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PAGINA 44                                                                 DIARIO                                                      DIAMARS 11 AUGUSTUS 2015

Grupo di 15 Studiante a gradua pa e curso “How To Deal With Difficult People”

“One thing have I desired of the Lord.                                                               ORANJESTAD (AAN):                topico nan:
That will I dwell in the house of the Lord,                                                          Recientemente un grupo di 15         (*) Siña con pa trata cu
All the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord’.                                          studiante for di sector priva y
Psalm 27:4                                                                                           sector publico, a sigui e curso  hende y situacion nan difficil.
                                                                                                     di B&P/ Interface Aruba          (*) Siña kico bo resposabilidat
With deep sympathy we announce the                                                                   N.V. tocante Con Pa Anda         nan ta como supervisor of
passing away of:                                                                                     Cu Situacion nan, Conflicto      manager.
                                                                                                     y Hende Difficil y con pa          (*) A siña kico conportacion
Derek Cornelius Levestone                                                                            Soluciona Problema.              nan no productive ta con pa
                                                                                                                                      reconose nan y kico bo por
      Sunrise: Feb 01st 1956                                                                               E obhetivo di e curso      haci pa mehora.
      Sunset: Aug 04th 2015                                                                          intensivo aki tabata pa adkeri
                                                                                                     conocimiento y pa ricibi e           (*) Kico ta significa un
                                                                                                     herment necesario con pa         conflict.
                                                                                                     anda cu conflicto y situacion
                                                                                                     y hende difficil. Tambe con pa         (*) E significacion di
                                                                                                     soluciona problema. Durante      resolve problema y con pa
                                                                                                     e curso a ser trata e siguiente  crea solucion nan cu por ta
                                                                                                                                      benificioso pa abos partido.
                                                                                                             Cumana # 76
                                                                                                       Tel: (297) 588-6699             E Curso a worde presenta pa
                                                                                                                                      Señora Drs. Ina Croes. Esnan
                                                                                                          (297) 593-0857              cu a gradua ta: . Un palabera
                                                                                                                                      di felicitacion ta bay na tur
                                                              Señor ta mi wardador, puesmi’n tin falta di nada,                       esnan cu a gradua.
                                                              den cunucu di yerba berde. E ta pone mi sosega.
                                                              E ta hiba mi na awa trankil, pa mi bolbe haya forza.                    Yiunan di "Maria
                                                              Salmo:23.1                                                              Dulce" y e hoben
                                                                                                                                       "Pio" sospecha
                                                              Cu hopi tristesa pero conforme cu boluntad di Dios nos ta               di a tira homber
                                                              participa fayeciemento di mi casa, tata y ruman stima:
                                                                                                                                           cu piedra
Let to mourn are his:
Mother: Agnes Levestone                                                  Eleuterio Ruperto Wernet                                     ORANJESTAD (AAN) --
Children: Melisa Levestone and Miguel Gonzales Perea& Son                         Mihor conoci como “Teechi”                          Siman a habri diadomingo
Andy Levestone and Dayanara Lucas & children                                       *18-03-1945 †09-08-2015                            atardi cu polis dirigi un biaha
Mother of his children: Maria Aquino                                                                                                  mas pa Sabana Basora Noord.
Sisters: Norma Levestone                                      Na nomber di su:            Maria Wernet-Erasmus                        Aki nan a papia cu e homber
                                                              Casa stima:                                                             M cu a laga sa cu un grupo di
          Yvonne Miller in the US                                                                                                     mucha homber den vecindario
          Lydia Levestone and Siegfried Peternella            Yiustima:                   Jairo Omar Wernet                           a tir'e cu piedra. Tambe nan a
          †Cheryll Levestone                                                                                                          tira piedra riba su cas pero no
          Narijda Levestone and family in the Netherlands     Rumannan:                   Juan y Maria Wernet-Lugo y famia            a destrui nada.
Brothers: Vincent Levestone in St. Martin                     famia                       Pedro QuerinoWernet                         E ta supone cu e muchanan
          Esmond Levestone and Ann Mc Kee                                                 Justina y DamasoRas-Wernet                  ta yiunan di un persona yama
Nieces: † Veronique Levestone, Angelique Ignacia,                                         Eladio y Francisca Wernet-Gomez y           "Maria Dulce" y e hoben
Ahira Ignacia, RijneldaLevestone                                                                                                      yama "Pio".
Nephews: Jeffrey Levestone, ShijronLevestone, Donnovan        Omo y tantanan:             ReymundoRidderstap                          Polis a controla den vecindario
Levestone                                                                                 Ernestina Ridderstap                        pero no a haya e mucha
Grandchildren: Jayden, Jahaily in the Netherlands                                         Carolina Ridderstap                         hombernan.

                     Thiago in Aruba                          Swa y cuñanan:              Saturnina Erasmus y famia                    Homber a
Aunts: MargariteThielman-Levestone in Bonaire                                             Juanita Wernet-Erasmus y famia              presenta na
                                                                                          Agustin (Pim) Erasmus y yiu                 beach cu yen
          Vivian Levestone                                                                Mario Erasmus
          Bernadette Levestone in Saba                                                    Teresa Maduro y famia                         di cacho
Uncles: Paul Levestone in Curacao                                                         Luis Beltran Erasmus y famia
          Alphons Levestone in the US                                                     Elma Erasmus                                ORANJESTAD (AAN) --
          Joseph Levestone in Saba                                                                                                    Diadomingo mainta casi 11 or
          Martinus Levestone in St. Martin                    Primo y primanan. Subrino y subrinanan, comer y compernan               polis a bay atende un caso na
Cousins: Too numerous to mention                                                                                                      Savaneta na Playa di Curazon
Great Nieces and Nephews: Rysheilla, Xion & Marc,             Su ihanan:                  Marlene Wernet                              di Maria.
Devonté Smith, Akeal Richardson, Akeem Ignacia, Shy-                                      Miriam Maduro                               Aki tabata tin un cantidad di
Anne Levestone, Shy-Vienne Levestone, Danté Ignacia                                       Edward Wernet                               mucha ta landa y diripiente un
Close Friends: Bronty Hutchinson & family, Romelia                                                                                    persona a yega cu mas di 10
Aquino, Virginia Rivera-Aquino, Thomas Aquino, Miss           Madrina:                    Suitberta Croes y famia                     cacho y causa molester.
Emily Guillermo, Julie Raymond, Ivette & Fredo Cooper                                                                                 Central a dirigi patruya di
Friends: Ms Monica John, Shirley Walker, Griselda &           Amigonan di cas:            Maria, Franco, Emiliano, Domingo            San Nicolas pa Santo Largo
family.                                                                                                                               unda tabata tin cachonan ta
Other friends and acquaintances: too numerous to mention.     Bon bisiñanan:              Jossy y Olga Luydens                        cana los y polis a bin haya 5
Ex Colleagues from: Cattle Baron, Oriental Bar &                                                                                      cacho riba beach y muchanan
Restaurant, La Quinta Hotel, El Gaucho and The Astoria        Tur su ex clientenan stima                                              bañando den lama.
Hotel.                                                                                                                                Polis a papia cu doño di e
He was related to: Levestone, Jones, Ignacia, Simmons,        Demas famia: Wernet, Erasmus, Ridderstap, Lugo, Ras,                    cachonan y el a bay di acuerdo
Wilson, Cornet, Charles, Holiger, Thielman, Brooks,                                                                                   pa hiba e cachonan cas.
Maduro, Peternella, Pompier, Riley, Woodley, Woods,           Gomez, Henricus, Croeze, Geerman, Lopez, Croes, Vrolijk
Whitfield, Hassel, Hutchinson, Aquino, Petronilia and
Richardson                                                    Acto di entiero lo tuma lugar diaranson 12 di augustus di 2’or
We apologize if during our grief we forgot to mention any     pa 4’or di atardina Aurora Funeral Home, despues lo sali pa
name or family                                                Santana catolico Pastoor Kraanwinkel na Paradera.
The funeral will take place on Thursday August 13th 2015
at 4:00pm at Sta. Theresita Churchin San Nicolas and
from there to the Catholic Burial ground in San Nicolas.
The body of “Derek” will be laid out from 2:00 pm in the
Address for condolences: Ad Patres Funeral Home
Wednesday August12th 2015 from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
We regeret that after the funeral we can’t accept
condolences at home.
Staff and Management of Ad Patres funeral home extend
their most sincere condolences to thefamily.
Condolences can be sent through our e-mail address or

           f u n e r al h o m e      Van Rensselaerstraat 2   Adres pa condolencia:Diamars 11 di augustus 2015 di 7’or pa
                                         5842299/7372299      9’or di anochi.

                                  Family owned and operated
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