Page 21 - BDA21APRIL2015
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“Señor ta mi wardador, mi n’tin falta di nada;                ANUNCIO DI MORTO A21
Den cunucu di yerba berde, E ta ponemi sosega.                                                                                           Diamars 21 APRIL 2015
E ta hibami na awa trankil, pa mi bolbe haya forsa.”
				          Salmo 23:1,2,3                                        The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
Cu honda pena pero conforme cu boluntad di Dios                       In verdant pastures he gives me repose;
nos ta anuncia fayecimento di nos tata, opachi y ruman
      stima:                                                 Beside restful waters he leads me; he refreshes my soul
                                                                 He guides me in right paths for his name’s sake

                                                               Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil;
                                                               For you are at my side with your rod and your staff

                                                                          That give me courage. (Psalm 23)
                                                                With God’s blessing we announce the passing of:

  Oslin Julian Boekhoudt                                             Ivan O. Nedd,                                         “Señor ta mi wardador,
                 Mihor conoci como “Chin”                                                                                    mi’ntin falta di nada
              17 di juni 1933 – 17 di april 2015                              better known as, “Chiquito”                   Den cunucu di yerba
                                                                            Sunrise: November 28th, 1936
Viudo di Liria Edita Boekhoudt-Wever q.e.p.d.                                                                             berde e ta ponemi sosega.
Ridder in de orde van Oranje-Nassau                                              Sunset: April 18th, 2015                     E ta hibami na awa
Toyama Honorary Friendly Ambassador                                                                                                  trankil,
Miembro honorario di Cas di Cultura                          Left with his memories are his:
Miembro honorario y cofundador di Mascaruba                  wife:	Thelma Nedd – Fortune                                   Pami bolbe haña forsa”.
Miembro honorario di Teachers United                                                                                               Salmo: 23
Ex-hoofd di Sint Martinus School                             children: †Andrew Nedd, Trevor Nedd & family, Greg-
Ex-waarnemend hoofd di De La Salle Colege                    ory Nedd & family in Guyana and Vanessa Nedd & fam-            Cu hopi tristeza pero
Ex-inspecteur na Departamento di Enseñanza                   ily in USA                                                    conforme cu boluntad
                                                                                                                           di Dios, nos ta participa
Na nomber di su yiunan:                                      grandchildren : Pier Nedd & family in Guyana, Sheba            fayecimento cristiana-
	 Oslin Jr. y Maybelline Boekhoudt-Snel                      Taylor-Nedd & family in USA, Carmelita Nedd in Hol-
	 Liria y Edsel Everon-Boekhoudt                             land, Tristan “TJ” and Dylan Nedd, Cydney Mitchell,                   mente di:
	 Erwin y Irena Boekhoudt-Bernabela                          Kayron and Andrea Nedd, Jamie Lee Charles, J’anay
	 Miralda Boekhoudt y Alcid Rodriguez                        Nedd, Yannick Charles, Shaquille Charles                        Emilio
	 Louis y Lydia (Suzy) Boekhoudt-Croes                       great grand children                                          Alexander
Rumannan:                                                    brother: 	 Tyrone Brown & family
	 Mario (Nene) Boekhoudt y famia                             sisters: 	 Betty & Jesus Mata – Nedd & family in                Tromp
	 Marius (Ibi) y Henny Boekhoudt y famia                     Venezuela, Jacqueline & Silvio Cijntje – Nedd & family
Swa y Cuñanan:                                               nephews and nieces: Lionel, †Michael, Jeffery, Larry,               Mihor conoci
John Hendrik (Jenny) y Milda Wever-Arendsz y famia           Floyd, Nigel, Curt Nedd and others. Lance and Tricia              como: “Kabubi”
Evelina Acosta-Wever y famia                                 Cijntje. Stephanie Nedd, Carlos and Margarette Mata,
Nieto y bisanietonan:                                        and others                                                          *30-05-1968
Osbaldi, Sean, Liza, Quinton, Jeunard, Kayleigh, Jeu-                                                                            †20-04-2015
neau, Jermar, Joey, Lynn, Yarrick, Yadirah, Yadienne y       in-laws: Anna Nedd & family, Lilian Nedd & family,
Janïrh                                                       Lionel Fortune & family in the USA, Maurice Fortune          Acto di entiero lo wordo
Mescos cu yiu:                                               & family in the USA, Desmond Fortune & family in the              anuncia despues.
Brigitte Boekhoudt, Charles Brouwer, Susan de Lange y        UK, Michael Fortune & family in the UK, Patrick For-
Jacky Kock-Jansen                                            tune & family in the UK, Rita Melville & family in the          Laga tur locual cu ta
Subrino y subrinanan, primo y primanan, comer y com-         USA, Juliet Herbert & family in the UK, Beryl Fortune            spera mi ta bunita
pernan, ihanan, amigonan, bisiñanan, compañeronan y          & family in Guyana                                             Laga tur locual cu mi
cuidadornan di Huize Maris Stella afdeling Izoria, ami-                                                                    encontra na caminda ta
gonan di Mascaruba, amigonan di Teachers United, ex-         Other relatives, nephews, nieces, cousins and friends too
coleganan di Departamento di Enseñanza y demas famia:        numerous to mention.                                                    bunita.
Boekhoudt, Wever, Snel, Everon, Bernabela, Rodriguez,                                                                        Laga tur locual cu ta
Croes, Wild, Laclé, Somers, Kock, Maduro, Habibe, Ar-        family: Nedd, Fortune, Brown, Mata, Cijntje, Didder,           rondona mi ta bunita.
ends, Acosta                                                 Reyes, Marlin, Stephenson, Laban, Webb, Hillman, Mel-         Y laga esakinan termina
Ta invita pa asisti na e acto di entiero cual lo tuma lugar  ville, Herbert, VanCooten, Gario, Richardson, De Windt.
diaranson 22 di april na Misa Pro Cathedral San Fran-                                                                          den tur bunitesa.
cisco na Playa. E defunto lo ta reposa for di 2or pa 4or di  The funeral will take place on Saturday April 25th, 2015      Cu inmenso tristeza na
atardi den misa y despues lo sali pa Santana Catolico na     at 11 o’clock leaving the Sta. Theresita to the Catholic      nos curazon nos ta par-
Caya Ernesto Petronia.                                       cemetery in San Nicolaas. The late Chiquito will be laid       ticipa fayecimento di:
Adres y dia pa condolencia:                                  out from 9 o’clock in the morning in the Sta. Theresita
the Olive Tree funeral home na Cumana, diamars 21 di         Church in San Nicolaas.                                         Frenk
april di 7or pa 9or di anochi.                               Condolence address: the Olive Tree Funeral Home in           Magno van
e-mail pa condolencia:               San Nicolaas
Ta lamenta cu despues di entiero no ta ricibi bishita di     Friday April 24th, 2015 from 7 to 9 pm                          Ierland
condolencia na cas.
Na lugar di flor of krans ta aprecia un donacion pa Huize    After the funeral please no condolences at home.                     Ex Duanero
Maris Stella, lo tin un box disponibel pa e bunita gesto     Please forgive us in our time of sorrow, if we have forgot-         14-06-1925 -
aki.                                                         ten to mention any names.                                            20-04-2015
Nos ta pidi nos disculpa si den nos tristeza nos por a lu-                                                                Acto di entiero lo wordo
bida un of otro famia of conocir.                                                                                              anuncia despues.
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