Page 4 - DIGICEL 23 JAN 2016
P. 4
Saturday 23 January 2016
Facebook’s sports product to launch during NFL championships
BARRY WILNER “Now, we can have that This image provided by Facebook shows Facebook Sports need to seek this out, we
Associated Press same interaction hap- Stadium, which will be focused on most major sporting events are taking folks connected
There’s a new stadium in pening on a global scale around the world. Facebook Sports Stadium, which debuts at with the game — from the
town. Actually, in every through Facebook.” the NFL’s conference championship games and then the Super league, the teams, journal-
town. Last year, Facebook Bowl, features a live score and game clock at the very top of ists — and we put all that
It’s on Facebook. launched “Trending Super the page. content and analysis in
Facebook Sports Stadium Bowl,” and more than 65 one place, and users can
will debut at the NFL’s con- million people joined the (Facebook via AP) follow it during the game.”
ference championship conversation worldwide. Facebook Sports Stadium
games and then the Super That went so well that the “We think this comple- people build followings features a live score and
Bowl. After that, the social social media giant decid- ments the sporting experi- and get a wider audience. game clock at the very
media giant’s first sports ed to work on its first full- ence,” says product man- All the content already is top of the page. Under the
product will cover most fledged sports product. ager Steve Kafka. “It helps on Facebook. They don’t scoreboard are four tabs:
major events around the “We see the passion in Matchup, Friends, Experts
world. the interactions. If you en- and Stats.
With 1.55 billion users, an ter into this experience “Matchup” provides a
estimated 650 million of during a game, you will quick summary of what’s
them sports fans, it seems see a range of emotions, happening in the game,
a natural place to gather trash talk, memes going with a scoring summary
for the kind of passionate around,” Reed said. “The and the most recent plays.
conversation that accom- same things happening in Users can like, comment
panies virtually every pass, the stadium or a sports bar and share every play.
tackle and kick. are happening on Face- There also is a “Live” indi-
“Sports is inherently social book, and this allows peo- cator at the top where vid-
and has been since the ple who are disconnected eos are uploaded about
beginning of time,” Face- to interact as if they are the game.
book’s Dan Reed says. “His- watching together.” “Friends” is a feed of what
torically, to watch a sport- Users can conduct conver- users’ Facebook friends
ing event, you root for or sations with each other, get are saying about the
against, you’re watching it real-time stats, a live game game. “Experts” features
in the context of a physical clock, sanctioned photos commentary from verified
stadium, and interaction is and videos, team informa- pages, including journal-
as essential as what is hap- tion and read commentary ists, athletes and celebrities
pening on the field. from media members. talking about the game.q
Virtual reality experience highlight of new Dali Museum show
BETH J. HARPAZ painting “Archeological reporter Dan Peltier uses an Oculus Rift headset as cording to museum di-
AP Travel Editor Reminiscence of Millet’s he tries out a virtual reality experience presented by The Dali rector Hank Hine. “Their
Visitors to a new exhibition ‘Angelus.’” The painting Museum at a preview in New York. The virtual reality experience sensibilities were very con-
at The Dali Museum in St. depicts two towering stone is part of a new exhibition at the museum in St. Petersburg, nected,” Hine said. “They
Petersburg, Florida, won’t figures along with tiny hu- Florida. The virtual reality experience takes users inside an wanted to take art off the
just be looking at art. man figures in a bare land- immersive, three-dimensional landscape inspired by a Dali palette, out of the can-
Thanks to virtual real- scape with a moody sky. painting, “Archeological Reminiscence of Millet’s ‘Angelus.’” vas and into the world.”
ity, they’ll be exploring a Users can move around in- The exhibition looks at the
Dali painting in a dreamy, side the painting, (AP Photo/Beth J. Harpaz) castle motif that became
three-dimensional world using Oculus Rift headsets a symbol of Disney parks,
that turns art appreciation to navigate a trippy three- you’re inside a sphere with thing you’ve ever felt be- along with Dali’s “Dream
into an unforgettable, im- dimensional environment things being projected. fore.” The VR experience of Venus” pavilion from the
mersive experience. that includes motifs from It’s actually like there are was previewed in New York 1939 World’s Fair, which
The new exhibition, “Disney other Dali works like ele- objects closer and further for the media 10 days be- some consider a precursor
and Dali: Architects of the phants, birds, ants and his away and you’re walking fore its opening Saturday of contemporary installa-
Imagination,” tells the story “Lobster Telephone” sculp- amidst them. It’s a vulner- at the Florida museum. tion art.
of the relationship between ture. able feeling you give your- Disney and Dali met in the Disney and Dali also col-
Salvador Dali, the surrealist Accompanied by a haunt- self up to. It’s not like any- 1940s in Hollywood, ac- laborated on a short ani-
artist, and Walt Disney, the ing piano soundtrack mated movie, “Destino,”
great American animator punctuated by bird cries, that was eventually com-
and theme-park pioneer. the VR visuals also include pleted by Disney Studios.
But the museum exhibition’s a crescent moon, a stone The six-minute movie,
highlight comes after visi- tunnel and even an im- which can be found on
tors have seen the Disney- age of rocker Alice Coo- YouTube, features a danc-
Dali show’s paintings, story per, whom Dali featured in ing girl with long dark hair,
sketches, correspondence, a hologram he created in a sundial motif and a song
photos and other artifacts. 1973. with the line, “You came
As visitors leave the exhibi- “You actually have a three- along out of a dream. ...
tion area, they’ll be invited dimensional feeling that You are my destino.” Clips
to don a headset to try the you’re inside a painting,” will be played within the
virtual reality experience. said Jeff Goodby, whose gallery for the Disney-Dali
Called “Dreams of Dali,” firm Goodby Silverstein & exhibition and the full short
the VR experience takes Partners created the VR ex- will be shown at the muse-
viewers inside Dali’s 1935 perience. “It’s not just like um’s theater.q