Page 13 - FDLP
P. 13
locAl Friday 29 June 2018
Hi Winds MTB Challenge
PALMBEACH ― FX Sports egories varies from striders, Registration is possible
Bike Team together with Hu- boys & girls, and also men online already and at FX
bada Cycling Team Aruba, and women divided into Sports Bike Team on July
are having an amazing Hi beginners, sportive, mas- 2 , registration will also be
Winds Mountain Bike Chal- ters and elites. possible at the Fishermen’s
lenge on the 6 & 7 of July hut on Friday July 6 from
in connection with the pop- The event will take place 6.00 pm. The Striders are day July 7 at 7.30 am and
ular Aruba Hi Winds 2018 at the Fishermen’s hut Aru- competing on Friday July the Kids will be competing Women:
event. The event will be ba which is a well known 6 at 6.30 pm. The Adults on Saturday July 7 at 8.00 Expert
an event for all ages, cat- beach in the hotel area. will be competing on Satur- am. Sportive
The award ceremony for Beginners
the kids and striders will be
right after the race and the Boys & Girls
award ceremony for the Cat 1: 2010-2012
adults will be on Monday Cat 2: 2008-2009
July 9 at the Paseo Her- Cat 3: 2006-2007
encia starting at 7.00 pm. Cat 4: 2004-2005 (will ride
Contestants will receive beginners route)
their trophies at the cer-
emony and will have the Striders:
chance to win door-prizes. 2 & 3 Years
4 & 5 Years
For more Info please con-
Men: tact
Elite Silvyenne 5948091 (Striders)
Sportive Junior 5940585 (Adults)
Master A, B en C Jeroen 6626171 (Kids) q