration of and other organizations
mals in order to improve World Animal Day that rescue mainly cats
and dogs from a miserable
life in the streets. Aruba An-
At this tiny 19.6-mile long sooty terns, cormorants imal Shelter, ARA, Sergeant
and six-mile wide island we and pelicans. Pepper and Friends, New
find some remarkable and Wild Ones life for Paws, The Crijojo
amazing animals. Aruba’s Camels, monkeys, emus Trappers, ARF and United
dry, desert-like rocky ter- and the occasional ana- Dogs Aruba are some of
rain is an ideal home for conda are not homey’s in them.
many four-legged animals, Aruba, but we do encoun- Join In
including wild donkeys and ter them at an amazing The Animal Care Clinic at
goats. And what to think place: Philip’s Animal Gar- Paradera organized a dog
of the iguanas and a vari- den, a non-profit organi- wash for today between 2
ety of lizards that also call zation founded in 2009 by and 5pm and the funds go
the island home? Beautiful Philip Conrad Merryweath- to the harmed animals in
birds, about 200 species, er. Philip started building St. Maarten after hurricane
live in Aruba, including the cages on his parent’s prop- Irma. Philips Animal Gar-
burrowing owl, tropical erty and started to adopt den organizes a special
mocking bird, the vibrant animals not only locally but weekend dedicated to
orange trupial, yellow also from the United States, World Animal Day with all
headed Aruban parakeet, Latin American countries kind of activities between
scarlet ibis, black noddies, and neighboring islands. 9am and 6pm.q