Page 34 - MIN Mike De Meza
P. 34
Benny Nisbet ta haya discusion riba futuro di San Nicolas hopi laat
ORANJESTAD (AAN): Cu ta di opinion cu e discussion Un refineria lo ofrece mucho impacto economico ainda NO yama ‘Agenda for San Ni-
gran atencion PPA ta sigui aki ta ‘laat’ gobierno mester mas beneficio pa nos pais ta conoci….pero na unda di colas’ y nos programa ‘plan
y participa den e discussion a guia un discussion nacional apesar cu e beneficionan mes un refineria lo ta mas cu un economico’. Den esaki PPA a
nacional riba cual direccion anto actua basa riba su resul- lo depende di e resultado di All Inclusive Hotel! Otro projecta cu nos lo sostene un
lo mester scoge un Aruba tado cual lamentablemente e negociacion cual ainda lo problema ta cu PPA ta sinti ultimo intento serio pa habri e
(San Nicolas) cu un refineria nunca a tuma lugar. mester tuma lugar entre Gobi- cu un di e problemanan mas refineria. Pero no sin mas.
of un Aruba(San Nicolas) cu erno di Aruba y Citgo. Di otro grandi ta cu partidonan repre-
un otro desaroyo den e caso PPA ta di opinion cu un dis- banda pueblo ainda tin hopi senta den parlamento NO tin Un reapertura lo mester de-
aki ta worde discuti un posi- cussion entre un refineria of pregunta encuanto di acuerdo un vision di nan mes si encaso pende di e ‘business plan’ cu
bel hotel ‘All Inclusive’. PPA un hotel ‘All Inclusive’ no ta cu gobierno a sera cu grupo mester yega na ‘desmantela’ e compania cu kier habiele lo
larga mucho lugar pa duda. Bahia Principe cu ta un ‘ALL e refineria. mester presenta na gobierno y
Inclusive’ hotel cu su ‘spinn consecuentemente na pueblo.
“You who live in the shelter of the most high, who abide in off’ riba nos economia lo ta ALTERNATIVA Y VISION Un reapertura lo mester de-
the shadow of the almighty, I will say to the Lord, “My refuge masha limita. Na e momento DI PPA: pende di garantianan duna
and my fortress my God in whom I trust”Psalm 91 aki ta parce nos un escogen- y den e caso aki cu ta trata
cia den dos alternativa cu nan PPA ta e unico partido cu CITGO cu pa e ultimo 5 aña
It is with profound sadness we announce a duna un vision durante di tabata na benta pa e suma di
the passing of our beloved eleccion 2013 den nos asina 10 billion Dollar pero cu NO
por a logra esaki mester real-
Mrs. Joannice Wilfred isa cu derrepiente CITGO lo
Richardson, Fleming por worde bendi…anto Aruba
lo por keda cu otro compania
Lovingly known as: Jan or Jernice atrobe. Pesey den e caso speci-
fico aki lo mester tin ‘garan-
Left to mourn are her: tia’ di PDVSA(Venezuela) cu
Husband: Constantine Richardson si acaso den futuro nan bende
Sons: Clemenceau Fleming CITGO cu nan lo garantisa
Orlando Richardson benta di crudo venezolano
Daugthers: Rosita Richardson na e refineria na Aruba pa
Minerva Richardson and Antonio Arnell e proximo p.e. 20/25 aña !!
Morlene Richardson Tambe lo mester tin garan-
Swinda Richardson Management, Staff & Personnel of Gemani tia di un school pa prepara
Grand children: Rosita Fleming in the Netherlands, Jewelers extend our most sincere condolences esnan cu lo traha den futuro
Gerschwin Thomas in Aruba, Patricio Richardson, Makeba to Honoria Dirkz with the passing of her den un refineria…si NO nos
Richardson in France, Jaylene Raymond in the Netherlands. husband, lo ta trahay of habri e refin-
Sonia Fleming in SXM, Ryan Fleming, Rehema Fleming in eria pa otro bin di exterior
the Netherlands. Keyshawn Richardson, Darius Richardson Adry Gerald Geerman bin traha den djele en vez di
in SXM nos propio hendenan,. Si no
Great grandchild: Kaila Richardson in France May the Lord comfort and strengthen Honoria tin e garantia(nan) ey Aruba
Daughter inlaws: Marie-line Richardson-Arnell & Family during this difficult time. ta core risico di worde usa
Marion Fleming- Prosper May Adry rest in peace. pa un periodo chikito locual
Brother inlaws: Carl Richardson in St Kitts lo resulta otro aventura…y
Walcott Richardsonin SXM, Aruba lo ta traha pa otro bin
Vernon Richardsonin Anguila goza …!!! Nos ta di opion cu
Franklin Thompson in USA Aruba y San Nicolas NO tin
Sister inlaws: Dorothy Thompson in the USA espacio pa Aventura mas.
Olga Richardson in England
Dorothy Smith in Canada PPA den nos AGENDA PA
Irma, Bertha, Vera and SAN NICOLAS y nos PLAN
Gertrude, Richardson in Anguila ECONOMICO nos vision y
Joycelyn Richardson in SXM alternativa pa San Nicolas
MaryRichardson Leein St. Kitts si acaso yega na desman-
Nephews: Alvin, Oswald, Sidney, Orwin, Valentino tela……ta lo siguiente: y SI
andObencio Fleming in Curacao. Darlan Fleming and Louie compara esaki cu un eventual
Arrindell in SXM reapertura …mi ta kere cu
Oswald and Lucien Leonard in Aruba. pueblo lo por pensa otro,.
Raymond Fleming in the Netherlands. PPA ta kere cu e tereno mester
Nieces: Lilly Leonard,SusanLeonard, Patricia Roseburg- The LORD is my shepherd; worde haci lo mas limpi posi-
Fleming , Berthilda and Mavis Fleming & family in the I shall not want. bel riba suelo y subsuelo. …!
Netherlands.Rose Abdal-Khalleq& Violet Creighton and He makes me lie down in green pastures. PPA ta kere den un SHIP
family in the USA. Janet Heyliger,Joyce Barry and family He leads me beside still waters. BUILDING & SHIP SER-
in Aruba. EmilienRacherds,Ivy, Swinda,Lillian, Sylvia and He restores my soul Psalm 23vers. 1 & 2 VICES INDUSTRY ! PPA ta
Gloria Fleming, MargaritaMaccow,Imelda Gibbes, Edith kere cu un parti di e tereno y
Bryan & family in Curacao. With deep sorrow we announce the haf por worde destina pa es-
God Children: Aquiles Williams in the NetherlandsandPayi passing away of: nan cu kier inverti den esaki.
Arrindell in SXM Tambe PPA ta kere den un
Great Nieces and Nephews in Aruba,Curacao, St Maarten, Camile Alfredo Robinson ‘steal industry’.
USAand Netherlands to numerous to mention. PPA ta kere cu un parti di e
Close Friends and neighbours :Luvina Lynch and Fam, *25-05-1936 † 24-08-2015 haf por keda pa esnan cu kier
Sylvia Carty and Family, Mrs MimmieNedd and family , exploita un ‘Oil Storage &
Ruth Richardson and Family, Monica Murray and Family, Terminal Fascility’…
SusetteVlaun and Family , Family of the Late Maria Arrindell PPA ta kere cu un parti di e
and Gracy Pope and family inAruba.Emilie Rock and Family in haf por worde usa pa un Con-
the Netherlands, Vero Lake and Family, Cynthia, Ms Carmen, tainerhaven cu lo por atende
Ida Blake, Amelia Wellington, Ms Mado,Susette,Marcel The funeral will take place Saturday August 29th 2015 e barconan ‘post panama
Patrick, Margo Gibbs, Gracy Pope, Vera Arnell, and Ms at 4:00pm at Ad Patres Funeral Home and from there vessels’ cu mester di un pro-
Olive Lovellin St. Maarten.Beulah Benders in Curacao many to the Central Cemetery in Sabana Basora. The Body fundidad di haf di 16 meter of
more too numerous to mention. of the late Mr. Camile will be laid out from 2:00 pm at mas locual NI Oranjestad, NI
Her caretaker: IrkanyaBeltre Ad Patres Barcadera por ofrece….!
Close to the family: Shonary Richardson, Billy Cannegieter PPA ta kere den un parti di
and Demetrus Marlin and their families in SXM
Ramiro (miko)Richardsonand Donny Akins and family in Sigui lesa pag. 58
Aruba and many more too numerous to mention
Special thanks to: The doctors and nurses of SMMC, Address for condolences: Ad Patres Funeral Home
her family doctor Dr. Raghosing and nurses, the nurses of the Friday August 28th 2015 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
White and Yellow Cross and Smmc medical center, and the
workers of the Ambulance Department.
She was related to the:
Richardson, Fleming, Lambert, Barry, Cox, Leonard, Staff and Management of Ad Patres funeral home
Creighton, Arrindell, Gumbs, Raymond, Jones, Woerdings, extend their most sincere condolences to the family.
Abdal-Khalleq, Stewart, Bernadino, Jones, Condolences can be sent through our e-mail address
Heyliger, Peterson, London, and Maria . A service(wake) or website
will be held on Wednesday August26,2015 from 6:00pm to
10:00pm at Bute Hotel on A.T Illidge Road,Phillipsburg.
The funeral service for Joannice Wilfred Richardson Fleming
will be held on Thursday, August 27,2015 at the Tabernacle
Methodist Church in French Quarter. Viewing and tributes Van Rensselaerstraat 2
are from 2:00pm-3:00pm. Service will commence at 3:00pm. 5842299/7372299
Interment will be at the Methodist Cemetery in French f u n e r al h o m e
Family owned and operated
Quarter. Please accept our apology if during our grief we
erroneously did not mention yourname.