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Stephen Hawking launches
biggest-ever search for alien life

BRITISH cosmologist Stephen Hawking has                     Australia will play a crucial role in the project, with     Possibility of finding aliens rises a billionfold
                                                            the Parkes Observatory in New South Wales signing a         Martin Rees, Britain’s astronomer royal and one of the
launched the biggest-ever search for intelligent ex-        multi-million-dollar contract to scan radio waves for       project leaders, said modern technology allowed much
traterrestrial life in a 10-year, $135 million project to   life in the cosmos.                                         more sensitive searches than ever before, though he
scan the heavens.                                                                                                       cautioned against expectations of finding intelligent
                                                                                                                        alien life.
Russian Silicon Valley entrepreneur Yuri Milner, who        The CSIRO will contract a quarter of the telescope’s
is funding the Breakthrough Listen initiative, said         time for five years to scan for potential radio signals     “It’s a huge gamble, of course, but the pay-off would
it would be the most intensive scientific search ever       from galaxies beyond our reach.                             be so colossal ... even if the chance of success is small,”
undertaken for signs of extraterrestrial intelligent life.  Professor Matthew Bailes, from Melbourne’s Swin-            the astrophysicist said.
“In an infinite universe, there must be other occur-        burne University, will be the project’s lead investiga-
rences of life,” Mr. Hawking said at the launch event       tor at the Parkes Telescope. “Radio waves are a very        The possibility of finding life had however effectively
at the Royal Society science academy in London.             efficient way of transmitting information and it’s likely   risen a billionfold through the identification of billions
“Somewhere in the cosmos, perhaps, intelligent life         that aliens, if they’re into interstellar communication     of Earth-like planets in the Milky Way, he said.
may be watching. Either way, there is no bigger ques-       at all, would be using the radio part of the spectrum,”     “Is there life out there? We may not answer it but this
tion. It’s time to commit to finding the answer, to search  he said.                                                    gives a bigger chance that it may be answered in our
for life beyond Earth. We must know.”                                                                                   lifetime,” he said.
                                                            Cosmologist Professor Paul Davies from Arizona State        The program will be 50 times more sensitive than
The project will use some of the biggest telescopes         University has spent his career studying the question       previous searches, and cover 10 times more of the sky,
on Earth, searching far deeper into the universe than       of “what else is out there?” and is also excited by the     experts said.
before for radio spectrum and laser signals.                project. But he said there would be a number of big
“We are launching the most comprehensive search             questions to ask if the project did find intelligent life.  It will scan at least five times more of the radio spec-
program ever,” Mr Milner said. The scan would col-          “Should we respond? Who gets to speak for us? What          trum, and 100 times faster, while in tandem undertake
lect more data in one day than a year of any previous       do we do next?” he said.                                    the deepest and broadest-ever search for optical laser
search, tracking the million closest stars, the center of                                                               transmissions.
the Milky Way and the 100 closest galaxies.                 “There are no easy answers to these but if we’re going      The initiative was launched on the 46th anniversary
A signal from Andromeda, the nearest major galaxy,          to engage in a dialogue with an alien civilization this is  of the first manned Moon landing.
would need only the power of two times the Three            something that needs the consideration of everybody
Gorges Dam in China to reach Earth.                         on the planet.”                                                                        Wednesday, July 22 2015 - ARUBA TRAVELLER

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