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2016 Palo Marga Race Schedule
1. February 13th, Satur- 10. April 29th&30th, IHRA Point Series 4. One 29. August 26th, Fri- 12.00am.
day Street Legal Point Series day Super Categories. Street
1. Season Opener Celebra- Friday and Saturday Day Bracket. 1/8 mile. IHRA Warriors 12.90, Outlaw Su- 37. O c t o -
tion. King of the Street, La- per Street 10.90, Super Gas
dies Cup, Street Legal Car, International Tandem Drifting members only race. Only cat- 9.90, Super Comp 8.90. Su- ber 22nd, Saturday
Street Legal Bike, Jr. Drag- per Comp Bike. Pro Bike
ster, Scooter and ATV, Fever. and Fever Event. Drift Series egories associated with IHRA Qualifying. Others TBA. Street Legal Point Series 13.
Gates open at 5.00pm, event Gates open at 4.00pm. Event
starts at 6.30pm, secure track 2. Cars from USA and Cura- will participate on this day. starts at 5.00pm, secure track King of the Street, Ladies
at 1.00am. Fever show at at 1.00am(Pending final race
10.00pm cao. Friday test sessions and Gates open at 6.00pm, event schedule) Cup, Street Legal Car, Street
2. F e b r u - 30. August 27th, Satur-
ary 20th, Saturday freestyle fever show start at starts at 7.00pm. Secure track day Legal Bike, Jr. Dragster,
Drift Point Series 1. National Top Sportsman, Top Dragster,
Tandem Drifting 6.00pm. Saturday, qualifying at 1.00am OCS Pro Bracket, OCS ET Scooter and ATV. Point series
3. February 26th, Fri- Bracket, Import Class, Pro
day rounds start at 4.00pm. Elimi- 20. July 9th, Saturday Bike, Quick 16 Bike. Oth- event for all street legal cate-
Karting Event, Point Series ers TBA (Pending final race
4. March 3rd, Thurs- nations start at 7.00pm. Fever Street Legal Point Series 7. schedule) gories. Gates open at 5.00pm.
day1st Test and Tune Session 31. S e p t e m -
of the year. Both lanes with competition at 10.00pm. King of the Street, Ladies ber 1st, 2nd, 3rd Event starts at 6.00pm, secure
traction compound. Gates 1st International Palo Marga
open at 5.00pm, testing will 11. May 7th, Saturday Cup, Street Legal Car, Street Bike Week. Events include, track at 1.00am
start at 6.00pm. Secure track bike shows, concerts, motor-
12.00am Street Legal Point Series 4. Legal Bike, Jr. Dragster, cycle heads up and bracket 38. October 28th, Friday
5. March 5th, Saturday racing, drift bikes, stunt
IHRA Point Series 1 Kick Street Legal Car, Street Legal Scooter and ATV. Point series bikes, custom bikes, burnout IHRA Point Series 6.One
Off. One Day Bracket. 1/8 contests, Motorcross. 3 day
mile. IHRA members only Bike, Jr. Dragster, Scooter and event for all street legal cate- motorcycle celebration event. Day Bracket.1/8 mile. IHRA
race. Only categories asso- More TBA.
ciated with IHRA will par- ATV. Gates open at 5.00pm. gories. Gates open at 5.00pm. 32. S e p t e m - members only race. Only cat-
ticipate on this day. Gates ber 10th, Saturday
open at 6.00pm, event starts Event starts at 6.00pm, secure Event starts at 6.00pm, secure Street Legal Point Series 10. egories associated with IHRA
at 7.00pm. Secure track at Street Legal Car, Street Legal
1.00am. track at 12.00am. track at 1.00am Bike, Jr. Dragster, Scooter and will participate on this day.
6. March 19th, Saturday ATV. Gates open at 5.00pm.
Street Legal Point Series 12. May 14th, Saturday 21. July 16th, Saturday Event starts at 6.00pm, secure Gates open at 6.00pm, event
2. Street Legal Car, Street track at 12.00am.
Legal Bike, Scooter and Drift Point Series 3. National Drift Point Series 5. National 33. September 24th, Sat- starts at 7.00pm. Secure track
ATV, Jr. Dragster. Gates urdayStreet Legal Point Series
open at 6.00pm, event starts Tandem Drifting Event. Gates Tandem Drifting Event. Gates 11. King of the Street, Ladies at 1.00am
at 7.00pm. Secure track at Cup, Street Legal Car, Street
1.00am open at 5.00pm. Event starts open at 6.00pm. Event starts Legal Bike, Jr. Dragster, 39. O c t o -
7. March 31st, Thursday Scooter and ATV. Point series
Test and Tune Session. Gates at 6.00pm, secure track at at 7.00pm. event for all street legal cate- ber 29th, Saturday
open at 5.00pm, testing starts gories. Gates open at 5.00pm.
at 6.00pm, secure track at 12.00am 22. July 23rd, Saturday Event starts at 6.00pm, secure Super Categories and Quick
12.00am track at 1.00am
8. April 1st and 2nd, 13. May 26th, Thursday Street Legal Point Series 8. 34. S e p t e m - classes. ¼ mile racing. More
Friday & Saturday ber 30th, Friday
2 Day Racing Event. Day 1, Test and Tune Session. Gates Street Legal Car, Street Legal MoTaCiRcUs 2. Day 1 will info TBA.
Friday, gates open at 5.00pm include drift test sessions,
and event starts at 6.30pm, se- open at 5.00pm, testing starts Bike, Jr. Dragster, Scooter and MotoX testing, mud drags, 40. N o v e m -
cure track at 12.00am.IHRA 4X4 extreme obstacle course
Point Series 2.1/8 mile racing. at 6.00pm, secure track at ATV. Gates open at 5.00pm. testing. Car show. Fever and ber 12th, Saturday
IHRA members only. IHRA freestyle show. Gates open
associated categories only. 12.00am Event starts at 6.00pm, secure at 6.00pm, event starts at Street Legal Point Series 14.
Qualifying and test passes for 7.00pm.
day 2. Day 2, Saturday, gates 14. May 27th& track at 12.00am. 35. October 1st, Satur- Street Legal Car, Street Legal
open at 5.00pm, event starts day MoTaCiRcUs 2. Day 2.
at 6.00pm, track secure at 28th, Friday & Saturday 23. July 30th, Saturday Qualifying and elimination Bike, Jr. Dragster, Scooter and
1.00am. Super Categories and all classes. Drift, MotoX,
Quick classes.¼ mile racing. 2 Day Racing Event. Day 1, Special Event. TBA! Mud, 4X4 Extreme. Gates ATV. Gates open at 5.00pm.
9. April 16th, Saturday open at 4.00pm, events starts
Street Legal Point Series 3. Friday, gates open at 5.00pm 24. August 6th, Saturday at 5.00pm. Elimination all Event starts at 6.00pm, secure
King of the Street, Ladies classes starts at 8.00pm.
Cup, Street Legal Car, Street and event starts at 6.30pm, se- IHRA Point Series 5. One 36. October 8th, Saturday track at 12.00am.
Legal Bike, Jr. Dragster, Street Legal Point Series
Scooter and ATV. Point series cure track at 12.00am. IHRA Day Bracket. 1/8 mile. IHRA 12.Street Legal Car, Street 41. November 23rd, 24th,
event for all street legal cate- Legal Bike, Jr. Dragster,
gories. Gates open at 5.00pm. Point Series 3. 1/8 mile rac- members only race. Only cat- Scooter and ATV. Gates 25th, 26th . Wednesday thru
Event starts at 6.00pm, secure open at 5.00pm. Event starts
track at 1.00am. ing. IHRA members only. egories associated with IHRA at 6.00pm, secure track at Saturday Palo
IHRA associated categories will participate on this day. Marga Finals. International
only. Qualifying and test Gates open at 6.00pm, event event. Times and classes run-
passes for day 2. Day 2, Sat- starts at 7.00pm. Secure track ning will be announced later.
urday, gates open at 5.00pm, at 1.00am 42. D e c e m -
event starts at 6.00pm, track 25. August13th,Saturday ber 3rd, Saturday
secure at 1.00am. Super Cat- Street Legal Point Series 9. Street Legal Point Series Fi-
egories and Quick classes. ¼ King of the Street, Ladies nals.King of the Street, Ladies
mile racing. Cup, Street Legal Car, Street Cup, Street Legal Car, Street
15. June 4th, Saturday, Legal Bike, Jr. Dragster, Legal Bike, Jr. Dragster,
Street Legal Point Series Scooter and ATV. Point series Scooter and ATV. Point series
5.King of the Street, Ladies event for all street legal cate- event for all street legal cate-
Cup, Street Legal Car, Street gories. Gates open at 5.00pm. gories. Gates open at 5.00pm.
Legal Bike, Jr. Dragster, Event starts at 6.00pm, secure Event starts at 6.00pm, secure
Scooter and ATV.Point series track at 1.00am track at 1.00am
event for all street legal cate- 26. August 21st, Sunday 43. D e c e m -
gories. Gates open at 5.00pm. One Cool Summer Nation- ber 10th, Saturday
Event starts at 6.00pm, secure als registration day and Car Drift Point Series Finals. Na-
track at 1.00am & Bike Show. Place and time tional Tandem Drifting Event.
16. June 18th, Saturday TBA. Gates open at 6.00pm. Event
Street Legal Point Series 6. 27. A u g u s t starts at 7.00pm.
Street Legal Car, Street Legal 24th, Wednesday 44. D e c e m -
Bike, Jr. Dragster, Scooter and Test and Tune Session. Gates ber 17th, Saturday
ATV. Gates open at 5.00pm. open at 5.00pm. Testing starts Awards Night Celebration.
Event starts at 6.00pm, secure at 6.00pm, secure track at Place and time TBA
track at 12.00am. 12.00am. 45. D e c e m -
17. June 25th, Saturday 28. August 25th, Thurs- ber 30th, Friday
Drift Point Series 4. National day Test and Tune for OCS Special Event. To be an-
Tandem Drifting. Gates open registered participants only. nounced soon.
at 6.00pm. Event starts at Qualifying 1 for quick car and
7.00pm bike categories.Scooter and
18. July 1st, Friday ATV, Jr. Dragster. Sportsman
Test & Tune Session. Gates Bike. Exhibition passes. Fever
open at 5.00pm, testing starts Show. Gates open at 5.00pm,
at 6.00pm, secure track at event starts at 6.00pm. Secure
12.00am track at 12.00am (Pending fi-
19. July 2nd, Saturday nal race schedule)