Page 14 - MIN Mike De Meza
P. 14


 WORLD NEWSThursday 27 August 2015

Venezuela, Colombia vow more cooperation in border dispute

PEDRO MENDOZA                 mally met by curbside
                              smugglers who purchase
Associated Press              gasoline in Venezuela at
                              less than a penny a gallon
CARTAGENA, Colombia           and resell it for huge profits
                              in Colombia.
(AP) — The foreign ministers  With two main border
                              crossings closed, the un-
of Colombia and Venezu-       derground economy has
                              come to a halt, satisfying
ela promised to increase      Venezuelan officials who
                              have long blamed trans-
cooperation       Wednes-     national mafias for wide-
                              spread shortages but also
day following talks to        jeopardizing the livelihood
                              of tens of thousands of
ease heightened tensions      poor Colombians who de-
                              pend on the black market.
caused by the closure of a    On Tuesday, a group of 100
                              Colombians fled the border
major border crossing and     town of San Antonio del
                              Tachira by wading across
a weeklong crackdown on       a knee-deep river with their
                              possession, everything from
Colombian migrants and        TVs to doors, slung across
                              their backs.
smugglers.                    Colombian President Juan
                              Manuel Santos offered to
Diplomats left the meeting    help returning Colombi-
                              ans find work during a visit
in this Caribbean coastal     Wednesday to an emer-
                              gency shelter in Cucuta
resort without announcing     overrun with deportees,
                              and promised deported
a decision to re-open the     citizens a subsidy of about
                              $80 to help them land on
border crossing or end the    their feet.
                              Earlier, in a speech in Bo-
deportations from Venezu-     gota, he ran through a
                              series of economic and
ela, only saying that de-     crime statistics, everything
                              from projections Venezu-
fense officials from the two  ela’s economy will shrink 7
                              percent this year to wide-
countries would talk in the   spread shortages compa-
                              rable to those found in war
coming days to form a joint

plan for border security.                                     Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro gestures during a news conference at Miraflores presi-
                                                              dential palace in Caracas, Venezuela. The foreign ministers of Colombia and Venezuela prom-
Meanwhile, in the Colom-                                      ised to increase cooperation Wednesday following talks to ease heightened tensions caused by
                                                              the closure of a major border crossing and a weeklong crackdown on Colombian migrants and
bian city of Cucuta, resi-                                    smugglers.

dents complained of long                                                                                                                                           (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)

gas lines as Venezuela’s

security offensive cuts off

trade, legal and otherwise,                                   zones like Syria, in a sharp                                    near the border where        The socialist leader has
                                                              retort to the aggressive                                        Venezuelan President Nico-   vowed to keep two nor-
between the two nations.                                      rhetoric coming from Cara-                                      las Maduro blames migrant    mally busy international
                                                              cas in recent days                                              gangs for rampant crime      bridges closed, and pos-
Across the border, scores                                     “Venezuela’s problems                                           and smuggling that has       sibly extend restrictions to
                                                              are made in Venezuela,                                          caused widespread short-     other transit crossings until
of Colombians packed                                          they’re not made in Co-                                         ages. The crisis was trig-   Colombian authorities help
                                                              lombia or other parts of the                                    gered a week ago when        bring order to the porous,
their belongings into suit-                                   world,” Santos told a forum                                     gunmen Maduro claimed        1,400-mile (2,200 kilometer)
                                                              of former presidents from                                       were paramilitaries linked   border. A state of emer-
cases and prepared for an                                     around the world.                                               to former Colombian Presi-   gency allowing the gov-
                                                              While some 5 million Co-                                        dent Alvaro Uribe shot and   ernment to restrict peoples’
army escort out of Venezu-                                    lombians live in Venezuela,                                     wounded three army offi-     movement for up to 60
                                                              the security offensive has                                      cers on an anti-smuggling    days has been declared in
ela, joining the estimated                                    focused on a few towns                                          patrol.                      six states. q

1,000 of their compatriots

who have already been


Donamaris Ramirez, the

mayor of Cucuta, says he

plans to order gas stations

to remain open 24 hours

to attend to demand nor-

Top Argentine presidential candidates talk about economy 

Daniel Scioli, the provincial governor of Buenos Aires who’s running for president, in Buenos Aires,                          PETER PRENGAMAN              governor of the Buenos Ai-
Argentina. The presidential election is set for Oct. 25 this year. Scioli on Wednesday presented                              Associated Press             res province, also argued
different visions of how to improve the South American nation’s economy.                                                      BUENOS AIRES, Argentina      that the nation of 41 million
                                                                                                                              (AP) — Argentina’s top       was on sure footing. Scioli
                                                                                                (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko)  presidential candidates      frequently walks a fine line,
                                                                                                                              on Wednesday presented       calling for change while
                                                                                                                              different visions of how to  being careful not to alien-
                                                                                                                              improve the South Ameri-     ate Fernandez supporters
                                                                                                                              can nation’s economy at      who are key to his chances
                                                                                                                              a time of soaring inflation  of winning Oct. 25.
                                                                                                                              and a sharp devaluation of   “Let’s build on top of what
                                                                                                                              the peso. Ruling party can-  has already been built,”
                                                                                                                              didate Daniel Scioli, the    Scioli said. Mauricio Macri,
                                                                                                                              designated successor of      the outgoing mayor of Bue-
                                                                                                                              President Cristina Fernan-   nos Aires and leading op-
                                                                                                                              dez, said the natural-re-    position candidate, is the
                                                                                                                              source-rich country should   clear favorite of the busi-
                                                                                                                              increase production of its   ness community, in part
                                                                                                                              top commodities and cre-     because of promises to lift
                                                                                                                              ate development plans for    restrictions on buying U.S.
                                                                                                                              each. Scioli, a former vice  dollars and lower export
                                                                                                                              president and currently the  taxes.q
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