Page 12 - ATA
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Sapa Pana
  Travel will
include Aruba
in their travel

ARUBA Tourism Authority (ATA) representatives

were introduced to Johan van Rijswijck from Sapa
Pana Travel during an I.T.B. Berlin 2015 event and
along with AHATA invited him to explore opportunities
of selling Aruba as a travel destination to his clients.
They are a tour operating company on the affluent
Latin American market and Aruba is an extremely at-
tractive destination to add to their itineraries.

Johan van Rijswijck and Sylvia Nederhoff recently
visited Aruba and stayed at the Bucuti & Tara Beach
Resort and Aruba Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino.

During their stay in Aruba, Jaap Ellis and Glennie           service level, hospitality and safety offered by the is-     American country where they will stay for a few days
Tromp from ATA made sure to introduce them to a              land. Because of this Sapa Pana Travel has decided to        and later travel to Aruba stay and stay a few days before
very special experience through a program which of-          include aruba in their travel program in combination         returning to Holland.
fered them a combination of adventure, relaxation,           with other destinations.
shopping, dining and much much more. However the                                                                          Aruba Tourism Authority thanks their partners from
focal point was Aruba’s joy and hospitality which we         They will offer Aruba as part of dual destination pro-       Aruba Hotel & Tourism Association (AHATA) and other
are well known for.                                          gram. Their clients will travel from Holland to a Latin      activity companies for their cooperation.

Van Rijswijck was extremely impressed by Aruba’s

Our economy will continue growing this year thanks to
the tourism sector and investments

According to Central Bank of Aruba

SINCE we’ve just entered August and the first half           group of Venezuelan tourists that come to Aruba to take      Central Bank of Aruba also published their bulletin of
                                                             out dollars and then return to their country, however        monetary managements where it clear that tourism is
of the year has passed economic figures regarding the        despite this they do contribute to our economy.              growing and is still one of our islands’ strongest means
first half of the year are regularly published.                                                                           of income.
Minister of Tourism is extremely satisfied with the          Central Bank of Aruba has recently published the
positive figures that the first half of the year delivered.  figures for the first quarter of 2015, where we can see      The projection for 2015 is that the economy will grow
Tourism has grown with 16.2% and remarkable is that          that in the first 3 months of the year there has been an     with 1.6%, thanks to the tourism sector and an im-
the North American market has grown with 7.8%.               increase in the tourism receipt, which is the amount         provement in investment activities.
                                                             of money that tourist invest in our economy which is         The goal is to attract more affluent tourists to the island
Also extremely interesting is that the Venezuelan            6.62% higher compared to the same period last year.          which has already started happening and has already
market has grown with 69.8% which is actually very           This means that during the first quarter of 2015 tour-       yielded many positive results. This is why organizations
normal seeing the circumstances and economic and             ists have invested a total of 864.4 million florins in       such as Aruba Tourism Authority, Aruba Airport Au-
political situation of this neighboring country. However     our economy.                                                 thority, APA, and the Minister of Tourism will continue
many of these Venezuelan tourists are using Aruba as         It is also the highest tourism receipt in the first quarter  their efforts to encourage our economic pillar so this
a hub where they stay for about 5 to 7 nights and then       period than any other years, with an increase of 54          will become more stable and maybe even surpass the
travel to another country, this however is not a bad         million florins more than the years before.                  2015 expectations.
thing since during these 5 to 7 days they usually con-
tribute greatly to our tourism. There is also a decreasing                                                                                               Friday, August 7 2015 - ARUBA TRAVELLER

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